Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3057 Master, I miss you so much

A "Riptide G3" slowly landed at Chaojing Jinchuan International Airport.

Thirty minutes later, everyone who got off the plane got into a commercial vehicle and drove away from the airport.

Han Yunmei drove the car and said to the people behind her, "Dear friends, the boss has already told me that we will return to China early the day after tomorrow, and everyone can spend two days in Chaojing!

He has already arranged his itinerary, and this card is just for you.

After everyone goes to the hotel and puts away their luggage, you can move around freely! "

The four crew members sitting behind them looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Duan Changkong shook his head and said, "We are not here just for fun. The boss's wife personally ordered us to take the boss back as soon as possible!"

When we get to the hotel later, take us to see the boss first! "

Du Dechao looked outside and said with a smile, "I heard that the boss is very happy in Dongchao?

Why do I feel like I'm a little too low-key now?

Is this the boss's car?

The grade is really a bit ordinary!

And I heard that he provoked a lot of people here, so asking a girl like you to pick him up at the airport is really..."

Wang Yalu rolled her eyes at him and cursed, "If you don't know how to speak, don't speak!

The boss keeps a low profile wherever he goes, and it’s not like you don’t know his character! "

Du Dechao suppressed his laughter, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! The boss is indeed very low-key, only limited to eating, drinking and traveling.

When it comes to doing things for others, if you say it’s low-key, I’m afraid the boss himself won’t believe it! "

Wang Yalu covered her mouth with a smile, and Duan Changkong also laughed.

Jing Jing shook his head, sighed and said, "Actually, the boss doesn't want to be high-profile, but there are always people forcing him to do something, and the boss has nothing to do!"

Everyone felt the same and nodded together.

Du Dechao said angrily, "Actually, I'm just angry that the trendy people in the East are stingy!

The boss helped them so much, but they didn't give him enough treatment at all!

This is on the Internet, and the boss is praised as a hero of the Eastern Wave?

they are

Treat heroes like this? "

The young man who had been sitting in the corner said without raising his head, "It's okay, at least we have sent official people to protect Miss Han!"

Everyone looked strange and turned their heads to look around.

Han Yunmei glanced at the young man in the rearview mirror and asked a little strangely, "How did you see them? Who are you? Your name doesn't seem to be on the list the boss gave me..."

Wang Yalu smiled and said to her, "There is no need to doubt this person, Miss Han. He is..."

The young man interrupted her and said, "Sister Yalu, we promised to give you a surprise!"

Wang Yalu immediately covered her mouth and said, "Okay, I won't say anything anymore! Miss Han doesn't need to doubt him, everyone is safe with him!"

Han Yunmei observed the young man again. He looked like he was in his early twenties, neither too handsome nor ugly.

At first glance, he doesn't attract much attention. If he sits there and doesn't speak, no one will notice him for a long time.

But she didn't know if it was an illusion, but Han Yunmei always felt that he had a strange temperament.

And this temperament is very familiar to her, just like... yes, just like the temperament of Master!

Who is this?

How could he have the same temperament as his master?

When the car arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel, Han Yunmei took everyone upstairs and had arranged their rooms in advance.

I just didn't expect that there would be one more person. Han Yunmei said to the young man apologetically.

"I'm sorry, because I wasn't informed in advance that you would be coming, so I booked one less room.

Wait a moment, I'll ask the boss for instructions and open another room! "

The young man waved his hand and said, "No, I'll live wherever your boss lives!"

Han Yunmei smiled slightly and said to the young man, "This is not very convenient! The boss doesn't like to be disturbed when he is resting.

I'd better open another room for you! "

Are you kidding, do you really think you are the boss's biological son?

No matter how good a friend is, the boss doesn't like sleeping with him.

The only one who can sleep next to the boss is the sister-in-law.

Even the master can only sleep in the same room with the boss and not dare to sleep with him.

who do you think You Are?

I’m afraid you’re not even qualified to live in the same room as the boss, right?

But she didn't say much. Anyway, when the young man was exhausted, it wouldn't be too late to come down and get a room.

The four crew members put their luggage in their rooms and followed Han Yunmei upstairs.

The young man followed.

Han Yunmei knocked on the door of the business suite and said, "Boss, I brought the people back! They want to come over to see you, have I opened the door?"

"Come in!" came Chen Xin'an's response from inside.

Han Yunmei took out her room card, opened the door, and said to everyone behind her, "Please come in!"

Everyone walked in one after another, and when they saw the familiar faces on the sofa, they all rushed over excitedly. However, when they ran up to them, they all stopped invariably.

The two people on the couch looked really funny and miserable at the same time.

Chen Xin'an's body was almost covered with bandages, like a mummy, with only his head left.

Li Qi looked better, with only his upper body covered in bandages, but his face was very pale, and he looked even worse than his boss!

"Boss!" Everyone screamed and quickly supported Chen Xin'an who was trying to stand up.

Jing Jing said with a distressed look, "Don't get up now that you're like this! Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Wang Yalu wiped her eyes and said, "If the boss lady sees this, she will be heartbroken to death!

Boss, how did you get hurt so badly! "

Now everyone knows why Chen Xinan didn't go to the airport to pick him up, why he didn't want everyone to come up to see him, and arranged the itinerary for everyone to go out and play.

It turned out that he was so badly injured that he didn't want everyone to know!

Chen Xinan smiled and said, "It's not as serious as you think!

I wrapped it like this on purpose, because it contains the medicine I made myself, and this way the bag can exert the maximum medicinal effect.

It can be untied tomorrow and can move freely.

Ah Qi's injury is more serious than mine, and he needs to rest for a while after returning..."

While speaking, Chen Xinan frowned and saw the young man following behind everyone.

At this moment, the young man was wearing a baseball cap on his head, covering his entire face.

He walked towards Chen Xinan at a moderate pace, and the people surrounding Chen Xinan quickly stepped aside.

Han Yunmei wanted to stop him with some caution, but Li Qi gently pulled his arm.

The young man walked all the way to Chen Xinan, then knelt on the ground with a plop, hugged Chen Xinan's arm, and whispered, "Master! I miss you so much!"

Chen Xinan showed an expression of surprise and relief on his face, reached out and stroked the young man's head, and asked gently, "Why are you here? Aren't you...you on a mission?"

The young man nodded, rubbed the gauze on Chen Xinan's arm with his face, and said, "Master also knows the rules of our Black Mountain Tiger.

After the first mission, you have to take a few days off!

Just as the master's wife arranged for someone to come and pick up the master, I followed her! "

"Lei Ming..." Chen Xin'an stroked the head of his eldest disciple, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

It was a mission, which meant that this kid had now become a qualified special forces member!

But this also meant that he would be tied to the battlefield of gunfire and rain of bullets from now on!

Lei Ming was his eldest disciple, but he was also like his own brother.

He knew that Heishanhu could make this kid grow up quickly, but he never wanted him to fall on the battlefield!

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