Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3034 You Are the Only Ones Who Treat Us as Human Beings

Just his sincerity towards Zhiying has touched Chen Xin'an's heart.

Looking at Ah Shi's bright eyes, Chen Xin'an asked him, "A Shi, do you have any wishes? Maybe I can help you realize it!"

"Wish?" Ah Shi looked up at the sky and said lightly, "It is to live happily with Sister Zhiying for the rest of her life!

What’s more, help Shi Chang install the most advanced heart stent so that he can live safely to old age!

Also, perform surgery on Xiaojun so that he can become a normal person and not be laughed at. Give Uncle Liu a kidney transplant so that he won’t be in so much pain every day...

There are so many wishes that I can’t even explain them in words. I just want the people in the backstreets of National University to live healthy and well, with food to eat, clothes to wear, and houses to live in!

You want to help me, how can you help me?

You have helped one or two, but can you help everyone?

Even if you have money, lots and lots of money, can you give all your money to treat strangers like us and throw all your property into this bottomless pit?

You are indeed a good person, but you can't help me! "

Chen Xin'an was silent.

It is indeed an exaggeration.

He has no way to realize this wish for others.

This is not something that can be solved with one million or two million, or even tens of millions.

Just like A Shi said, this is a bottomless pit!

Chen Xin'an is not a saint and is willing to invest all his property here.

He still has his own life and his own family to support.

So he can't help with this.

Ashi turned his head, looked at him and smiled, "You have helped me a lot!

I said it before, Sister Jiying is everything to me.

You can treat her illness, which is what I am most grateful for.

I asked you your name, Chen Xin'an.

I will remember this name forever!

Don't worry tonight, I will do everything possible to protect you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, someone hurried over and said to A Shi, "A Shi, there are official people coming. Many people want to enter our territory!"

Ah Shi stood up and said to Chen Xin'an, "I asked Xiaojun to take you to meet your friend.

Just stay there, I will deal with those people! "

The boy next to him didn't dare to look at Chen Xin'an, he tilted his head and said, "Come with me!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and followed Xiaojun forward.

He didn't say anything nonsense to Ah Shi. Since he was asking someone to help, he fully trusted him and there was no need to doubt his ability.

Not far from the big tree, there is an entrance to the sewage pipe.

It has been artificially enlarged enough for two adults to enter side by side.

Walking down the steps, Chen Xin'an found that he seemed to have entered another world.

There is a lot of space here, and there are various pipes of different thicknesses next to it. Some places even leak. There is sewage flowing everywhere on the ground, and there are all kinds of smelly garbage.

Moving forward, there is no more sewage on the ground, and people are hiding.

Many men and women in ragged clothes and unkempt faces huddled in the corner, laying a piece of paper under them and falling asleep.

Li Qi and others are also here, and Zhiying is chatting with everyone.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking over, Zhiying smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, you are not ordinary people! You should be in green clothes or police officers. In short, you are all official people."

Chen Xin'an glanced at the people around her, smiled at her and said, "Zhiying, you guessed wrong, we are actually..."

"You don't have to hide it, I won't betray you!" Zhiying smiled slightly and said to Chen Xin'an

"If you don't have professional training, you won't adapt to a place like this so quickly!

And what you offended was the Blue Rubik's Cube. How could someone who could become their enemy be an ordinary person? "

After hearing what she said, Chen Xin'an stopped talking.

Others looked wary.

If the other party reveals the news that they are here to the Blue Cube

, it was a real trap, and I didn’t even know where to run!

As if he had read through everyone's thoughts, Zhiying smiled slightly and said to everyone

"Don't worry, no matter what your status is, I know that you are good people!

You don't look down on us, you treat us as human beings when you get along with us, which is something others can't do!

With Ash's temper, even if you don't treat me, he will help you.

Ever since he was a child, he has been fighting for his breath and wanting others to treat him as a human being.

If someone treats him well, he will remember it for the rest of his life! "

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to everyone, "You guys chat first, I'll go out and take a look.

The people in Blue Rubik's Cube are not ordinary people, so I'm a little worried. "

"I'll go with you!" Zhao Hongyi also stood up.

Li Qi stopped him, shook his head and said, "It's okay for the boss to go alone, but if you follow, you will be in danger of being exposed."

Zhao Hongyi scratched his head and knew that Li Qi was not deliberately belittling him, let alone making a boast, so he had no choice but to sit down again.

Chen Xin'an returned from the original route and came to the ground.

After looking around, he turned and walked to the right.

There are no drones in the sky anymore, only hundreds of pigeons are left, circling continuously in the sky.

After walking for more than thirty meters, a loud shout suddenly came from the front, and a light came over!

Chen Xin'an dodged and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Stop! If you run away again, I'll shoot!" An agent held a gun with both hands and pointed it at Shichang who was trying to escape.

Ah Shi had a nosebleed and bruises at the corners of his eyes. He had a gun pressed to his head and stood beside him without daring to move.

Seeing that the escaping boy didn't listen to the greeting, the agent behind him pulled the trigger with a bang!

Even though a silencer is installed, in such an environment, the sound of gunfire can still scare people!

The bullet flew past Shichang's ear. He was so frightened that he covered his ears with his hands and screamed in pain!

Ash gritted his teeth and cursed, "

He has a bad heart, you will scare him! "

The agent who pointed the gun at him hit him on the head with the butt of the gun, snorted and cursed, "Then be honest and don't play tricks on us, do you understand?"

Blood flowed down Ashi's forehead and dripped on his chest.

Ah Shi stared at the person in front of him without saying a word!

Shichang, who was so frightened that his legs were weak, covered his ears and squatted on the ground. The agent with a gun caught up behind him and kicked him hard!

"Let you run! If you dare to take another step, I will break your legs first!

Say, have you ever seen those people?

Why are you running away if you don't have any worries?

Were those pigeons released by you?

Do you know how much those drones are worth?

Can you afford to pay for it if it's damaged?

You are all stinky beggars who dare to flirt with me in front of me. You probably don’t know who we are, right? "

Shichang held his head and lay on the ground rolling and wailing.

Park Dachang on the side said, "Okay, don't beat him to death, it will save you trouble!"

It seems that they really don't know the whereabouts of Chen Xin'an and his gang! "

The agent beside him frowned and said, "Brother Dachang, is it impossible? Apart from this place, Chen Xin'an and his gang have no other hiding place!"

Could they still spread their wings and fly away? "

Ah Shi yelled at him angrily, "If you don't believe it, go search it yourself! Why do you think we hid the person?"

The agent came over and kicked Ashi in the stomach, scolding him, "If you dare to speak to me in this tone again, I will beat you to death, do you believe it?"

With rubbish like you, what else can you do besides smearing Chaojing?

I am conducting a normal investigation. If you are asked to cooperate, just cooperate with me. What nonsense! "

Park Dachang said impatiently, "Okay, let's go to another alley. It's almost dawn. We must find those guys as soon as possible!"

The two men holding the guns lowered their muzzles angrily and kicked A Shi and Shi Chang!

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