Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3033 We are all abandoned by the world

"Ashi, don't talk nonsense. How can we have money? We don't even have money to go abroad, let alone medical treatment!"

Zhiying looked gloomy and shook her head at Ashi.

Ah Shi smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry! I will find a way. You can treat the disease with peace of mind and leave the money issue to me!"

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Just tell me the amount. I will give you any amount, but you have to leave me a deadline."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "The misunderstanding I'm talking about is not about money.

I never said I could cure your sister. This is not a matter of money.

I just said it would make her condition better and stabilized.

This disease is hereditary and cannot be eradicated or cured.

I don’t have that ability either, do you understand? "

Ah Shi was stunned and looked at Zhiying with a sad expression.

But Zhiying seemed to have seen through it a long time ago and said to him, "I know it won't be cured, and I never expect to be completely cured. I just hope that I can live with normal people and don't make me suffer so much!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "This can be done, but you have to go to China!"

Zhiying hesitated to speak.

Chen Xin'an knew what she was worried about, so she turned to A Shi and said, "A Shi, this is the deal we made!

Tonight you help me and my friends hide until dawn and don't let the people from the Blue Cube find us.

I will be responsible for sending your sister to China and treating her, so you don’t have to pay! "

A Shi looked at Chen Xin'an and seemed to be hesitating.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and asked, "Do you suspect that I lied to you?"

"No, I believe you!" A Shi looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You are different from the people I met before!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's puzzled look, Ashi said calmly, "People here are very wary of strangers, especially foreigners!

Those three bastards from two years ago actually wanted to attack my sister!

Those two beasts knew that my sister was sick and still bullied her, so our people here destroyed them!


But you are different. You are very respectful to strangers. This is sincerity from the heart, not because you are asking for something from us. I can feel it. "

Zhiying looked at Ah Shi with a smile and said, "A Shi has been able to tell the difference between good guys and bad guys since he was a child. He's very accurate!"

It turns out that the case that happened here two years ago was actually carried out by A Shi and others.

Those three foreigners were indeed nothing. They actually attacked an albino patient, and they deserved retribution.

But it’s not incomprehensible. After all, apart from her white skin and hair, Zhiying’s facial features are still very beautiful.

And because of this disease, it gave her a morbid beauty that was different from ordinary people.

It's not unusual for it to arouse the impulse of two drunk men.

Because of her illness, her body has always been malnourished, thin and petite.

He looks so weak and can be bullied.

Although she is three years older than Ah Shi, she looks more like a thirteen or fourteen year old little sister.

As if he had made up his mind, Ah Shi looked at Chen Xin'an, nodded and said, "Okay, I've made this deal!

I know I took advantage. If you need me to do anything in the future, just tell me. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and didn't take these words to heart.

As long as he can escape the pursuit of the Blue Cube tonight, saving this patient is the reward.

Both parties are equal. In Chen Xin'an's eyes, they have equal value. There is no one who takes advantage of the other.

Ah Shi said to Zhiying, "Sister, you go and take a nap, I'll talk to him about the treatment."

Zhiying nodded, turned and walked away without saying anything else.

Only Chen Xin'an and A Shi were left under the big tree.

Seeing Ah Shi's face blushing slightly and looking a little embarrassed, Chen

Xin An smiled and said to him

"I know what you want to ask!

Don’t worry, your sister can get married, as long as you don’t dislike it! "

He is not blind, he already knows that these siblings are not biological siblings, and Ah Shi's feelings for Zhiying are deeply male-female.

Ah Shi's face turned redder, he didn't dare to look at Chen Xin'an, and scratched his head.

Chen Xin'an said to him, "But you have to be mentally prepared. You may not be able to have children in your lifetime, because the remaining children will most likely be like their mother."

But even if there is this disease, it is nothing.

As long as you control it well, you are no different from ordinary people. "

Ah Shi took a long breath, looked at Chen Xin'an with a grateful face and said, "Thank you!"

He took out a pack of cigarettes, took one out and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand to indicate that he would not smoke, so he took one in his mouth, lit it with a lighter, and took a deep breath.

"I was abandoned by my family since I was a child. There's something wrong here!" Ashi pointed to his ears and said calmly.

"I can't hear anything on the left side, and the sound on the right side is weak. I only half-listen and half-see before I can communicate with others!"

Chen Xin'an asked in surprise, "Can you read lips?"

A Shi nodded and said, "In order to be able to communicate with people, I have to learn this!

I was abandoned by my family when I was twelve years old. Sister Jiying has been taking care of me. It was she who forced me to learn lip reading, corrected my speech, and turned me into a normal person. "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just gave a thumbs up.

It was indeed awesome. If he hadn't said it himself, it would have taken some time for Chen Xin'an to see this.

Ah Shi took a deep breath, pointed around and said, "Most of the children here are abandoned and have problems of one kind or another.

Shichang has a problem here! "

He pointed to his heart and said with a wry smile, “But every time we fight, he will rush to the front!

Xiaojun has a cleft lip, and he still needs 40,000 yuan to get orthopedic surgery for him.

Although many of us here are sick, as long as we have money, we can cure many people!

Unfortunately, we have no money and cannot afford medical expenses, so we can only steal, rob, and find ways to survive.

So we became trash, scum, despised and abandoned from birth, and until now, no one has cared about us..."

He inhaled again, and it seemed that some of the resentment he had held for a long time was finally released.

“We can’t rely on others, we can only rely on each other.

My sister is very important to me, she is everything in my life.

I will be with her for the rest of my life.

So you can cure her, I really thank you.

I also said that I can do anything for you as long as it can help my sister get better.

Even including killing!

You have enemies you want to get rid of. If it's not convenient for you to come forward, I'll help you deal with them.

And I will never doubt you. Don’t worry, I have experience in this kind of thing! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at Ah Shi without blinking.

This is the first time Chen Xin'an has observed him so carefully and closely since she met him.

He is not pretty, but his eyes are particularly bright.

The misery in the world has made him mature prematurely, but his face has a childishness that is inconsistent with his psychology. After all, he is only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child!

But the sharp look in his eyes told Chen Xin'an that this "child"'s hands were really stained with blood.

Originally, I just wanted to use Ashi's ability in the slums to help him spend the night.

If money is needed, he will give it. If he needs to give something other than money, he will give it as much as he can.

That's it for asking people to help, and you won't owe anything to both of you when the job is done.

But now, he suddenly changed his mind.

He wants to help this kid!

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