Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3052 Who can you protect like this?

It was already dark, the celebration banquet was over, and the escort team escorted the guests home.

Bu Xianting sent Chen Xin'an out, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, do you really not want to think about it anymore?"

Chen Xin'an burped, shook her arms around Bu Xianting's shoulders and said

"Gold silver nest nest as their own kennel!

I am a home-loving person and don’t like to wander around all year round.

Brother Bu, when do you no longer want to work in this circle, go to China and find me!

Brother, I will drink and have fun with you every day. I guarantee that you will be happy and enjoy a good life. It is much better than fighting here! "

Bu Xianting looked a little dazed, as if he was yearning for the kind of good life that Chen Xin'an said.

To be honest, working at Hongshitai is not as sacred and beautiful as others imagine.

I am on tenterhooks every day and am always under high mental tension. Not only do I have to do my job well, I also need to pay attention to coordinating interpersonal relationships and balancing the forces of all parties.

It sounds nice to be the first secret of Dongchao, but in reality, he is just a small civilian secretary, powerless and at the mercy of others.

If you can really let go of everything and enjoy a good life with ease, that would be really...

No, I was persuading him to stay. Why did this guy say a few words and he actually wanted to leave?

Seeing Chen Xin'an's drunken eyes, Bu Xianting didn't know whether he was really drunk or fake.

But this kid did drink a lot tonight, and he took turns being toasted by the officials. Most people would have been lying down long ago.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you anything now. Let's wait until you wake up tomorrow. I'll take you back first!"

"Let me do it!" A voice came from behind. Bu Xianting turned around and saw Qiu Yizhen in casual clothes.

Knowing that the chief's daughter had a special affection for Chen Xin'an, Bu Xianting was still a little worried about being alone so late.

"Miss, it's better for me to go there with the escort. It's not convenient for you to send him off so late..."

Before he finished speaking

, Qiu Yizhen had already come over, held Chen Xin'an's arm, and said to him, "Uncle Bu, don't worry, I'm not here alone, Sister Ying is here too!"

Under the steps of the hotel lobby, a red Leiyu was parked. The person in the driver's seat is a strong woman, she is Qiu Yizhen's bodyguard Quan Suying.

Bu Xianting was still hesitant, but Qiu Yizhen pushed him and said with a smile, "Uncle Bu, just leave him to me. You have worked hard all day, so go back and rest!"

Without any explanation, Qiu Yizhen helped Chen Xin'an into the car. Bu Xianting had no choice but to say to her, "Then be careful and call me if you need anything!"

"What can happen? Don't worry!" Qiu Yizhen smiled and waved her hand to Bu Xianting, indicating that he could leave without worries.

He helped Chen Xin'an walk to the car. Just as he was about to open the back door, Chen Xin'an held the door.

He turned his head and stood staggeringly next to Qiu Yizhen. He looked at her for a long time, stared at his eyes that were about to fall asleep and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Qiu Yizhen glared at him angrily and said, "You don't even recognize me when you're drunk, right?

Who told you to drink so much!

Those people are really going to make you drink all by yourself!

Come on, I'll take you back now. You're staying at the Four Seasons Hotel, right? "

Chen Xin'an held the car door, shook her head and said, "I don't need you to take me there! I'll take a taxi myself!"

"Why are you taking a taxi at this time!" Qiu Yizhen said angrily and slapped his arm away.

"Just get in the car and I'll take you back! I'm worried if you have to go back by yourself after drinking like this!"

Opening the car door, she put Chen Xin'an into the back seat and followed her.

Chen Xin'an struggled to get out of the car, covering her mouth as if she was about to vomit.

Qiu Yizhen stopped his arm, took out the prepared garbage bag, and put it to his mouth for him.

Quan Suying, who was about to drive, said to her, "Miss, let her get out of the car!"

This car is your favorite, and it will be troublesome if it gets dirty! "

Qiu Yizhen held the garbage bag for Chen Xin'an and said, "It doesn't matter, just wash it if it's dirty!

I have to send him back today! "

Chen Xinan only felt uncomfortable for a while, but did not vomit. She lay down on the back seat and closed her eyes.

Qiu Yizhen took out a wet wipe, wiped his face gently, and said to Quan Suying, "Sister Ying, drive!"

Quan Suying had no choice but to start the car and slowly leave the hotel.

"Chen Xin'an, do you want some water?" Qiu Yizhen took out a bottle of mineral water and brought it to Chen Xin'an's mouth.

Chen Xin'an, who had her eyes closed, pushed with her hand without opening her eyes to look at her.

Seeing Qiu Yizhen taking good care of Chen Xin'an in the mirror, Quan Suying said angrily

"Miss, you have never done this to other men!

I don’t think there’s anything special about this man, so you don’t actually need to…”

"Sister Ying!" Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an's side face and said, "I know he injured Brother Zaiyuan and made you feel uncomfortable.

But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Xin’an. Who asked Brother Zaiyuan to provoke him?

Moreover, Brother Zaiyuan usually looks like the best in the world and arrogant.

This is good, someone finally let him know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. "

Quan Suying snorted angrily, glanced at Chen Xinan in the rearview mirror and cursed

"Won't he pull it?

Miss, what is your identity?

You take the initiative to please him, but so many times, he refuses you without knowing what to do!

If you hadn't stopped me, I would have taught this shameless guy a lesson!

Miss, look at him looking like a drunkard, he can't even recognize you, why do you care about him?

How about you go back and I'll just send him back!

What if you really send him to the hotel and he gets drunk and bullies you? "

Qiu Yizhen covered her mouth, looked at Chen Xinan and smiled and said, "What can we do? He really dares to do that, I can't wait to do it!"

Anyway, sooner or later I will be his, no matter what he does to me, I will do it willingly! "

Quan Suying sighed and said, "I'm afraid that he won't admit it. Then, under the guise of being drunk and forgetting things, you will suffer in vain and get nothing. That will be trouble!"

"No!" Qiu Yizhen shook her head, gently touched Chen Xin'an's face with her hand, and said with a smile.

"As long as he dares to do it, I will let him admit it!

Sister Ying, you know my character.

Growing up, I never accepted anyone's arrangements for me.

What I like is all pursued by myself.

Whether it's work or life.

Even men.

Since he is the one I like, I must catch him, no matter what method I use! "

Quan Suying sighed and shook his head.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly said, "If you encounter any situation later, just leave and don't worry about me!"

The two women in the car were stunned!

Qiu Yizhen retracted her hand and said calmly, "Chen, Chen Xin'an, are you talking drunkenly?"

Chen Xin'an sighed, opened his eyes and said, "You shouldn't have gotten involved! I originally just wanted to hide it from his eyes, but now... I will try my best to protect you!"

Quan Suying frowned and shouted, "Chen Xin'an, what nonsense are you talking about! Are you drunk or sober?"

Are you still protecting us? Who can you protect like this? "

While he was talking, the car lights in front suddenly flashed, and a black shadow rushed towards him, and landed on the hood with a bang!

"Ah!" Quan Suying and Qiu Yizhen exclaimed at the same time.

Chen Xin'an shouted "Brake the brakes!"

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