Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3039 They want a new Holy Master


After hearing Yan Chunhua's explanation, Chen Xin'an was stunned.

He looked at Fang Chenggang, Cai New Year, and Zhao Hongyi and asked, "Is this your joint decision?"

All three nodded.

Fang Chenggang smiled and said: "Otherwise, we can't stay here!"

Cai Xinyin scratched his head and said: "We don't want to retire, nor do we want to return to China. If we want to continue our previous career, this is the only way!"

Zhao Hongyi chuckled and said: "There's nothing wrong with it, just change someone else and change your life!"

Chen Xin'an was helpless, looked at Yan Chunhua and said, "Have you found the right candidate?"

Yan Chunhua nodded and said: "We have been contacted, old acquaintance, Yin Hye Kyo!"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Hua, she has cut people to death before!"

"It's okay!" Yan Chunhua shook her head and smiled: "That was a real medical accident, an accident.

Dr. Yin’s skills are still excellent! "

Chen Xin'an stopped talking. Since everyone had already planned it, he didn't want to make any unnecessary moves.

I never dreamed that the way for them to stay would be to have plastic surgery!

Identities can be changed, whether it is Chen Xin'an or the domestic Longya headquarters, it is easy to assign them a new identity.

But appearance is given by parents, and it is difficult to change it.

This is the fundamental reason why they should return home after being exposed.

The Blue Rubik's Cube will investigate them thoroughly.

But I didn’t expect them to be so ruthless and directly perform plastic surgery!

This is equivalent to directly becoming another person and changing your entire life!

But since it was their own choice, Chen Xinan could only respect it.

"When are you going to go?" Chen Xin'an asked, looking at everyone.

Yan Chunhua said: "Go to the safe house in the afternoon and Dr. Yin will come over.

We'll probably be gone for half a year.

Don’t worry, we can’t see you off when you return to China, sorry! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and asked her, "Have all your life arrangements been arranged?"

Fang Chenggang said to him: "Suyan will cooperate with Dr. Yin, and let Suyan take care of her life during this period. It's no problem. Mr. Chen doesn't have to worry!"

Now that everything was arranged, Chen Xin'an stopped asking any more questions. He looked at everyone and said, "From now on, even if I meet you, I won't be able to recognize you, right?"

Everyone laughed, Yan Chunhua looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "As long as we can recognize you!"

The other three people also nodded.

Chen Xin'an stretched out her fist and said, "Then I wish you success!

If there's anything you need me to do, give me a call.

We are friends! "

"Friend!" All four of them stretched out their right fists and bumped into Chen Xin'an's fist.

It was almost noon when Li Qi came back.

Seeing his smiling face, Chen Xin'an knew there was good news.

Sure enough, after taking a sip of the tea handed over by Han Yunmei, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you have really become a Dongchao celebrity now!

There are pictures of you in the streets and alleys, saying that you are the best friend of Dongchao people and the savior of Dongchao!

You have single-handedly changed Dongchao’s stereotype of Chinese people! "

Han Yunmei clapped her hands and said with a smile: "The boss is so awesome! Master, the boss is famous now!"

Li Qi smiled and nodded.

Chen Xin'an frowned, took out his mobile phone, and searched for today's hot Dongchao news.

After a while, he said to Li Qi: "The mainstream media in Dongchao are starting to build momentum for this afternoon's commendation meeting!"

Han Yunmei looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and asked, "Boss, isn't this a good thing? Why do you seem so reluctant?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "It's a good thing and a bad thing!

They wanted to establish me as the next Holy Master, but I was not interested in this. "

Han Yunmei said with a smile: "If you're not interested, don't do it. We can leave Dongchao next week anyway. The worst we can do is not go to the commendation meeting!"

Li Qi reached out and flicked his forehead, and cursed: "You think it's that simple? If you don't go, you won't be able to leave either!"

"Ah?" Han Yunmei was startled and did not dare to speak.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's okay, the soldiers will stop it, and the water will cover it! I know how to deal with it!"

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, you seem to have changed..."

"Fart!" Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "Do you mean that I used to be timid and afraid of getting into trouble?"

Li Qi shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "No, your aura seems to have changed a lot.

In the past, when I was around you, you were either as stable as a mountain, or you were fierce and intimidating.

But now...the indescribable feeling is that it is very heavy!

It is obviously an invisible feeling, but it feels tangible yet elusive!

Boss, what did you do last night?

Today’s energy level is different from that of some time ago!

Have you not……

That’s not right. People say that finding a woman will only make you harder and more tiring. How can you be like this... Oops! "

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an gave him an unceremonious shudder.

This guy is getting worse and worse now. He dares to make up random things without saying anything, and he has learned to talk nonsense!

"Get out! Don't talk about these things here. Go and get ready. Let's go out to eat and arrange our actions for the evening."

Han Yunmei hugged Li Qi's head distressedly, and complained to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, please be gentle, you have knocked a knot on Master's head!"

Looking at the bag on Li Qi's head, Chen Xin'an couldn't believe that he had knocked it out casually.

Have your hand strength become so strong now?

It seems that we should pay attention to withdrawing our strength at any time in the future.

He looked at Li Qi apologetically. Just when he was about to apologize, Li Qi waved his hand to Han Yunmei without taking it seriously and asked Chen Xin'an:

"We have to go to the Meiyan Lake Hotel first! Actually, didn't Secretary Bu say that he has already arranged a room for you in the hotel there?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It's been arranged. I'll be there in a minute. I also need to do some dressing up. After all, I want to meet the leader of Dongchao on a formal occasion.

But I won’t live there, otherwise all arrangements will be useless!

Yunmei will drive later, and the two of us will choose a place.

At the end of the commendation meeting, I will notify you and you will start to ambush.

But remember, plans don’t change as fast as plans, and unexpected things happen with all layouts.

So we all need to stay awake and vigilant at all times.

This matter can only succeed, not fail!

Once this is done, we can return home with confidence! "

Li Qi and Han Yunmei both nodded vigorously.

In fact, Chen Xin'an still had some things to say.

He wanted to tell Li Qi that now he faced Gong Musashi without any pressure from before!

It seems that even without help from others, he is sure to defeat his opponent.

It's just that he doesn't want to be a burden, not only because he doesn't want to die, but also because he doesn't want to drag down his brothers and friends.

So even if you have the confidence to challenge yourself, you won't really do it.

He wants to deal with Miya Musashi without any injuries and return home with his brothers and friends!

As soon as he left the house, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang.

After taking a look at the number, I felt a little excited and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Honey, why are you calling at this time?"

Ning Xiruo's voice was still gentle, and came from the other end of the phone: "I heard that you have become a celebrity in Dongchao now. Even the daughter of the chief minister has taken a liking to you and wants you to be his son-in-law.

If I don't call, my man will become a consort! "

Chen Xin'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and cursed into the phone: "What kind of shameless guy who has a son is talking nonsense here!

Wife, don’t believe this nonsense. I will only be the Ning family’s son-in-law for the rest of my life! "

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