Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3058 I want to wear that clothes for the rest of my life

I didn't expect that the young man was the boss's apprentice, and I didn't expect that he actually slept in the same room with the boss!

Han Yunmei also saw the boss's love for this apprentice. Some of the things she was originally asked to do were now fulfilled by the young man named Lei Ming.

The boss has a bottomless trust in him, even more than he has in his master!

This made Han Yunmei very angry and jealous of her master.

Li Qi didn't mind at all and instead tried to comfort her.

"Lei Ming is the boss's disciple, and they have known each other for much longer than me.

Moreover, the boss has always felt indebted to his great apprentice.

Although he never said it, everyone around him could see it.

For the other apprentices, the boss can take good care of and teach them.

Only this eldest disciple, the boss, has always adopted a free-range policy and allowed him to develop on his own.

Therefore, no matter how the boss compensates Lei Ming, it is not excessive in his opinion! "

In the bedroom, Chen Xin'an looked at Lei Ming, who was laying the floor next to him, and laughed and cursed, "It's finally a day off. If you don't go to accompany your beloved sister, why are you here here?"

Lei Ming smiled slightly and said lightly, "Sister Qing and I broke up!"

"What?" Chen Xin'an sat up with a dark face, glared at Lei Ming and cursed, "What did you just say? Say it again!"

When flirting with someone, you are both verbal and emotional, and now you kick her ass? Tired of playing? "

Lei Ming scratched his head and said, "Master, I didn't play with her, and I never held her hand. How could we break up..."

Chen Xin'an pointed at his nose and cursed, "Don't tell me such nonsense!

Did I tell you at the beginning to think it over clearly?

If you don't listen to the advice, you will identify others.

As a master, I can't get involved in emotional matters, so I can only leave it up to you.

But don’t you know what kind of person Guan Qing is?

She is much older than you and is very serious about people and things.

The key is that your wife treats her as a biological sister!

Your kid hooked someone up, and now you say you don’t want to?

How do you want me to face others? How to face your mistress?

How old are you?

After so many years of delay, you just don’t want it anymore?

Which little fairy do you like?

I'm going to kill her! "

Lei Ming said with a grimace, "Who am I attracted to? I liked Sister Qing before, and I still like her now!"

I've said it before, I like a mature and sensible woman like her who knows how to care for others! "

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily, "Then what were you doing just now..."

Lei Ming's expression darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Master, Captain Hu died!"

"Who?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a moment.

Lei Ming said in a low voice, "Second Squadron Captain Hu Bing! When the Black Mountain Tigers recruit people, he is the one who selects them. I..."

"I know him!" Chen Xin'an said sadly, "I remember all the names and looks of each of the Black Mountain Tiger brothers!"

Lei Ming wiped his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an, "He died in front of me, stepped on a GNN12 anti-infantry mine, and his lower body was blown up.

When I carried him out, all the pieces of his flesh fell off, and he died on my back!

The night I came back from the mission, I sat on the playground and drank all night.

Captain Hu is almost thirty and doesn't have a girlfriend. The other captains joke that he wants to be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

We team members also laughed at him.

But he once said something to me.

He was destined to fight in this life, and he might die on the battlefield at some point.

When the time comes, those who are left with orphans and widows will die in peace, right?

So he doesn't harm other girls at all.

Master, I think I am too..."

"You're a fart!" Chen Xin'an scolded angrily, "I let you go to Montenegro because you have a special physique and must fight between life and death.

Only by stimulating your potential at the critical moment can your strength be improved.

I didn’t ask you to die!

Come back here when you're done serving here!

Guan Qing has been waiting for you at such an old age. How long do you want her to wait? "

Lei Ming smiled, shook his head and said, "Master, I have already thought about it.

I think that outfit is what I like to wear the most, and I never plan to take it off in my life.

That place is also the most suitable place for me to stay.

The old man sent me here, which was the most correct thing he did!

Master, you don’t need to persuade me. Now I am no longer the second-generation ancestor who only knew how to spend money to cause trouble and liked luxury cars.

I can plan my life by myself and know the path that is best for me.

Before the holiday, I had already called the old man, and he agreed with my idea.

To Sister Qing, I can only say sorry.

If I retire and work in logistics, I will abide by my previous promise and marry her! "

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an scolded angrily, "How old will you be then, and how old will they be? If you can afford to wait, can they afford to wait?"

Lei Ming smiled bitterly and said, "So I broke up with her now!

As long as she meets the right person, she can start another relationship, and I will bless her! "

Chen Xin'an was so angry that she wanted to kick him, but when she saw his red eyes and the rolling in them, she tried her best to suppress the tears from flowing down. She felt a pain in her heart, but finally sighed and said nothing more.

This kid has grown up, and it is inconvenient for him to interfere in relationships or life decisions.

And he didn't feel that his apprentice had done something wrong, and the victim was not just Sister Qing. He could see that Lei Ming was in great pain when he made such a decision!

"Alas!" Chen Xin'an sighed heavily again.

He has money, strength and ability, and can do things that others can't even think of.

But at this moment he finally realized

Realizing that he is also a mortal, he can't do anything in front of his apprentice, he is like a waste!

Knowing that Chen Xin'an was going back, the boss specially held a family dinner to see Chen Xin'an off.

Li Qi was still recovering from his injuries, so naturally he couldn't accompany Chen Xin'an to the banquet. Fortunately, Lei Ming came and took Li Qi's place.

Since it was a family banquet, the dining place was Hongseokdae Gyeongbokgung Palace.

The Hongshitai escort vehicle went to the Four Seasons Hotel to pick up Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming, and then sent them back after the banquet.

Sitting next to Chen Xin'an, Lei Ming whispered, "When Miss Han picked up the plane yesterday, were they the ones following?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Now they are responsible for our security work.

what do you think? "

Lei Ming curled his lips and lowered his voice and said, "That's it! Defensive enough, just slow down your reaction.

If I were to make a breakthrough, there would be many loopholes! "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

They are a convoy, not a special forces team. Of course, they focus on defense and not on attack.

Compared with a special forces team like yours, it is naturally full of loopholes.

But having loopholes and being easily defeated are two different things.

Dongchao's technology is higher than that of China, and their loopholes are filled with the latest technology, which has become a trap.

It is not that easy to completely break through.

Of course, there is no need for a breakthrough. We are now guests, honored guests, not enemies. There is no need to study these things.

As soon as the two got out of the car, Lou Zaiyuan came over, looked at Lei Ming with wary eyes and said, "Who are you?"

Just as the translator next to him was about to speak, Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said to Lou Zaiyuan, "He is my apprentice.

I just reported it to the receptionist, didn't I tell Mr. Lou? "

Lou Zaiyuan shook his head and said, "Sorry, I didn't receive the notice! The freshman invited Mr. Chen alone.

Don't let these people of unknown origins in! "

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