Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3073 Your supervisory qualifications are now cancelled.

Now Cha Min-ki and Sung Chang-wook are indeed a little angry.

I originally thought that he was just a lowly refugee, and if I gave him a little sweetness, I could make him do things for me.

Unexpectedly, after trying to persuade him for two or three days, this guy still wouldn't nod. It seemed that he was too soft and needed to be a little tougher!

So when their men took action, neither of them stopped them, they just stood aside and watched coldly.

At this moment, the two actually formed a united front and were no longer hostile to each other.

Seeing the attitude of his boss, the person who took action understood what his boss meant, so he relaxed even more.

He kicked A Shi in the stomach and knocked him to the ground. Then he stepped forward, raised his foot and stepped on A Shi's head. He lowered his head and said with disdain.

“You, a lowly vagabond, will be the maggots and trash of the country as long as you live!

It was only fitting to live in a place where wild dogs were rampant and rats and flies were full of nests.

When the director comes to this place and talks to you face to face, he has already given you a huge face, which is the good fortune you have cultivated in your previous life!

You still dare to pretend here, you are really looking for death! "

"What are you doing!" Zhiying rushed over desperately, trying to push the man away.

But as soon as he arrived, the man slapped him in the face with a big mouth!

Zhiying was already very weak due to illness. This slap was so firm that it made her body spin twice, her legs were weak and she collapsed to the ground!

Blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, and a few bright red finger marks were very obvious on her already white face.

Ah Shi became anxious and shouted angrily, "Don't touch my sister! You bastards!"

He desperately tried to stand up, but his head was firmly stepped on with his feet. The more he struggled, the harder the other person stepped down!

His face had been scratched by the sand and gravel on the ground, and even his head almost felt like it was about to be stepped on. However, Ah Shi still refused to give in. He looked at Zhiying, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and unable to stand up, and let out an angry scream. Howling and struggling!

Several companions came over and stepped on it with their feet.

Ashi's arms and legs made him unable to move.

The man who stepped on his head almost used all his strength on his right foot, squatted down, narrowed his eyes and said to A Shi

“You’re such a cheap life, do you really think of yourself as a treasure?

Believe it or not, even if you don't do it, if we just wave our hand, there will be people rushing to do things for us!

Boy, don’t think that we have forgotten what happened before!

If it weren't for you bastards, how could Chen Xin'an escape from the hands of our Blue Cube?

A group of lowly wild dogs dare to go against the Blue Rubik's Cube. Who gave you the courage?

By helping outsiders deal with us, you are collaborating with the enemy and treason!

Even if I kill you, I will just dig a hole and bury you. How much impact do you think it will have?

If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, it will be impossible for the mud to hold up the wall!

You still dare to negotiate terms with us. Do you really think this matter can't be done without you? "

Jiying on the side wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said to Cha Minki and Sung Changwook.

"Let him go, we won't interfere!

You can find anyone to do the work for you, let's leave the backstreets!

I just ask you to pay down the medical relief funds. There are several children in the back streets who have already contacted the doctor. Once the money is available, they can have surgery!

We don’t want a penny. The relief fund has been approved by the foundation and can be distributed to the children tomorrow! "

Cha Min-ki sneered coldly and said with a mocking look, "If you don't want to be our dog, then you are not qualified to get dog food!"

Cheng Changxu also smiled ferociously and said, "The foundation agreed? Did we agree? The money belongs to the foundation, but we have the final say on who to use it for and who to use it for!"

Ashi, who was stepped on the ground, twisted his body and shouted, "You

We can't do this!

Chunzai and the others can't wait any longer for their illness. If they don't undergo surgery, they will die!

They are only seven or eight-year-old children and can no longer endure the pain!

I can't promise you, just punish me alone!

The people in the backstreets are all innocent, you can’t withhold those donations, they are all money donated to us..."

"Let you talk too much, let you talk nonsense!" The men next to him took turns kicking A Shi's body to prevent him from talking any more.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the side, "Stop!"

Qiu Yizhen was so angry that she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw this scene under the big tree!

She wanted to rush in, but was blocked by several men in suits.

Lei Ming next to him didn't say anything, he broke through the blockade and rushed over with Qiu Yizhen in tow.

A group of men in suits were about to attack Lei Ming when Chen Xin'an said coldly, "Which one of you dares to try?"

After seeing the man standing in front of them clearly, a group of men in suits swallowed their saliva and did not dare to move!

Seeing Qiu Yejin appear, both Cha Minki and Sung Changxu were a little surprised. They smiled awkwardly and said, "Miss Qiu, why are you here?"

Qiu Yizhen gritted her teeth angrily and said, "You two big leaders can come, why can't I, a small spokesperson, come?

If I hadn’t come, I really wouldn’t have seen such a wonderful scene! "

Turning her head, Qiu Yizhen cursed at the men in suits who were still stepping on A Shi's body, "Why don't you get out of here? Do you know what you are doing?"

The official image has been ruined by you bastards! "

Only then did the men in suits react. They raised their feet awkwardly and took a few steps back.

He looked carefully at his two superiors, only to see that they were also frowning, as if they didn't know how to explain what just happened.

"Sister!" A Shicong

He got up from the ground, ran to Zhiying's side, carefully lifted her up, and wiped the blood on the corner of Zhiying's mouth with his sleeve.

Looking at the swollen finger marks on Zhiying's face, Ah Shi showed hatred in his eyes and turned to look at the guy who stepped on his head just now!

The guy looked arrogant just now, but now he felt a little guilty. He glanced at Chen Xin'an secretly and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at A Shi.

Zhiying raised her head in distress, gently picked off the tiny gravel embedded in Ah Shi's bloody face, and shouted in a trembling voice

"Mr. Chen, please give those medical relief funds to the children in the back streets! They can't wait any longer!"

"Mr. Chen!" Ah Shi faced Chen Xin'an, as if he had seen a savior, his eyes turned red.

Chen Xin'an said with a gloomy face, "The relief funds will be distributed on time. Tomorrow, the children who are ready will be sent to the hospital to complete the operation.

No matter how much you spend, you can take the invoice to the National Fund for reimbursement! "

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Zhiying and Ashi breathed a sigh of relief and bowed to Chen Xin'an at the same time.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "These donations are meant to treat your illnesses, so you don't need to thank me!"

Cheng Changxu snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Chen, although you are the president of the National Foundation, the misappropriation of donations requires the consent of all regulatory parties!

We need to hold a meeting to discuss this matter, otherwise none of the money will be released! "

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at him expressionlessly and said, "From now on, Blue Magic Cube and Ren Shitang are no longer qualified to supervise the national fund!"

Cha Minji sneered and said, "This matter was decided by the leader. Even if Mr. Chen is the president, he is not qualified to make the decision and kick us off!"

Chen Xin'an took out her cell phone and said coldly, "Then I'll call the boss now until he agrees!"

Qiu Yizhen on the side said, "No need to call, I can exercise my right to speak! I can communicate with the boss that your supervisory qualifications are invalid now!"

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