Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3051 We can give you all the fame and fortune you want

The noise startled the people outside!

When they saw Lou Zaiyuan following Chen Xin'an into the bathroom, they knew something was going to happen.

However, there was no obstruction and no publicity.

In fact, although Chen Xin'an was commended by the chief executive, it does not mean that he has been recognized and welcomed by the entire Dongchao official.

He is a foreigner, and during his time in Dongchao, he brought a lot of trouble to the officials.

If it weren't for this commendation meeting, the officials would have dealt with him long ago.

But the chief took a fancy to this man and awarded him the Medal of Fire!

In this way, wouldn't this kid become even more arrogant?

Aren’t we going to have to walk sideways in Dongchao from now on?

This is Dongchao. How can a foreigner be allowed to act unscrupulously in his own country?

So everyone wants to give this Chinese boy some prestige, but they also know that this boy is quite powerful.

And Lou Zaiyuan almost represents the highest combat power of Dongchao, so it is most appropriate for him to come forward to do this.

It's just that the door is closed inside, so no one can see the wonderful scene.

But I heard it was a fight, and the movement was quite loud!

Thinking of Lou Zaiyuan's identity and his terrifying strength, everyone felt that Chen Xin'an had suffered.

But punishment is punishment. After all, he is the hero of Dongchao and has solved a lot of big troubles for Dongchao.

Moreover, he is a popular person in the eyes of the chief executive. It seems that the chief executive even wants to recruit him to be his son-in-law, so naturally he cannot offend him too deeply!

"Mr. Lou, don't be too harsh! It's hard to explain!"

"That's it, just teach me a lesson. If I just received a commendation and were beaten and hospitalized by you, it would be hard for the chief executive to tell me, and it would be hard for the media to deal with me!"

"Don't cause trouble for everyone when you compete with each other, just stop at the point! After all, you are also our honored guest!"

The bathroom door was opened, and the people outside were smiling. They were about to speak, but when they saw the people standing in front of them, they were all dumbfounded!

Chen Xin'an clapped his hands, pointed at Lou Zaiyuan on the ground and said, "Mr. Lou was drunk and fell in the bathroom. Please find someone to send him back to rest!"

After saying that, he crossed directly

He passed the unconscious Lou Zaiyuan's body and walked away.

The remaining group of people looked at each other in shock and didn't react for a long time.

The person with the highest combat power in Dongchao was knocked unconscious like this?

Isn't this Chinese boy's strength too terrifying?

Back in the banquet hall, Bu Xianting came over and took his arm and said, "Where have you been? The boss is looking for you! Come with me quickly!"

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to follow him forward and enter the private room next to him.

There were quite a few people inside, all of whom seemed to be high-ranking bosses.

Dashou is sitting on the main sofa, next to him is Qiu Yizhen, who is massaging Dashou's head.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walk in, Qiu Yizhen looked directly at him without caring about others.

Chen Xin'an felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her, but it was hard to say anything in front of so many people, so she could only pretend that she couldn't see him and nodded to everyone.

"Peace of mind!" The chief waved his hand, signaling Qiu Yizhen not to press the button, and smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Come, sit here!"

He pointed to the spot next to him.

This position is not for casual sitting, it is equivalent to sitting on an equal footing with Dashou.

Chen Xin'an, however, was not so particular. He thanked the boss and sat down carelessly.

The leader smiled and nodded, and said to him, "These are the heads of the major Dongchao official organizations. I won't introduce them one by one. You can exchange business cards among yourself!"

You toast one by one, and you will be one of your own from now on! "

Bu Xianting brought over a large tray filled with wine glasses.

Chen Xin'an was still a little hesitant, but Bu Xianting winked at him, and Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass generously, and toasted everyone.

The boss said to him from the side, "Xin'an, which department do you want to join? Just ask and they will arrange it for you!"

You are still young, there is no need to rush home.

Today's young people are wandering around and pursuing careers, but they usually don't

past things. "

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and smiled at the chief, "Mr., I still have a lot of business at home..."

A fat man with a big head and big ears laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, I also understand your business.

Your biggest business now is the development zone project in the eastern suburbs of Kyoto, China, right?

There is a professional team in charge there, and I have to say that Mr. Chen is very business-savvy.

Your team has a very deep background, and we can’t even check it in detail.

With this kind of background, you actually don’t have to worry about it personally.

All problems, big and small, can be solved for you!

Next is a film and television city project, a gold mine in Tailan, a foundation, and a garment factory in Lingnan.

Big projects should be these. I dare not say that I can take over all the business, but I can help you consume two-thirds of it.

The remaining one-third can be completely digested by the abilities of those under your command.

So don’t worry about your business. If you stay here, I can even guarantee that your group will double in size in one year! "

A big-backed man smiled and said to Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, you should be able to feel what a precious opportunity is in front of you!

I believe that no smart person would give up this opportunity! "

The bald old man next to him looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, with your current reputation and the appreciation of you by the university students, it can be said that it is easy to make great achievements in Dongchao.

Being a human being is nothing more than seeking fame and fortune.

We can give you all this!

Back in China, you are just an ordinary businessman. No one pays attention to your talents and has no chance to display them!

Tell me, what is your ideal in life? "

Chen Xin'an said without hesitation, "My biggest ideal in this life is to be a door-to-door son-in-law who lives to eat and wait to die!"

No need to do anything, no need to think about anything! "

There was silence in the elegant room.

Everyone looks like a fool

He looked at Chen Xin'an with such eyes.

Is this guy kidding?

What the hell is this what a person of your age and strength should say?

Only Qiu Yizhen covered her mouth and said to Chen Xin'an, "Chen Xin'an, I know you are telling the truth.

Because I know you very well!

But Ning Xiruo can't give you such an ideal!

Because her abilities are limited, she can only do so much now.

I am different, I can give you the life you want.

Because even if we don’t do anything, we can all have enough protection and live better! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Qiu Yizhen and said, "I believe in Miss Qiu's words, and I believe you can make me do that.

But I don’t believe that if I became like that, the university students and leaders would still value me as much as they do now!

What's the point of staying here as a useless useless person? "

Qiu Yizhen's smile was stiff and she didn't know what to say.

Yes, what everyone values ​​​​about this person now is her strength and ability.

But once he chooses to lie down, he becomes useless.

What's the use of spending so much energy and cost and leaving behind a waste?

Chen Xin'an looked at Qiu Yizhen and said, "So it's not necessarily a good thing for me to stay.

On the other hand, if I go back, it will be the best outcome for everyone!

Thank you Mr. University and all the leaders for your support. We will still be friends in the future. If you need me, Chen Xinan, just give me your orders! "

Da Bei Tou glanced at Da Tou with a serious face, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Everyone has his own ambitions. Since Mr. Chen doesn't want to stay in Dongchao, we won't force him to stay.

However, there were drills on the Dongchao during this period, and both flights and ships were restricted from entering and leaving the country.

Therefore, if Mr. Chen wants to return to China, he must report in advance, and it may take some time before he can leave! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said, "No need to bother, I have a private plane coming in the next two days, just ask the leaders to help me arrange the route!"

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