Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3031 I just want to make a deal with you

The people present were not ordinary people, they were all very alert, and they quickly understood the meaning of Chen Xin'an's words.

Although no one could be seen, everyone felt like they were being stared at, as if there were countless eyes hidden in the darkness, always looking at them.

No one dares to enter this area after dusk, because many unpredictable dangers will occur.

Two years ago, a foreign tourist got drunk in a bar at night. He strayed into this alley in the early morning and was attacked.

When they were found during the day, the two men and one woman were stripped clean and all their belongings and clothes were looted.

The two men were beaten with bruises all over their bodies and were dying, while the woman was also violated by many people.

This incident was very sensational at the time. The official set up a special task force to investigate and gathered a team of nearly a thousand people to investigate the area. In the end, the murderer was not found and the case was dropped.

It can be said that this area becomes a place that even the officials cannot control at night.

Except for those who live here, any outsider who comes here will become prey.

In the corner next to her, a black shadow flew past, scaring Han Yunmei so much that she screamed. Yan Chunhua hugged her and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, it's a wild cat!"

Han Yunmei calmed down a little and nodded to her.

Everyone was cautious and continued to move forward.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an stopped.

Li Qi stood beside him and asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"Listen!" Chen Xin'an said to him softly.

Li Qi held his breath and listened to the sounds around him, and sure enough, there was a vague sound of sobbing.

Everyone heard it too, and they all stood there and looked around.

The lighting in this area is very poor, with only the neon lights of tall buildings in the distance and not much light.

The surroundings were not invisible, but they were also blurry and nothing could be seen clearly.

Even in such a chaotic place, a high-pitched, faint cry will inevitably make people feel hairy.

Chen Xin'an walked forward following the sound and stopped under a big tree that was as thick as two people hugging each other.

Everyone also stopped and looked under the big tree.

There was a vague white shadow there, sitting under the tree and crying.

There was a small lantern hanging on the tree, and the dim light shone on the shadow. The man could not be seen, only his long white hair covered his head and upper body.

Even a few men were frightened by such a scene, and the two women Yan Chunhua and Han Yunmei hugged each other.

Zhao Hongyi plucked up the courage and shouted to the man, "Are you a human or a ghost? Why are you sitting here crying in the middle of the night?"

The man's head moved slightly, as if he turned around. As he raised his face, his white hair parted to both sides, revealing a face.

What a face that is!

The skin, eyebrows, lips, and even the eyes are white, looking like a dead person who has drained all the blood from his body!

Suddenly seeing such a person in such an environment would frighten a normal person!

However, Han Yunmei saw that she was just a little girl, so she was not afraid anymore. She walked over and asked, "Little sister, why are you sitting here so late? Where is your family?"

Just when she was about to pull the girl's arm, the girl suddenly grabbed a knife and stabbed Han Yunmei in the chest!

"Yunmei, be careful!" Li Qi shouted, pushed Han Yunmei away, and grabbed the girl's wrist with a snap of his left hand.

At this moment, several black figures suddenly rushed out from behind the big tree, all holding sticks in their hands, and attacked Li Qi.

Just when Li Qi wanted to resist, Chen Xin'an shouted "Ashi!"

"Stop!" A black figure shouted, and everyone stopped.

The flashlight light turned on and shone on Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an did not hide, but narrowed her eyes slightly.

The light disappeared, and someone in the darkness said, "It's you, the person who bought gas from us last time!"

Chen Xinan opened his hands to show that he had no weapons, looked at the man and said, "Ashi, I need your help!"

"Hahaha!" The man laughed, but his voice sounded a little childish, and he said coldly to Chen Xin'an

"Do you know where this place is? Do you know who I am? You actually want me to help you. Are you drunk?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "I'm not drunk, I mean what I said!

I can spend money, you just need to set a price! "

Fang Chenggang walked up to Chen Xin'an and lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Chen, are you right?

These are a bunch of young kids, what can they do to help us?

If you hand over your money to them, isn't it destined to be wasted? "

Cai Xinyin also nodded and said, "That's right, Mr. Chen, if you have money, don't spend it randomly!"

The origins of these half-year-olds are unknown, and they are not yet adults. It is a bit unreliable for us to put our lives in their hands, right? "

Zhao Hongyi snorted and said, "I can clean up these little guys with two of them in one hand!"

Don't your parents care if you stay up late at night and act weird?

Mr. Chen, please don’t tell me that I went through all the trouble to get here just to find them! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'm just here to find them! Don't talk, I'll just negotiate with them!"

"Mr. Chen..." Long Ya and the others looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, wondering why he was so polite to a group of half-grown children.

Chen Xin'an didn't explain. He took two steps forward, took out a card and handed it to him, looked at A Shi and said

"There are 100,000 yuan in it, which is the Eagle Flag Yuan, and the password is at the back.

The person chasing us is the Dongchao Blue Rubik's Cube, and we need to hide here until dawn.

If you feel it's not enough, this counts as a deposit.

Just tell me the number and I'll give it to you after dawn! "

One hundred thousand eagle flag yuan!

The eyes of the companions beside A Shi lit up, staring at the card.

A tall young man standing next to A Shi said, "What a joke, why should we help you fight against the Blue Cube people?

Even if I kill you, the money will still be ours! "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, but flicked his right hand, and with a flash of cold light, the iron rod in the tall boy's hand fell to the ground with a clang!

His entire right arm drooped so weakly that he couldn't even make a fist!

Looking at a steel needle on his shoulder, the young man asked Chen Xin'an in horror, "What did you do to me!"

Chen Xin'an walked over and was so frightened that he took two steps back and tried to pick up the stick with his left hand, but Chen Xin'an stepped on the iron rod.

The companions next to him wanted to step forward to help and besiege Chen Xin'an, but they were stopped by Ah Shi, who motioned for them to stay where they were.

Because Li Qi, who was not far away, had already drawn his two guns and pointed them at their heads!

Chen Xin'an walked up to the tall young man, flicked her finger on the steel needle, twisted it with two fingers, pulled out the steel needle, raised her toes, and shouted "Catch it!"

The tall boy subconsciously stretched out his hands, and the iron rod fell on his hands impartially.

This hand shocked everyone on the other side.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand towards Li Qi, telling him to put away his gun, looked at Ah Shi and said, "I want to make a deal with you, not come to fight!"

Ah Shi squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I have to discuss it with others..."

Chen Xin'an interrupted him and said, "Ashi, I know you are the boss of this area. You have the final say in everything!"

Fang Chenggang and the three of them all looked at this young man with suspicious faces. He was only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he was actually the boss of this area?

Everyone here looks older than him, and they all follow his orders?

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