Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3066 My master never taught me kung fu

Gunshots kept ringing downstairs, and Lou Zaiyuan, who was standing on the rooftop, looked gloomy and frightening. He could tell that the Chinese boy had already rushed up!

Everything that was originally arranged was ruined. Not only did the elites he selected arrive at the training building later than others, but now they were armed and without ammunition, and one of them was even eliminated by the gangsters!

Without bullets, it would be a matter of time before the remaining two were eliminated.

What's even more desperate is that the mechanism originally planned to besiege the Chinese man rushed too fast and fell far behind his opponent. As a result, both Chengjun and Seunggi were surrounded by gangsters!

Jiongzhong, who was eliminated as soon as he reached the third floor, looked at his two teammates who were running away with their heads in their arms, and his teammates who were beaten and yelling. He shouted to be careful, but he was already happy in his heart!

You see, it’s not that I’m incompetent, it’s the Chinese people who are too cunning!

After knocking down the last gangster, Lei Ming kicked open the rooftop door, then leaned down on the armrest next to him, his body hanging in the air.

With a rumbling rolling sound, several sections of the wooden wheel that could not be held by one person rolled down from the rooftop and continued to roll down the stairs.

"Damn!" Lei Ming cursed.

He didn't know there was this thing behind the iron gate. It was just a habitual defense. He didn't expect that there was actually a mechanism.

When there was no movement outside the door, Lei Ming jumped down from the handrail, carefully walked to the door, and quietly peeked his head out, seeing two paper figures three meters away.

One is a gangster with a gun, and the person the gun is pointing at is the hostage.

Kill the gangsters and rescue the hostages, and this competition is over!

Lei Ming didn't know if there were any other ambush, so he ducked out of the iron gate and looked around cautiously.

Under the light, the surroundings were empty except for the pair of paper figures.

Lei Ming breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and raised his gun, pointed it at the gangster and pulled the trigger.

Unexpectedly, at the moment of shooting, the paper man came to life and moved to the side.

This caused Lei Ming's shot that originally hit the gangster's head to hit the hostage's head!

Looking at the red splash on the hostage's head, Thunder


A man stood out from behind the two paper figures, and it was Lou Zaiyuan, the captain of the Hongshitai Guards.

Lei Ming curled his lips and said, "Using such despicable means to interfere with the competition, is this what you, the Red Stone Platform Guards, do?"

Lou Zaiyuan casually pushed the gangster paper figure to the ground, stepped on it, looked at Lei Ming with a straight face and said, "I did not interfere with the competition, this is part of the competition!"

Lei Ming saw him holding the hostage in his left hand and looking at himself coldly, and understood what he meant.

"You play the gangster yourself. As long as I can defeat you, this competition will be truly over, right?"

Lou Zaiyuan narrowed his eyes and nodded.

Lei Ming snorted coldly, looked at Lou Zaiyuan with disdain and said, "You never said that before our competition!"

Lou Zaiyuan still wanted to explain, but Lei Ming then asked, "I just want to know, if it is your people who come up first, will it be you in the last level?"

Lou Zaiyuan's face suddenly turned red, he coughed twice, and said seriously, "Yes! I won't do anything for them!"

I believe you!

Lei Ming pouted, looked at Lou Zaiyuan and said, "Forget it! Since you are the last one, I just beat you!"

He raised his arm, pointed the gun at Lou Zaiyuan's head and pulled the trigger!

"What the hell..." Lou Zaiyuan was startled, but his body reacted very quickly and he squatted down!

However, there was a clicking sound coming from the pistol.

Lei Ming shook the pistol with a regretful look on his face, then threw it on the ground and said, "No more paintballs!"

You did it on purpose!

Lou Zaiyuan stood up in shock and cursed at Lei Ming, "Didn't your master teach you not to point your gun at your own people at will?"

thunderous glance

He glanced at him and said, "Are you one of our own? You are a gangster!"

"You..." Lou Zaiyuan was speechless.

Lei Ming snorted and continued, "You know that the gun is full of paintballs, but you are still so scared. You are too scared to death!"

Lou Zaiyuan was so angry that he scolded his mother!

Even if it’s a paintball, it still hurts when it hits you!

And the distance is so close, you bastard is still aiming at my head, why don’t I hide away? Can you afford to pay for being blinded?

Holding back his anger, Lou Zaiyuan said to Lei Ming, "This is the last stage for me to learn your Chinese Kung Fu! .??.

Look how much you have learned from your master!

As long as you can snatch this hostage away from me, then you win!

But if you are knocked down by me and cannot stand up, then you will lose this competition! "

Lei Ming frowned, looked at Lou Zaiyuan and said, "You want to learn my Chinese Kung Fu?

Then you are disappointed, my master never taught me this at all. "

Hearing what Lei Ming said, Lou Zaiyuan showed a trace of ridicule on his face.

He looked at Lei Ming and said, "I thought your master thought highly of you, but it turns out...since you don't know Kung Fu, just admit defeat!"

Lei Ming shook his head and said, "Just because I don't know Chinese Kung Fu doesn't mean I will admit defeat! It doesn't mean I will definitely lose!"

"Young man!" Lou Zaiyuan said to Lei Ming with a sneer in an old-fashioned tone.

“It’s not too late to admit defeat now!

And you are already standing here, your grades are pretty good, and you are not embarrassing your master!

If you dare to continue, you will be in trouble!

Because once I do something, it's hard to control myself.

If I hurt you, it would embarrass your master and make you unable to stand down. "

Lei Ming didn't seem to hear his threat. He pointed at the paper man next to him and said, "You mean, as long as I grab this

Even if you win something? "

Lou Zaiyuan nodded, smiled evilly and said to Lei Ming, "Yes! But I advise you not to try. If you want to snatch it away from me, it's not...what are you doing!"

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Lei Ming has already rushed over and grabbed the paper man!

This guy moves so fast!

Lou Zaiyuan subconsciously reached out and grabbed the paper man's head, trying to pull it behind him!

At the same time, Lei Ming had also grabbed the paper man's body. The two of them pulled hard at the same time, and with a snap, the paper man split into two!

Lei Ming raised the paper man body in his hand and said to Lou Zaiyuan, "Captain Lou, I seem to have got it. Do you think I win?"

Lou Zaiyuan looked at the head of the paper man in his hand stupidly, feeling both shocked and ashamed in his heart!

He pushed the paper head back, kicked Lei Ming in the chest, and cursed, "The only way to win is to get the head!"

I know you don’t mean what you say!

Lei Ming threw the paper man to the ground, turned around to avoid the opponent's kick, and then charged forward like a leopard!

Lou Zaiyuan's kick missed. As soon as he retracted his kick, the opponent had already rushed forward!

His eyes widened as he looked at Lei Ming's fists and kicks, which were as dense and sharp as a storm. How could he dare to be careless? He immediately put his whole body on guard and responded with all his strength!

The two of them stood together in an instant, punching and kicking, fighting fiercely!


Lou Zaiyuan kicked Lei Ming in the chest and kicked him back three steps. He raised the corners of his mouth and said with a mocking look, "Although your speed is pretty good, your reaction is still a little slow..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lei Ming rushed over very quickly and kicked him in the stomach as well!

Lou Zaiyuan quickly ducked out of the way, but he didn't expect this guy to use a fake move!

The kick to his stomach was fake, the real attack was his back fist, which had hit Lou Zaiyuan hard on the chin!

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