Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3040 New attractions in Kyoto City

Because it was difficult to talk for too long in the car, Chen Xin'an coaxed his wife for a while before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Sitting in the back seat, Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Li Qi next to him smiled and asked, "Sister-in-law, did you misunderstand?"

Chen Xin'an rubbed her face and said helplessly, "I heard it from the first sister. Actually, she didn't believe it. She just wanted to talk to me." .??.

Han Yunmei said with an envious look, "Boss, my sister-in-law has a really good relationship with you.

It's really rare to still maintain such a relationship after being married for so many years.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "When you get married to someone who you truly love and the other person also loves you, you will also have such a relationship."

Han Yunmei shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't have such a blessing!

But I have seen a lot of people like this, who fell in love with each other and then came together.

But the only ones who can maintain this relationship for many years after marriage are the eldest brother and his sister-in-law!

Others have changed their minds.

It can't be said that I have changed my heart, it's just that my feelings have faded and I have lost to life.

The more we quarrel, the more we dislike each other. Some of them fall in love with each other, and some even turn against each other!

So I don’t want to get married at all, I just want to find a man I like and stay with him for a few years while I still like him.

Wait until you don’t like it anymore, then find someone you’re destined for! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

In Dongchao, there are not a few women who have this kind of thinking.

It's not like Chen Xin'an has never encountered it before.

In fact, not only in Dongchao, but also among young people from any country, they are somewhat afraid of marriage.

Life is just like the first time you meet, not everyone can do it.

Chen Xin'an is also glad that she, like her daughter-in-law, has always maintained the original and purest relationship.

So he knew very well that his wife didn't really feel in crisis or jealous, but she really missed him.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xiruo sat in the back seat of the business car with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

Zhou Zhi beside her said to her, "Mr. Ning, there is no need to ask him. I know that Mr. Chen is not that kind of person!"

Guan Qing, who was driving the car, rolled his eyes at her and said, "Don't you think the lady doesn't know? I just took this opportunity to call my uncle. We are usually very strict, so she can't miss such a good opportunity!"

Konoha, the co-pilot, snorted and said, "Xiruo, don't blame us!

Now you are the target of special protection. If you lose a hair on your head, you will have to settle the account with us when you come back!

Bawa, you and Xiaojiu don't have to worry about anything today, just stay by Xi Ruo's side.

If anything happens, we will take care of it! "

"Got it!" Mongpowa and Xiaojiu nodded together.

Ning Xiruo said helplessly, "Don't be so nervous! Don't make such a big fight.

It's just like the emperor going on a tour. Not counting you, there are several cars behind.

The more this happens, the more unaccustomed I am! "

Konoha really picked up the intercom in the car and said loudly, "Brother Man, did you hear that? If Xiruo said you were in the way, you don't need to follow, we can just go by ourselves!"

Luo Xiaoman's scolding came from the intercom, "She said she was in the way, so she was in the way? Running around with such a big belly, she is the one who is full!"

Tell Xiruo, unless she lies down at home, I will follow her wherever she goes!

Besides, there is such a big thing happening at Pang Xingzhuang, and I, the security chief, am not just a decoration, can I not go? "

Ning Xiruo said helplessly to Konoha, "Hurry up and turn off the intercom, I don't want to be scolded by him!"

Konoha smiled and turned off the intercom.

Luo Xiaoman is the only one who dares to scold Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo like this now.

She turned her head and said to Ning Xiruo, "What Brother Man said makes sense.

The company will handle this matter, so there is no need for you to go there!

Ke'er and Xiao Rong are both there and will handle it. "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "Jiamu Movie

It is the most influential film company in Outer Harbor.

The boss came here in person and wanted to cooperate with us, which is a good thing.

The film and television company is the core project of the entire group.

If we can cooperate with Jiamu Films, we will definitely be able to appear on the international screen.

Moreover, I will have to go out to Hong Kong for business after the New Year, and I will travel frequently both inside and outside the country.

Having such a cooperative unit in the outer port will be very convenient when the time comes.

In this matter, I came forward to express my attitude.

What's more, it involves the first big order of the film and television city, and neither Ke'er nor Xiaorong dare to make a decision. "

Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City has opened, and now it has become a new Internet celebrity attraction in Kyoto City, with a large flow of people.

It receives more than 10,000 people every day!

If this continues, it will take a few years to make back the money based on ticket sales alone.

After all, this is not just a film and television city. Various supporting facilities have been developed in the surrounding area. Most of these are produced by Muyang Company.

Mu Yang Company is a collective enterprise owned by Pang Xingzhuang, and its general manager is Mu Chengyuan.

This is the true head of Konoha, and he wears the same pants as the Anhao Group.

Now is the critical moment for a new opening in the film and television city to build a reputation.

But something happened that had a great impact.

A tourist from a foreign port had a conflict with a local shop, which developed into a physical conflict and was injured and hospitalized.

What's even more heartbreaking is that the person who was beaten had a heart disease and died in the hospital that night.

Now the Internet is crusading against that store. By the way, the real boss of the store, Muyang Company, and even Anhao Company, where the film and television city is located, have become targets of scolding.

Now the family members of the deceased have been making trouble, but fortunately the authorities are controlling it, otherwise the impact would have been even greater.

This is one of the reasons why Ning Xiruo must come here today.

Not only does she need to understand clearly in person, but when necessary, she can personally apologize to the family and make appropriate compensation.

But after all, she is now nearly six months pregnant. She is obviously pregnant, but she is the focus of the whole family!

Apart from anything else, she is rarely allowed to touch her mobile phone or computer. She can only watch TV and more often read books.

All work with GBSA is through remote video conferences, and even Du Yunyan has become her exclusive GBSA work secretary!

You must know that Du Yunyan is a famous hacker, so his level of Eagle Flag language is not a problem.

Ning Xiruo guided her hand in hand for a while, and now she has become an indispensable work helper for Ning Xiruo.

Now she is dealing with gbsa work and has not followed.

Thinking of something, Ning Xiruo turned around and asked Konoye Zhen, "Ye Zhen, when will Xiao Qin leave?"

Konoha sighed and said, "The day after tomorrow! Everything has been taken care of at the store. I gave her one million, which is enough for her to have enough food and clothing in the outer port!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "You call her tomorrow night and ask her to come to your house for a meal, and I will see her off!"

"Forget it, she won't come!" Konoha waved her hand and said to Ning Xiruo, "She doesn't want to see pigeons and little foreign girls!"

Xiao Jiu frowned and said, "Sister Ye Zhen, my name is Yi Lian'er. Don't always call me little foreign girl. How rude!"

Yi Lian'er is very good, I like her very much, she matches Brother He very well! "

Mombova nodded vigorously and said, "I also think they are a good match.

Sister Qin chose to give up on her own, and she was not happy when they were together.

Actually, I think it’s a good thing that Sister Qin and Brother He broke up, as they don’t have to push themselves so hard all day long! "

Ning Xiruo sighed, not knowing what to say.

I don't know if it was because of the emotional hurt she had suffered in the past that made Xiao Qin have an almost crazy possessiveness towards feelings.

She just wanted to live a two-person world with Luo Qianhe without anyone disturbing her.

She even wanted to control her interactions with Chen Xin'an.

So she would rather live in the store than in the Four Seasons Flower City.

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