Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3067 What did you just say?

This punch almost knocked Lou Zaiyuan away!

He staggered for a few steps before finally controlling his center of gravity. Then he blocked with his arms and stepped back continuously with his feet, finally blocking Lei Ming's plan to pursue the victory!

"Asshole!" Lou Zaiyuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and glared at Lei Ming and cursed.

“You’re a despicable person who doesn’t keep your word and is full of lies!

Is this how your master usually teaches you?

Are all you Chinese people so shameless? "

Lei Ming frowned, looked at him inexplicably and asked, "What did you say? Why am I so shameless?"

Lou Zaiyuan cursed angrily, "You still said you don't know Kung Fu? You also lied to me and said that your master never taught you Kung Fu!"

If I hadn't listened to you and had the mentality of underestimating the enemy, how could you have taken advantage of me! "

Lei Ming was so angry that he laughed!

How can he be so shameless that he changes the rules at will and blames others for being dishonest to him!

Shaking his head, Lei Ming said to Lou Zaiyuan, "I'm not lying to you, my master did not teach me Kung Fu.

But he taught me a lot of Kung Fu concepts, and through professional training and actual combat, I mastered a lot of fighting skills.

What I am using now is not considered Chinese Kung Fu, but it is still the crystallization or even the essence of Chinese Kung Fu.

You'd better not underestimate me, otherwise you will suffer a big loss! "

In fact, there is no need to remind him, Lou Zaiyuan has already realized that the guy he is facing is not so easy to deal with!

This guy's attacks are fierce and efficient, and he doesn't make any unnecessary moves. It's very difficult to deal with him!

It seems that he can no longer hold back and is going to be cruel!

Otherwise, it is really not an easy task to capture this guy.

The team members he selected have already lost. If he loses too, then the reputation of the Red Rock Terrace Guards will be completely ruined!

The boss was sitting in the stands, watching live!

When the time comes, he won't be the unlucky one, the entire escort team will be implicated!

Seeing his opponent charging towards him again, Lou Zaiyuan did not dodge this time.

He didn't retreat, but he tried his best to receive the opponent's punches and kicks, and he was about to be severely injured!

It’s only because you have no vision and insist on standing up for your master!

It is already very uncomfortable for your master to be favored in front of the leader.

Now we finally took advantage of the opportunity when he was injured to give him a little pain to make him restrain himself and know that this is Dongchao and our world.

But your master is ignorant, and you, the boy, are also ignorant, so you have to step in!

Now it's even more extreme. Do you still want to win this competition?

How is this possible?

It’s okay for Chen Xin’an to steal the limelight, but now his apprentice wants to defeat the entire escort team on his own. Doesn’t this tell everyone that the famous Hongshi Terrace escort team is actually a bunch of losers?

Then there is probably no need for this team to continue to exist!

No matter what, you can't lose!

I can no longer be merciful and soft-hearted. If I keep suppressing and beating like this, I won't be able to show my true strength. There is really a chance that this kid will take advantage of me!

Lei Ming's fist has reached near Lou Zaiyuan's chin. As soon as the opponent ducks, Lei Ming's right foot will kick him over and knock him down!

But the opponent didn't dodge this punch!

As if he didn't see it, he rushed towards the fist!

At this moment, Lei Ming subconsciously closed his fist!

Because this is a throat-locking punch, once it hits, the opponent's throat bone will be directly shattered, which is equivalent to killing the opponent!

It's just a competition, not a fight for one's life. We can't let such consequences happen.

But just when Lei Ming was determined to withdraw his fist, the opponent suddenly grabbed his wrist the moment it hit his throat.

Then the opponent blocked with his left hand, pushed hard with his right hand, and put all his strength on the anti-joint!

Lou Zaiyuan's throat felt as if he had been hit by a hammer, and he was instantly surrounded by suffocation and severe pain.

But he

But he also used this to exert his strength, because he knew that this was his best opportunity to counterattack!

But when he was clamping down on the opponent's arm, he felt the opponent's strength and instantly understood that the opponent was withdrawing his strength!

Just withholding his strength would make him feel like he was hit hard. If he released his strength, he would not be able to use any subsequent counterattacks at all!

But now he can no longer control his strength, and the opponent's arm is destined to be useless today!

Severe pain came from the elbow joint. Lei Ming wanted to pull away, but was already locked tightly by the opponent!

As a last resort, Lei Ming suddenly threw his body sideways and hugged Lou Zaiyuan, and the two fell heavily to the ground!

The moment he fell to the ground, Lou Zaiyuan screamed in pain as all the bones in his body seemed to be scattered because he was pressed below.

His hands were also released due to this fall, but as soon as he felt his opponent's arm trying to pull out, he hurriedly tried to lock it!

How could Lei Ming give up this opportunity and let his arm be broken!

He inserted his left hand into the gap between the two people from bottom to top, and then twisted it out violently, forming a reverse kick! .??.

Lou Zaiyuan was shocked!

I didn't expect that under such circumstances, this guy could fight back!

The current situation is that both oneself and the opponent have formed anti-joint suppression.

Whoever hurts his opponent faster will win!

This is a strenuous job, and it depends on who can endure the pain better.

And as the two rolled over, they were now lying face to face on the floor, with their arms pressing their necks.

No matter how hard you apply, you will also compress the jugular veins of the two people. It is very likely that due to the constant pressure, both of them will suffocate or even die!

This is not a competition, this is a fight for your life!

He did not expect such an embarrassing situation to arise, and Lou Zaiyuan also regretted it.

Why do you think your kid is doing this?

Is it that hard to admit defeat?

It's okay now. Whoever relaxes first will have his arm broken, and may even be suffocated. Is it really going to cause a lose-lose situation here?

Damn Chen

Peace of mind, even though he is not even old yet, he is like an old goblin, stealing the show and being worshiped by all the people.

Even if I can't defeat you, it's so hard for even your apprentice to deal with you!

He also said that he has never learned your kung fu. How did you develop such strength?

It's over, this time the escort team was defeated!

It's come to this point. Even if I beat this kid, I probably won't be able to stand up again!

Damn it, fight it!

After all, he is the captain of the escort team, so he cannot be afraid of this Chinese!

Even if I die, I can't lose the face of the escort team!

Lou Zaiyuan panicked, gritted his teeth and roared, ready to use all his strength!

But at this moment, he heard a word from the other party's mouth, and then the arm that imprisoned him suddenly let go!

what's the situation?

At this moment, Lou Zaiyuan, who was no longer under pressure, rushed to the top with all his strength and poured out!


Lei Ming's left arm deformed directly, and his face instantly turned from red to pale!

Fortunately, Lou Zaiyuan stopped immediately the moment his strength surged out!

He also knew that this was just a competition, not a fight for his life!

After letting go of Lei Ming's arm, Lou Zaiyuan opened his eyes and said to him, "What did you just say?"

Because of the close fight between the two, all the headsets on their heads fell off.

So now he couldn't understand Lei Ming's words at all. Of course Lei Ming couldn't understand his words either. He just smiled reluctantly and said to him, "You win!"

"Captain!" The guards rushed out from the iron gate. Seeing the scene in front of them, they understood the result and all cheered!

Lou Zaiyuan pushed aside the crowd surrounding him, pointed at Lei Ming and shouted, "He is injured, save him quickly!"

The team members seemed not to hear him and just cheered around him.

Lou Zaiyuan looked at Lei Ming who fell to the ground and asked loudly, "What did you just say?"

Lei Ming propped up his body with one arm and sat up, shaking his head at him.

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