Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3056 I can’t lose my brother anymore

At this time, Miya Musashi still had a look of astonishment on his face and did not react at all.

After he saw clearly that the person coming was Chen Xin'an, he gritted his teeth and stabbed the knife in his hand!


The broken knife entered his abdomen, but Chen Xin'an's arms hugged him tightly. In Miya Musashi's horrified eyes, Chen Xin'an had already hugged him and fell into the lake together!

The water splashes and the water waves roll.

The two were fighting and entangled by the lake. Miya Musashi tried to climb ashore several times, but Chen Xin'an pulled him back and rolled into the lake again, getting farther and farther away from the shore every time!

"Let me go!" Gong Musashi, who was struggling in the water, took the opportunity to speak and shouted at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, however, wrapped her hands and feet around Gong Musashi's body, like a pair of inseparable lovers, and said with a sinister smile

"Old Yinbi, you can't think of it, right?

The real killing move is not sniping! But this lake!

Last time I was in Zeshen Port, I found out that you were afraid of water!

I brought you here this time and let me see what other tricks you have up your sleeve! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he used all his strength to completely press Miya Musashi into the water!

Gong Musashi had already thrown away the broken knife, and was tearing at Chen Xin'an with both hands, trying to get rid of him.

But Chen Xin'an hugged him tightly, like a drowning man holding on to the life-saving log.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at the lighted water above. It was clearly right in front of him, as if he could reach it, but it was never visible, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

In panic, he heard his own shouts of fear, and then a large amount of lake water poured into his mouth and nose!

The unpleasant taste was like countless steel needles pouring in from his mouth and nose and piercing his lungs!

Chen Xin'an held her breath and hugged Miya Musashi tightly.

Feeling the old guy's unparalleled internal force running and colliding, I almost couldn't trap him several times.

Fortunately, Miya Musashi was already panicked and scared. No matter how strong his internal energy was, it was no longer a means of attack. He was trapped in the body and could not get out.

Otherwise, with such a distance, if he attacks Chen Xin'an, he will definitely die!

It's a pity that he is still old and scared!

Everything is in chaos!

He is most afraid of sinking into water, so once he really drowns, he becomes an ordinary person.

In fact, he is a master of the fifth level of internal energy. If he can calm down, hold his breath and exhale slowly like Chen Xin'an, he can stay in the water for as long as Chen Xin'an!

But he forgot all these, and there was only one thought left in his mind, which was to get out of the water as soon as possible.

The more this happens, the more he sinks. Even if Chen Xin'an lets go of his hands and feet and no longer traps him, he will not be able to get up!

The most fearful thing for drowning people is panic. As long as they can calm themselves down, even if they have no internal energy, they can still feel the buoyancy and let their heads rise above the water.

It's a pity that Miya Musashi didn't realize this!

The strength of his struggle became smaller and smaller, and the speed of waving his arms and legs became slower and slower.

A large amount of lake water entered his lungs, causing him to occasionally cough and spit out a string of bubbles, and then he sank motionless in the water.

Chen Xin'an had already let go of him. At this time, Gong Musashi still had his eyes wide open, but his pupils had dilated and his vision was out of focus.

The black scarf wrapped around his face had been soaked with water, revealing an ugly and even terrifying face.

The face is covered in layers of folds, like an old Shar-Pei dog.

Chen Xin'an knew that this was the side effect of blood transfusion.

Looking at this face in the dark water, even Chen Xin'an felt a little scared.

When his own endurance reached the limit, Chen Xin'an finally surfaced.

Miya Musashi is too dead and his body will float up tomorrow morning.

Chen Xin'an stumbled onto the shore. The cold water on his body stopped bleeding, but he didn't bother to check the injury and ran towards the rain as fast as he could.


"Boss! Master..." Han Yunmei hugged Li Qi, her face full of tears.

Chen Xin'an squatted next to Li Qi, carefully checking his injuries. After a while, he took a long breath.

"It doesn't look like he was stabbed in the heart, Aqi is still alive, don't worry!

Send him to the hospital quickly! "

At Chaogyeong National Hospital, Chen Xin'an, who was still undergoing suture surgery, looked at Cui Lunhyuk who walked in and wanted to sit up from the operating table.

Cui Lunhyuk and the suture doctor held him down together!

"Two millimeters!" Cui Lunhyuk said to him, "Another two millimeters, and your friend's heart will be pierced!

Not to mention our hospital, even if you do it yourself, you can't save her!

Moreover, it is a penetrating injury, so it is easy to treat. As long as you rest for a while after suturing, you will be fine! "

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Cui Lunhe said to him helplessly, "In comparison, your injuries are more serious than his! You should still worry about yourself!"

Chen Xin'an grinned disapprovingly, looked at the ceiling and said, "You don't understand! I can't lose any more brothers!"

My injuries don't matter, as long as I can't kill you with one blow, I won't die no matter how serious the injury is! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

The suturing doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Cui Lunhyuk, "Dr. Cui, this guy is a freak!

How can anyone not allow anesthesia for stitches?

With a wound like his, wouldn't it be courting death if he didn't use anesthesia?

Don't talk about him, as a doctor, it hurts to see him! "

Cui Lunhyuk said helplessly, "It's okay, just sew like this!"

You can't treat this guy like an ordinary person!

Others are seeking death, but for him, it is the most normal thing.

Let me help you! "

The sun was shining brightly, shining into my eyes through the gaps in the curtains.

\u003eChen Xin'an rubbed his eyes and woke up, looking around.

This is a double ward, and Li Qi is lying on the bed next to him.

The door to the ward was opened, and Han Yunmei walked in with a dinner plate. When she saw him, she said in surprise, "Boss, are you awake?"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Li Qi and asked, "How is your master?"

Han Yunmei smiled and said, "Master woke up at around five o'clock in the morning, but I let him continue to sleep!

Boss, Miss Qiu brought soup, I'll serve you a bowl! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked her, "Where is she?"

Han Yunmei pointed to the window and said, "The doctor said that you need to rest now and cannot visit.

So she brought the soup and left. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and glanced out the window, thoughtfully, with a smile on his lips.

Han Yunmei brought the soup bowl over and wanted to feed Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an waved her hand and refused.

His hand was not injured, so he didn't need anyone to feed him.

A voice came from the bed next to her, "It smells so good! I want to drink a bowl too!"

Han Yunmei shouted in surprise, "Master, are you awake? I'll serve you a bowl right away!"

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Li Qi and asked, "How is it?"

Li Qi knew what he was asking, shook his head and said, "It's okay! Just lie down for a few days!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Although the injury is not fatal, I am most afraid of sequelae!

Hearing how Li Qi felt about his physical condition, Chen Xin'an felt relieved and lowered his head to drink the soup with peace of mind.

The police recovered a body from the artificial lake, and after identification, it was the wanted criminal Miya Musashi.

Subsequently, an image captured by a driving recorder of the mysterious man near Meiyan Lake was broadcast on the Internet.

Chen Xin'an's figure can be clearly seen in the image, and the person who ambushed him was none other than Miya Musashi.

Suddenly, after the Dongchao hero commendation meeting, he made great achievements again, and the news of capturing the national first-level wanted criminals made the headlines of Dongchao!

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