Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3046 Don’t force me to kill you, okay?

After an hour of makeup, Chen Xin'an stood in front of the mirror after finishing her makeup, quite satisfied with her current look.

The makeup artists next to me all looked like nymphos, and they kept shouting that Oppa was so handsome!

Only Qiu Yizhen looked ugly, as if someone owed her money.

No matter how handsome a man is, if he is not hers, what does it have to do with her?

Chen Xin'an was a little funny.

This woman has been completely honest since she told her that her wife was pregnant with twins.

There was no more ambiguous teasing, just a matter-of-fact way of putting on makeup for him.

A makeup artist's cell phone rang. She picked it up and answered it for a while, then hung up and said to Chen Xin'an

"Mr. Chen, the venue has been arranged and the commendation meeting is ready to begin. You can enter now.

The security personnel are already waiting outside the door, shall we go there together?

Miss Qiu, let’s…”

Before she could finish speaking, Qiu Yizhen had already turned around and left, picked up the small bag she had placed on the sofa, and walked out without looking back.

The commendation meeting is boring. It is nothing more than bragging about the achievements of the leader and the loyalty of the people below.

It is not Chen Xin'an himself who is commended, but Dongchao's advanced individuals and collectives in all walks of life this year.

It's just that Chen Xin'an was the highlight and the only foreigner who was personally commended by the chief executive.

He was awarded the Eastern Tide Flame Medal, various certificates and a reward of 100 million Tide dollars.

Two hours later, the commendation meeting ended, and then a celebration banquet was held on the third floor of the Meiyan Lake Hotel, attended by the leader himself.

As a special guest, Chen Xin'an had to attend and was the focus of attention. Many people came to toast her.

There were many people attending the celebration banquet, three or four times more than those attending the commendation meeting!

After all, the threshold for attending the banquet is much lower than the commendation meeting.

Even so, not everyone can enter this occasion.

The lowest status is at the ministerial level of Dongchao state institutions.

Chen Xin'an can be regarded as a gift to the entire East

Chao's official high-level officials all looked familiar.

Different from banquets in China, people drink and eat here while standing and eating while walking, just like a Western cocktail party.

"Mr. Chen!" Cha Minji came over with a wine glass in hand, his expression a little ugly.

Chen Xin'an smiled, clinked the wine glass with him, and said to him, "Thank you, Director Che, for showing mercy!"

Cha Minji snorted coldly, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Chen Xin'an, you don't have to be proud!

If it weren't for Xiaozhen, do you think you guys could really escape from the Blue Cube alive? "

This is true.

After all, they are the official secret service of Dongchao. If they are really going to die, even if Chen Xin'an and Li Qi can escape, others will not be spared!

Chen Xin'an said sternly, "That's why I am grateful to Director Cha. This is not about getting an advantage and being good!"

Cha Minji's expression softened a little, and he said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face, "The college student and I have been old friends for many years, and I watched Xiaozhen grow up.

I have no children and she is like my daughter.

This girl is very independent and has made us worry-free since she was a child.

But emotionally, she is too simple, because she has never really liked someone.

But I know that when she truly recognizes a man, she will pursue him regardless of his status.

Chen Xin'an, I know Xiaozhen's feelings for you! "

"Oh!" Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Cha Minji and said, "Don't worry, Director Cha, I won't let her get hurt.

I have told her that I have a lover and am married! "

Cha Minji shook his head and said, "It's useless. I know that girl's character very well. If you tell her this, she won't give up!"

This guy does know Qiu Yizhen quite well.

Chen Xin'an

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't matter. After today or tomorrow, I will leave Dongchao and return to China..."

"Do you think it's still ancient times?" Cha Minji frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an and said

"What kind of society is it now? How long will it take to go from Dongchao to Huaxia?

As Xiaozhen, is it difficult to second a helicopter directly across the sea to China and go to Kyoto to find you? "

Chen Xin'an said helplessly, "What should I do? I can't take my family into the mountains and forests just to avoid her, right?"

Cha Minki swung his wine glass and said, "There's no need to hide from her. Since she likes you, let's be together!"

Chen Xin'an, I'll give you one night to divorce your wife and divide your property over the phone.

Don't worry, we will send a professional team here to get the biggest part for you.

Then you will marry Xiaozhen in Dongchao. Next year the chief will most likely be re-elected, and then you will be allowed to enter Hongshi Terrace.

If you want to do business, we will make you become the largest chaebol in Dongchao. No matter how much money you want, we will give it to you!

As for the business in China, you can leave it to others.

Everything you want, Dongchao can satisfy you! "

Chen Xin'an raised her arms, indicating that Cha Minji didn't need to say any more, and said with a smile.

"Director Che, you are not the only one who has to tell me these words, I still have the same attitude.

I am not interested in the conditions you have given me. I will return to China in a few days. That is my home! "

Cha Minji looked at Chen Xinan and sneered, "Mr. Chen, you'd better think about it.

Because it doesn’t matter if others say it, but when it comes from my mouth, it’s different!

If you don't agree, I guarantee you won't be able to leave Dongchao! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, turned to look at him and asked, "Director Che, are you threatening me?"

"Yes!" Cha Minji didn't deny it at all, he admitted it directly.

\u003eHe looked at Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes and said, "Don't think that just because you have the Medal of Fire, you really have the gold medal to avoid death!"

To put it another way, what if you really have a death-free gold medal?

You can avoid death, but what about the people around you?

Those Chinese people you rescued, how long do you think they can hide?

And those lowly people who help you dodge.

I can burn that place to the ground with just one word!

Chen Xin'an, if you don't accept my warning, the result will be that even if you can leave Dongchao, you will leave alone and miserable.

You will never come back in this life, and everyone who has anything to do with you will be eliminated by the Blue Cube! "

Chen Xinan stopped talking and just looked at Cha Minji coldly.

He knew that Cha Minji was not trying to scare him, but that he could keep his word!

The point is, he had a valid reason for doing that!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an lowered her voice and said to Cha Minji, "Che Minji, don't force me to kill you!"

An invisible murderous aura instantly enveloped Cha Minki. At this moment, Cha Minki felt that all the hairs on his body stood up!

He looked at Chen Xin'an with some horror and said, "Chen Xin'an, do you dare? Don't forget my identity, and don't forget your current identity.

If you dare to do that, everything will be ruined for you! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "You have already started to want to ruin my life.

If I can still allow you to live at this time, am I digging my own grave?

Cha Minki, no matter what your status is, standing in front of me, you are just a person!

You are not even as troublesome as a Saint Master. If I want to kill you, you will not survive.

Your life is in my hands from now on. Whenever I want it, you can't escape! "

Cha Minji was angry and angry. Just when he was about to speak, the voice of the microphone came to his ears, "Now, please give a speech for the dinner!"

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