Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3068 My things may not be applicable to you

After connecting his apprentice's arm and checking his whole body again, Chen Xin'an finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiu Yizhen on the side angrily scolded Chen Xin'an, "Are you showing concern at this time?

I asked you to shout stop just now but you didn’t!

Fortunately, Captain Lou showed mercy, otherwise your apprentice's arm would be useless by now!

Chen Xin'an, for the sake of your pitiful face, do you just not take your apprentice's body seriously? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing, just lowered his head and looked at Lei Ming.

Lei Ming looked guilty, lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an, "Master, I have embarrassed you!"

Although it was a live observation, it was impossible to truly see every action of both sides.

Even with a telescope, I couldn't see clearly what the two people did on the rooftop just now, it was just a blurry image.

There is surveillance, but if you want to see clearly, you have to look back at the video.

So Chen Xin'an didn't know what happened here just now.

He just heard the report that his apprentice was injured and ran over quickly. It was Qiu Yizhen who drove him over.

But even though he didn't know what exactly happened just now, he still had no intention of blaming his apprentice.

He just stretched out his hand, rubbed Lei Ming's shoulder, and said with a smile, "No! No matter what result you get, it is what Master wants to see.

Master’s face has always been so embarrassing, you don’t know that! "

Lou Zaiyuan came over anxiously, looked at Lei Ming and asked

"What did you mean by the last sentence you just said?

If you don't tell me, I've already asked someone about it, and now I understand.

You said I am not an enemy after all!

It means that if I were your real enemy, in the situation just now, could you still fight back? "

Before he could answer, Lou Zaiyuan seemed to have thought of something, nodded vigorously and said

"Yes, yes, I think I still have a few points left. In fact, from the beginning to the end, have you ever tried your best?

Just now at the most

At the last moment, I felt that you had withdrawn your strength!

It seems that you would rather break your arm than lose both sides with me!

In this contest, I looked like I was winning, but actually I was losing.

You seem to have lost, but in fact you have won!

I, Lou Zaiyuan, am not one to keep my word. From now on, I will resign as the captain of the Red Rock Terrace Guard Team. "

He faced Chen Xin'an, took a deep breath, half-knelt down, lowered his head and shouted, "Please take over as chief instructor!"

This guy is also a bold man!

In order not to lose the face of the escort team, he first resigned from the position of captain, and then made a discipleship ceremony to Chen Xin'an.

"Captain!" Cheng Jun and a group of escorts yelled at Lou Zaiyuan with their faces full of guilt and unwillingness.

Lou Zaiyuan waved his arms and said, "I lost, but the escort team did not lose. But they are indeed capable, and the apprentices they taught are so powerful, I can't accept it!"

I usually take your training too lightly, and my abilities are limited, so I can't lead you to greater breakthroughs.

Now that there are experts to guide you, I believe the strength of the escort team will be even higher! "

"Captain Lou!" Chen Xin'an came over and helped Lou Zaiyuan up, shaking his head and saying

"If you win, you don't need me to be your instructor anymore.

Moreover, due to differences in water and soil, the things I have may not be suitable for you to use.

The most important thing is that I am going back to China soon and don’t have time to do this!

As for the boss, I will explain that Captain Lou is still the captain of the escort team, there is no need to resign! "

"You..." Qiu Yizhen was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Who won?

Wasn't Chen Xin'an's apprentice injured?

Why did Lou Zaiyuan say he lost?

Lou Zaiyuan looked at Lei Ming and said with admiration, "If you don't say anything else, just your ability to resist being hit, you are much better than me!

The move just now, if done by another person, would have broken the arm in at least five places, and it would be difficult to repair.

But your bones, as if they were made of iron, are just dislocated!

This simply violates the physiological limits of the human body!

I know this is by no means something you are born with, but the result of your training.

I don’t know what method is used to train the human body to such a tough level. It’s really terrifying! "

Lei Ming moved his arm that had been connected by his master. He felt that nothing was wrong and he breathed a sigh of relief. .??.

Hearing Lou Zaiyuan's words, he just smiled and said to him, "If you take your team members and crawl and roll on the mountain covered with thorns and hard gravel for more than four hours every day, you will all have muscles and bones like this!"

When Lou Zaiyuan and his team members heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

They could see that Lei Ming was not lying, but it was precisely because of this that he was scary.

This kind of training method is simply killing people!

Not to mention doing it, just thinking about it already makes people’s hair stand on end and makes them sweat!

Seeing the frightened expressions on the faces of these escorts, Lei Ming secretly grinned at Chen Xin'an and made a face.

Chen Xinan shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Lei Ming didn't lie to them. In fact, the Black Mountain Tiger's method of tempering muscles and bones was even more terrifying than what Lei Ming said!

However, the best way to exercise is to cooperate with the washing and quenching of potions.

Before Lei Ming went to Montenegro, Chen Xin'an soaked him in potion for a month!

After Chen Xinan went to Black Mountain Tiger, he specifically looked for herbs on the mountain and asked the brothers in the kitchen to boil medicine, and then cooperated with such training to temper the muscles, bones, skin and flesh of the team members. It can be said that the group of Black Mountain Tiger members with Chen Xinan as the chief instructor is the strongest group in the history of the Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces! Whether it is individual ability or team strength, they are all very strong. It is not a problem to say that one person can form an army! It is conceivable that when Lei Ming said that Hu Bing was sacrificed, Chen Xinan's heart was so painful and regretful! This is also a huge loss for Black Mountain Tiger! However, such training methods do not need to be told to outsiders, let alone the Dongchao Hongshitai Guard. Chen Xinan seems to be very active in thought and keeps up with the trend, but he has always been very traditional in his bones. He believes that those who are not of my race must have different hearts! So no matter how close the relationship seems now, he remains cautious and will not open his heart to foreigners! Friends can be made, but there must be boundaries! Training troops for foreigners is equivalent to raising a tiger to harm yourself. You never know when the story of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf will be staged!

Hearing that his guard team won, the chief was very happy and rewarded the guard team. Then he asked Chen Xinan to be an instructor.

Chen Xinan refused, but this time, under Qiu Yizhen and Lou Zaiyuan's indirect persuasion, he was not so persistent.

Finally, a compromise was found, which was to let Qiu Shixun become Lei Ming's registered disciple. There was no need to teach kung fu at a specified time. Qiu Shixun would find time to go to China to find a master to practice kung fu.

In fact, Chen Xinan knew very well that the chief never wanted to break off this relationship with him.

No matter what the purpose was, the chief seemed to have an inexplicable respect for Chen Xinan.

But Chen Xinan was too cunning. He never responded positively and seemed to be deliberately alienating.

The chief had no other options, and tried every possible way to maintain the relationship. After sending his daughter and failing, he sent his son.

Fortunately, this time, neither Chen Xin'an nor his apprentice refused.

This strengthened the relationship, and the chief did not return disappointed. Everyone was happy with the result.

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