Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3074 I think you can’t control it anymore, so I’ll go find you.

Such an operation is obviously illegal, but so what?

One of them is the popular one in the eyes of the chief executive, and the other is his daughter!

Now is the stage of self-discipline and self-examination for everyone in the entire Hongshitai organization. The fall of the Holy Master and the aftermath of the chaebol's setback are far from being eliminated.

At this juncture, if a scandal breaks out that restricts donations and bullies recipients in order to win over support, their reputation will probably be taken off!

The procedure is just a matter of time. Just go through the procedures. From now on, Blue Rubik's Cube and Ren Shitang really have nothing to do with the National Fund!

Cha Min-ki and Sung Chang-wook's faces were ashen, and they were so angry that they couldn't express themselves. .??.

Don't look at these homeless people, they are aloof and look down on the world.

But they couldn't afford to offend either of these two people in front of them!

Sung Chang-wook didn't want to give up on this group of people, and wanted to say something to Qiu Ye-jin, but Cha Min-ki quietly gave him a look to tell him to shut up.

When he turned around and got into the car, Cha Min-ki said to Sung Chang-wook in a low voice, "Just bear with me for a few days!

Chen Xin'an will eventually leave Dongchao, and this president is also in name only.

After he leaves, we will put pressure on the vice president and put in a good word for the chief executive to regain his supervisory qualifications.

Tens of billions of dollars in donations will not be reassured without supervision!

When the time comes, we will put pressure on the foundation and gain more control, but these people will still have to listen to us! "

Cheng Changxu's eyes lit up, he turned his head and gave Cha Minki a thumbs up.

This old fox still has a good brain!

At this moment, I don’t know if Chen Xinan behind him heard their words, deliberately raised his voice and said to Qiu Yizhen

"Miss Qiu, I will apply to the National Fund Organizing Committee to hire you as the sole supervisor!

It is also the only regulator.

You have the right to distribute and use all donations to the National Fund. "

Qiu Yizhen was stunned for a moment, pointed to her nose with some guilt, and asked Chen Xin'an


? May I?

I'm afraid I won't be able to do it! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "I believe you can do it.

I can't trust anyone else but you!

This position must be filled by people with conscience and principles.

You've seen something tonight that you don't normally see.

You will also know better where the money should be spent.

You are more suitable for this than anyone else. If I leave the foundation to you, I can leave with peace of mind! "

Hearing what Chen Xin'an said, Qiu Yizhen was both moved and guilty.

She didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would trust her so much, but she had so many doubts and complaints about her because of her failed courtship.

Although she didn't say it, deep down in her heart, she always harbored resentment.

Now she is even more obsessed with Chen Xin'an. But after understanding the other person's intentions, she no longer asks for trouble and hides this feeling in her heart.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Cha Min-ki and Sung Chang-wook, who had originally expressed hope, suddenly felt despair!

It is simply impossible to seize the supervisory qualification from the leader's daughter!

So this road is now completely blocked!

If I had known this, I would have lowered my profile and provided some benefits to the people in this backstreet in advance.

In that case, not only will the supervisory qualifications not be lost, but these people will also be grateful to them, and the support rate will increase inexplicably!

It's good now. You can't steal the chicken but lose the rice. What's more terrible is that your current position is also in jeopardy. Maybe you will be down next year!

The two of them left with their men with complicated expressions, and Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention.

He came over to check the injuries of Zhiying and Ashi, and found that they were okay, so he was relieved.

"Don't be angry, Master didn't teach him a lesson

It's for your own good! This tone is unacceptable! "Lei Ming patted A Shi on the shoulder and whispered to him.

He didn't know this young man, but he heard from his master, so he wouldn't ignore him.

Ah Shi glanced at Chen Xin'an strangely.

"My apprentice's name is Brother Ming!" Chen Xin'an said with a smile.

Ah Shi shouted without hesitation, "Brother Ming, I'm not that stingy, and I'm not stupid either!

We people are of low status and are used to being bullied. Being beaten is nothing!

If Brother An helped us vent our anger just now, when he leaves, we will still be the unlucky ones. I understand this! "

Lei Ming grinned and rubbed A Shi's head. The two young people of about the same age looked at each other and smiled. They didn't need to do anything. They had become friends at this moment.

Ah Shi turned his head and asked Chen Xin'an with some anxiety, "Brother An, can my sister still..."

Chen Xin'an said to him seriously, "Listen to me first! I will leave Dongchao tomorrow and take a private plane back to China.

Zhiying will come with me tonight and come back after being cured.

You can't be idle either. I have arranged adult night classes for you. You have already signed up and paid the money. You will have to go to class every day from now on!

Ah Shi, I know you don't want to go to school, but you must insist on studying for me for two years!

You can't be a homeless person all your life. If you want Zhiying to live a good life, you can't rely on the foundation's relief!

You have to rely on your own ability to support the two of you!

do you understand? "

Ah Shi covered his eyes, nodded vigorously, and wanted to say something, but tears were already flowing down the gaps between his fingers.

Zhiying also walked over with tears in her eyes, gently removed his hand, and wiped the tears from his face with her palms.

The two of them turned around, faced Chen Xin'an, and suddenly knelt down at the same time!

Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming stepped forward together and helped them up.

Lei Ming punched A Shi on the shoulder and cursed with a smile

"Master doesn't like this! I really want to express my gratitude and show him something.

Two years go by in a blink of an eye. What kind of life you can have, and whether it will be significantly different from what you have now, all depends on you! "

Ah Shi held Zhiying's hand tightly and watched Chen Xin'an nod vigorously.

Qiu Yizhen stood aside and watched this scene with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's eyes becoming even more fascinated, he murmured, "Why did such a man get married so early? How could he not be bothered!"

Chen Xin'an was so frightened that she didn't dare to look into her eyes and pretended not to notice. She nodded with Zhiying and said to Lei Ming, "Okay, let's go back!"

After taking Zhiying out of the backstreet, Qiu Yizhen sent the three of them to the Four Seasons Hotel.

After getting out of the car, Chen Xin'an asked Lei Ming to take Zhiying to Han Yunmei's room so that they could live together.

He was left to say goodbye to Qiu Yezhen.

"I won't go to the airport to see you off tomorrow!" Qiu Yizhen looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile.

"I don't like to say goodbye, and I'm even more afraid that I won't be able to leave! But next time you come to Dongchao, you must tell me in advance. I will pick you up at the airport then!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded and said, "Okay! Miss Qiu, I'm honored to have you as my friend! I welcome you to visit China at any time!"

"Maybe! When I can't control my thoughts about you, I will come to find you!" Qiu Yizhen narrowly winked at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and smiled bitterly. The leader's daughter was so open-minded, and he still couldn't get used to it.

Qiu Yizhen opened her arms and said to Chen Xin'an, "Give me a hug!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her, blushing a little, but still smiled and opened her arms.

I originally thought she would make a sneak attack, but I didn't expect that she just hugged her, let go immediately, turned around and got into the car, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Let's go, goodbye!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and waved her hands and watched her leave.

The car turned around and the window glass rose, but tears fell quietly on Qiu Yizhen's face.

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