Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3030 We have been targeted

Taking advantage of the smoke and dust in the sky and the chaos in the defense, Chen Xin'an rushed across the road and got into the alley next to it.

After running in the alley for twenty minutes, the person leading the way stopped.

There was a coughing sound, and everyone bent down and coughed heartily.

Everyone was covered in ashes and almost unrecognizable!

Chen Xin'an coughed up a mouthful of phlegm, stood up straight, took a deep breath, looked at the people in front of him, and cursed with a straight face.

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me behind the National Bank? Why are you here?"

Li Qi wiped his mouth and said helplessly, "If they don't leave, there's nothing I can do!"

Chen Xin'an turned his head, and Fang Chenggang and others cursed, "Are you desperate for your life? You were caught by the Blue Cube people. Do you think I can rescue you easily?"

Fang Chenggang suppressed his cough, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "We can't leave until you come out!"

"That's right!" Cai Xinnian gasped and said to Chen Xin'an, "You risked your life to save us, but you were caught! We only think about escaping for our own lives, are we still human?"

Zhao Hongyi chuckled and said, "The seeds have been left, we are going to fight with you!

If we can survive, we will run away together; if we cannot survive, we will die together.

From the day I joined Longya, I had no intention of returning home alive! "

The seeds they are talking about are Yan Chunhua.

At this moment, she should be hiding with Han Yunmei.

Chen Xin'an was moved, but he still scolded with a straight face, "Don't say depressing words! I said I would take you away, so I won't let you die in their hands!"

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at each other and how they had just been dug out of the soil, and couldn't help but burst into laughter!

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Qi and asked, "What's going on with that car?"

Li Qi pointed at Fang Chenggang and said, "Brother Gang's idea!"

Fang Chenggang chuckled and said, "Brother Aqi can't contact you using the communication system, so we knew something might have happened to you.

Lao Zhao wanted to fight the Blue Cube people, but Lao Cai said he wanted to outwit them.

Lao Cai did a mission before,

I learned that it was at night when I went to Chaojing Power Plant to pull ash, and I passed by a nearby road.

We went around and tried our luck to block the traffic, but we didn't expect that we actually encountered it.

I was afraid that the heavy weight of such a big truck would put people in danger, so I stole a truck and loaded it into a truck.

Aqi took Lao Zhao to fix the gas tank of the car on the roadside, while Lao Cai and I drove the cargo truck to rescue people.

Everyone meets you and leaves with you!

Fortunately, everything went according to plan and no accidents occurred. "

Seeing everyone's excitement, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "You are brave and resourceful, and you are worthy of being a Chinese dragon!"

But now is not the time to relax, the people of the Blue Rubik's Cube will not give up.

Next, they will search us more closely, and if they encounter us, they will be even less polite!

There are still more than two hours until dawn, and the use of drones will become more and more important. We must find a place to hide.

The slum area behind the National Bank is the only place we can look forward to now. The key question now is whether the people there will accept us?

But no matter what, this is our last hiding place and we have to give it a try! "

Li nodded and said, "Then let's go there now. If everything goes well, we'll be there in twenty minutes!"

"I'm going to pat myself first. I really can't stand this dust anymore!" Cai Xinyin lowered his head, looked at his body with disgust, and turned his neck as he said

"Being able to take a hot bath at this time is like a divine enjoyment!"

Chen Xin'an stopped him and said, "Don't shoot now! Go to the intersection ahead, shoot while walking forward, and run back along the corner when there is no dust!"

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with puzzled faces, not understanding what he meant.

Li Qi smiled and said to everyone, "The boss wants to deliberately leave traces for the Blue Rubik's Cube!"

Everyone suddenly realized


When you reach the alley in front, there are two forked roads on the left and right.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the intersection on the right and said, "Shoot here, keep moving forward while shooting!"

Everyone didn't hesitate, they all slapped their bodies vigorously.

For a while, the smoke and dust filled the air, as if entering a fairyland, with clouds and fog everywhere.

Everyone walked more than twenty meters along the alley, and the dust and footprints became a little faded.

Chen Xin'an asked everyone to stop, and then walked back along the wall.

After walking about ten meters like this, Chen Xin'an asked everyone to stop again. Seeing that the footprints were so faint that they were invisible, Fang Chenggang said to Chen Xin'an, "Okay, we can go!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and saw that Fang Chenggang was about to walk out of the alley and go to the intersection on the left, so he immediately stopped him and said, "Brother Gang, if we don't go forward, we have to turn back!"

"Ah?" Fang Chenggang looked at the messy footprints on the ground and didn't quite understand what Chen Xin'an meant.

"Aren't we trying to make those people think we are taking this road? Why do we really want to go?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, nodded and said, "A soldier never tires of deceit!"

He didn't elaborate, he just took off his shoes and socks and walked back barefoot.

Li Qi also asked others to follow suit. Everyone took off their shoes and walked barefoot along the wall and continued walking deeper into the alley.

Half an hour later, a group of agents arrived at the alley.

Turning on the flashlight, carefully checking the surroundings, looking at the dust and footprints on the ground, the team leader tilted his head and spoke into the communication microphone.

"Report, Park Dachang has led the second group to the place where the drone was found. It should be the traces left by those people! Okay, I will chase it now!"

After turning off the communication, his companion started to run deeper into the alley. Park Dachang shouted, "Stop! Turn around and go to the other side!"

The companions were all stunned and asked in confusion, "Brother Dachang, why do you want to go to the other side?

The traces they left are here, and we should keep following these traces to find them! "


Dachang snorted coldly, pointed to the ground and said, "Look carefully at these footprints. Look at the base of the wall. Are there any traces of return?"

The agent standing on the side ran to the base of the wall, shined a flashlight on the ground, looked at it carefully for a while, nodded and said, "Brother Dachang is amazing! There are indeed signs of returning!"

Park Dachang snorted, with a look on his face that he had known this for a long time, and said coldly, "What a crude way of making excuses!

If you want to play tricks on me, these Chinese people are a little too young!

They just created a confusing formation to create the illusion that they were going all the way in.

The real target is in the alley on the left!

Inform the boss and the drone search team will concentrate on going to that alley. They should have entered not long ago! "

Everyone looked at Park Dachang with admiration and thought his analysis was reasonable.

"If you want to deceive my brother Dachang with this little trick, you are simply overestimating your capabilities!"

"A group of Chinese people still want to play tricks on us, are they worthy? I, Brother Dachang, can see through such tricks of a three-year-old child at a glance!"

"This time our team is going to make a meritorious service again! If you discover and capture the enemy first, you will definitely be rewarded by the boss!"

After meeting Yan Chunhua and Han Yunmei, Chen Xin'an led everyone to the back of the National Bank Building.

There are even few streetlights here, there is a disgusting smell of garbage in the air, and the alleys have become more twisty.

However, there are also a lot of open spaces. The old houses have not been demolished before, but the space can no longer be used. Only the ruins are left and cannot be inhabited, so they can only stay in place.

Han Yunmei rubbed her arms, leaned next to Li Qi, and whispered, "Master, why is it so gloomy here? It's so scary!

Have we come to the wrong place? Why can't we see anyone here? "

Li Qi shook his head and said, "Yes, that's it! Everyone should be sleeping at this time, let's just follow the boss!"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice, "Pay attention, we are being targeted! Don't act rashly and don't conflict with the people here!"

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