Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3069 Do you know the real poor?

After returning from the training ground, Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming did not go to Hongshi Terrace again, but were preparing to return to the hotel.

The chief asked his daughter to send the two of them off, but Chen Xinan did not refuse.

Qiu Yizhen's dedicated driver drove the car, Lei Ming sat in the passenger seat, and Qiu Yizhen and Chen Xin'an sat in the back.

It seemed that Qiu Yizhen had not recovered from the training ground, but Qiu Yizhen's face was still full of disbelief.

She turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What's going on? Who won? I'm confused! Brother Xiaolei, who is more powerful, you or Captain Lou?"

Chen Xin'an said dumbfounded, "Ms. Qiu, is this matter important? Actually..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qiu Yizhen said angrily, "No, I must know the answer!

Otherwise, if we allocate so much training funds every year, I don’t even know if we have made a loss or a profit! "

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes, what does losing money and making money have to do with you?

You are just the spokesperson of the Prime Minister, not the Minister of Finance!

What's more, even if you are the Minister of Finance, it is still an allocation from Dongchao Hongshitai. Do you really regard the national treasury as your family's small treasury?

Lei Ming smiled and said to her, "Let's put it this way, if it were a competition, Captain Lou would still win.

But if it is a life and death fight, he will live and die! "

Qiu Yizhen stopped talking and closed her eyes still thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

Because she still didn't hear it, which one was Captain Lou who was more powerful, or Chen Xin'an's apprentice who was more powerful!

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to explain to her, let alone wait for her to figure it out. She just frowned and looked at Qiu Yizhen and asked

"Ms. Qiu, I want to know why Cha Min-ki robbed the funds from the National Foundation?

Is the Dongchao Ministry of Finance already so nervous?

Let this kind of state agency make money everywhere? "

Qiu Yizhen was unhappy, rolled her eyes at him and said, "How can it be as shabby as you say!

Brother Xin'an, do you really think that Blue Magic Cube and Ren Shitang care about that money?

You are wrong, those are the people they want! "

"Those people?" Chen Xin'an frowned, looking puzzled.

Looking at Qiu Yezhen, she asked, "Who are they?"

Qiu Yizhen shrugged and said, "Those who enjoy the preferential policies of the fund!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an still looking confused, Qiu Yizhen rolled her eyes at him and said

“This is all thanks to you, the great Dongchao hero!

You also know that the succession of some senior officials here in Dongchao Hongshitai has a great relationship with the public opinion polls.

In other words, the more supporters you have, the greater your probability of taking office or succeeding! "

Lei Ming asked in confusion, "What does this have to do with the fund beneficiaries? They are all a group of poor people with no money and power!"

Qiu Yizhen said with her hands "Don't worry, just listen to me!"

Yes, these people are a group of poor people with no money and power, and they are not even qualified to be elected!

No one would have noticed them before.

But it’s different now! "

Qiu Yizhen glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother Xin'an eliminated the Saint Master. Who was the person who was most touched?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "Eight chaebols!"

"Yes!" Qiu Yizhen nodded vigorously and continued, "The Holy Master and the eight major chaebols are inextricably linked!

Therefore, his downfall greatly implicated the eight major chaebols!

It can be said that the strength of the eight major chaebols is greatly reduced now, and everyone is in danger.

But their influence is very broad. These people in Hongshitai have the shadow of the eight chaebols behind them!

In the past, they could spend money to buy polls for succession.

But now who dares to do this?

If we just rely on normal opinion polls and all parties are pulling their weight, there will be no way to tell the winner.

These people who suddenly appeared now have become the key to victory or defeat! "

Lei Ming said with some confusion, "But you just said, these people

Not even qualified to be elected by the people..."

Qiu Yizhen shook her head and said, "It's not that they don't have it themselves, but because they are like a piece of loose sand, they voluntarily give up this power, not because the official does not grant qualifications.

As long as they are Dongchao people, they are eligible to participate, so now in order to get discounts, they will definitely cooperate with the poll collection! "

Chen Xin'an also understood, nodded and said, "And they are all poor, but they best represent the authenticity of the polls!

It will also guide the trend of the entire poll and determine the success or failure of an official! "

Qiu Yizhen smiled and nodded.

Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming looked at each other and said nothing.

Qiu Yizhen seemed to have remembered something and said to Chen Xin'an, "Tonight is the date when the first round of poll statistics will start. Director Cha's people should be there. Maybe Director Cha himself will be there..."

Chen Xin'an immediately said to the driver, "Master, please turn around and go to the back streets!"

The driver was stunned for a moment, turned around and confirmed, "National Bank backstreet?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded.

Qiu Yizhen said with a puzzled look, "It's so late, where are you going and what are you doing?

Besides, since Blue Cube and Ren Shitang have taken over, it wouldn't be appropriate for you to get involved, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Qiu Yizhen, squinted her eyes and said, "Miss Qiu, do you know what those poor people really want?

You just said that they are like a piece of loose sand, voluntarily giving up their democratically elected power.

I want to ask, do you really understand those poor people?

Do you know what their life was like?

Let's go, tonight I will take you to see the real world of poor people.

In the future, when you speak on behalf of the president, you will have a better understanding!" Qiu Yizhen was stunned. After a while, she said to the driver, "Let's go to the back street!" Compared with the previous period, the back street did not seem to have changed much. It was just that some street lights were added, making it look brighter and no longer as dark as before. The three of them had already gotten off the car and walked into the alley. Qiu Yizhen was still complaining as she walked, "Isn't it still a distance away? Why did you get off so early? This road is not blocked. Can't we just drive the car over there... Ah! Oh my God! Rat! Brother Xin'an, a rat just ran past me!" Chen Xin'an smiled and said to her, "It's normal. This is the home of rats and cockroaches!" Qiu Yizhen angrily scolded him, "Brother Xin'an, you are so bad! Since it's so dirty, you still let me get off the car and walk over?" Chen Xin'an looked at her and said with a smile, "Miss Qiu thinks it's dirty? That's right, if I hadn't forced you to come here, the daughter of the chief minister, who lives a life of luxury, would never come to such a place in her life, right?

I would never believe that there are people living in such a place, living with rats and cockroaches all their lives! "

Qiu Yizhen saw the sarcasm on Chen Xinan's lips, pouted her lips angrily and said, "Mr. Chen, there's no need to sneer at me!

The Ministry of Finance allocates a sum of money every year to clean up the streets and alleys in the city.

There are so many dirty things here, which can only show that they are lazy!

It really stinks!"

There is garbage under the feet. Although there are trash cans, they have been full for a long time, so a lot of garbage is thrown on the road at will.

There is a pungent smell in the air. Qiu Yizhen covered her nose and resisted the desire to vomit.

Chen Xinan seemed to have expected it and took out a mask from his pocket.

This was what he asked the driver for when he got off the car just now, and it was for Qiu Yizhen.

Qiu Yizhen took the mask and put it on quickly, then looked at Chen Xinan and Lei Ming and asked, "Only one? You two don't wear them?" Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming shook their heads together. "We don't need them!"

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