Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3047 I feel their humanity

Seeing the leader talking humorously on the stage, the tension between Chen Xin'an and Cha Minji in the crowd gradually eased.

As the person in charge of the Blue Rubik's Cube, Cha Minji's understanding of Chen Xin'an is not just superficial.

Blue Cube has a detailed file on his identity investigation and conduct, which is kept confidential.

There are only a few people in the entire Dongchao who can access this file, no more than one hand.

Cha Min-ki is one of them.

So he regarded Chen Xin'an as the most dangerous person in Dongchao, and the danger level was even higher than Miya Musashi!

Such a person must be dealt with, and it is best to kill him. If he cannot be killed, then try to win over him as much as possible, become a friend, and let him do things for Dongchao.

To put it simply, you can kill it, you can pull it, but you can’t mess with it!

Of course, it is impossible for such a person to fight against the entire Blue Rubik's Cube, but if he is targeted, it will be much easier to deal with one person.

Cha Minji has no doubt that Chen Xin'an can really kill him!

He couldn't stay in the Blue Cube 24 hours a day, and he couldn't always have someone following him.

For people like Chen Xin'an, as long as there is a small opportunity, he can seize it!

Chen Xin'an looked at the boss and said in a tone that was only loud enough for two people to hear, "Car owner, if you know me, you know that I don't like to be threatened!

The relationship between my wife and me cannot be measured by whether we love each other.

It can be said that we are all of each other's lives, no one can separate us, no matter what method is used!

If you really implement the plan you made, I guarantee you that the result will not be what you imagined! "

At this moment, the leader on the stage waved to Chen Xin'an and said with a smile, "Now, we invite our hero to come on stage to receive his bonus."

Before, it was only announced that he had a bonus of 100 million at the commendation meeting. Unexpectedly, the check was handed over to him at the dinner.

Probably because there were more media at the dinner than at the commendation meeting.

Give out the bonus like this

, for Dongchao officials, it is also more promotional and can attract more foreigners to work for Dongchao.

Amid the applause of the crowd, Chen Xin'an walked onto the stage.

The boss looked at him kindly, and when he came up to him, he stretched out his hand and held it tightly with him.

When the huge check model was handed to Chen Xin'an, Chen Xin'an did not accept it.

The boss smiled and asked, "I know Mr. Chen is also a successful businessman. In Mr. Chen's eyes, this hundred million yuan is not too much.

But this is also our sincerity to Mr. Chen at Dongchao, and we would like to thank Mr. Chen for everything he has done for Dongchao!

So please accept it, Mr. Chen! "

Mr. Chen shook his head and said in front of countless media cameras, "It's not that I don't think the money is too small, but I can't ask for it!

Because I can't do these things without the help of some people! "

Hearing Chen Xin'an's words, some Dongchao officials smiled.

This guy actually repays his kindness. Without official cooperation, do you think you can deal with the eight major chaebols?

Do you think you can bring down the Holy Master by yourself?

Chen Xin'an took out her cell phone and whispered a few words to the boss.

Although the boss looked puzzled, he still waved to the staff in the audience.

A staff member walked onto the stage, took Chen Xin'an's cell phone, and then took it to the instruments at the back.

Soon, a picture appeared on the screen wall behind Chen Xin'an and the leader.

Just everyone with incredible smiles on their faces, staring at the big screen.

Up there were dirty neighborhoods with homeless people in rags.

Their dull faces could not clearly see the sadness or joy, but some of them were covered in scars, stains and wounds that made people very uncomfortable to see.

Everyone present

I don't know what Chen Xin'an is going to do, but on such an occasion, in a poor place like Dongchao and poor people, everyone's faces look a little ugly.

Even the chief officer looked at Chen Xin'an with a sullen face, as if hesitating whether he should stop immediately.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone, "Actually, there were many people who helped me during this period, but these people left a deep impression on me.

Because they risked their lives to protect me even when they themselves were in danger, otherwise I wouldn’t be standing here to meet you today.

You may think that this scene should not appear on this occasion.

But I can tell you that there are such people in every country, and there are also such poor places.

But it was only in Dongchao that I felt their human touch.

I am very happy about the reward given to me by the freshman, but I feel undeserved.

Because I cannot enjoy this bonus alone.

So I decided to donate this bonus to these people. "

Everyone was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

This is 100 million yuan. Why don't he donate all of it?

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "The boss taught me to use my own financial resources to do something meaningful.

He also said that he wanted to help more people and more poor people in the country.

So what I did was inspired and guided by the students at the university.

I will use this bonus to establish a foundation.

Specially help those homeless people, treat their diseases, and heal their injuries!

I have been in contact with them and understand their pain.

They are all poor people who were abandoned by their families, but because of the wisdom of Mr. Da, they were not abandoned by the country!

Therefore, the name of this foundation, I want to call it the National Poverty Alleviation Fund!

I would like to ask a student from the university to serve as honorary president.

I want those who benefit from this foundation to have

I know that this is a sign of the university students caring about the people.

And the first place I received help was on the back street of the National Bank!

This place will also become a key support target of the National Poverty Alleviation Fund! "

After hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Da Shou's original serious expression suddenly became meaningful, and then he looked at Chen Xin'an and smiled.

He nodded to Chen Xin'an and then took the lead in applauding.

All the guests also applauded, and the entire banquet hall burst into applause.

Flash lights kept hitting Chen Xin'an and Da Shou's faces, both of them were smiling.

"Chen Xin'an, you are the first person who dares to put me on the fire in front of the media! Do you really think that my daughter can be confident in me because she has fallen in love with you?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said in his ear, "It has nothing to do with your daughter.

I just think that college students will not give up on such a crowd that attracts votes!

Although their status is low, their right to speak is equally important!

Moreover, such a thing is of great benefit to college students without any harm, so why not do it? "

The boss looked at Chen Xin'an, his sharp eyes flashed away, and he smiled and extended his hand to Chen Xin'an.

With his current status, he no longer needs others to praise him and make achievements.

What he cares most about is his career. Whether he can defeat his competitors and continue to be re-elected is the most important thing.

Now his support rate is not much different from that of his competitors. If new supporters join, his winning rate will become greater next year.

Chen Xin'an gave him a new way to win over the crowd.

If these people can really win over, his support rate will rise significantly!

This will definitely play a greater role in his re-election.

With the support of the leader, the people below are more interested.

Many people have already decided to donate on the spot. Within an hour, the foundation, which originally had a principal of 100 million, received nearly 500 million in donations!

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