Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3081 Calling and replying in person are different

Otherwise, ginger is still spicy.

Li Zecheng's casual question put the question to the point.

Ning Xiruo frowned slightly and said, "We also suspect someone is instigating it and have been investigating.

But so far, nothing has been found.

Wang Dongjian is not usually a public person. He goes to and from get off work every day, so there is nothing unusual about him. ” .??.

Someone knocked on the door, and Ning Xiruo walked over. Mo Ling stood at the door, glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Zecheng, said hello with a smile, and whispered to Ning Xiruo, "Madam, Brother Tao is here..."

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Okay, just invite him to the living room, it'll be fine!"

Chen Xin'an asked strangely, "Didn't Lingling go to the company to help? Why is she at home at this time?"

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Lingling's body is not suitable for going to work, and she is not willing to do that work.

On the contrary, she was quite interested in housework, so I asked her to stay at home to help clean up with Aunt Fang.

Aunt Xiao, on the other hand, is very busy now and is not at home often. "

Chen Xin'an nodded. He was just afraid that Mo Ling would be bored, so it would be good to have something to do.

As for what to do, he wouldn't worry about it.

Yu Zetao, dressed as a travel friend, knocked on the door and came in. He saw Chen Xin'an grinning, baring his big white teeth and saying hello, and then said hello to Mr. Li.

Chen Xin'an punched him in the chest and said with a smile, "You kid, I haven't seen you for a while, why have you become so dark?"

"It's normal to get dark due to the wind and sun!" Yu Zetao grinned and said to Chen Xin'an

"Brother An, you're still talking about me, you've lost a lot of weight too!

Are you not going out this time?

The first sister said, my sister-in-law calls your name even when she is sleeping! "

Ning Xiruo blushed, glared at Yu Zetao and cursed, "If you have something to say, don't talk nonsense!"

Yu Zetao chuckled, took out an envelope from his pocket, suppressed his smile, and said to Ning Xiruo, "Sister-in-law, we really found something wrong!"

Ning Xiruo opened the envelope. Inside was a stack of photos taken by

He is a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

He is bald, wears glasses, has relatively fair skin, and looks short in stature. He is sitting behind the counter of a store looking at his mobile phone.

There are three signboards decorated with big characters and colorful clothes on the counter!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Is this person Wang Dongjian?"

Ning Xiruo and Yu Zetao nodded.

Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an, "This matter is a bit strange, I just want to investigate it.

I originally wanted to ask Sister Qing for a favor, but I thought it was too conspicuous and troublesome.

Xiao Tao happened to be free, so he invited him to do it. "

Chen Xin'an turned to look at Yu Zetao and said with a smile, "Xiao Tao is so powerful now? Has he already graduated?"

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Don't underestimate people! Xiaotao is now one of the best paparazzi in Kyoto City, and he is very famous in the industry!"

Chen Xin'an was really impressed by Yu Zetao.

Li Zecheng asked Ning Xi if he wanted to take photos. He looked at them one by one and asked strangely, "Why does this person seem to be looking at his phone all the time?"

Yu Zetao clapped his hands, gave Li Zecheng a thumbs up and praised, "Mr. Li's eyes are poisonous!

I looked up this person before and found it strange.

This person is punctual at work and off work, has no other social activities, does not even smoke or drink, and has no bad habits.

He is supposed to be a good old man, but why does he have such a weird temper? "

Ning Xiruo explained to Chen Xin'an and Li Zecheng, "Wang Dongjian's temper is indeed very strange, and sometimes he gets angry for no reason.

The store clerk said he broke countless drinking glasses in a month! "

Yu Zetao pointed to the photo and said, "So that's the reason! He likes to play with his mobile phone, no, to be precise, he likes to gamble online!

I learned that he had borrowed almost five hundred

Thousands of online loans! "

Ning Xiruo said with sudden realization, "No wonder he had an argument with a tourist that day, it was like he had eaten gunpowder.

It turns out that I lost the bet, so I couldn’t hold back my anger! "

Chen Xin'an asked strangely, "But even if he loses money in gambling, what does it have to do with our film and television city?"

Is it possible that by giving him free rent, we can help him pay off his debt? ” .??.

Ning Xiruo said helplessly, "That's why I'm wondering, what is his purpose for doing this?

He just wants to suck our peaceful blood just for that little money. Isn't he a bit worth the loss? "

Li Zecheng put the photo away and handed it to Ning Xiruo, "Just ask him what's going on."

Peace of mind, Xiruo, the old man just came here and you just left this matter to me? "

"Don't bother me!" Chen Xin'an quickly waved her hand and said to him, "It's not your turn to take action on this trivial matter!

I'll just let someone do it!

Xiao Tao, it’s a bit unfair to let a great reporter like you do this! "

Yu Zetao quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm just taking it easy!

The first sister is currently doing a column about Internet fraud, and these are just the materials.

The first issue has already reached the post-production stage. I can’t help you much, so I’ll just find more materials for the second issue and make preparations! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "We are all our own people, so I won't talk nonsense.

If you have any questions, go to Hongyun Tower to have a drink and chat in the evening. "

"Okay!" Yu Zetao said with a smile, "Then I'll go back first. See you in the evening!"

After sending Yu Zetao away, Chen Xin'an picked up the landline phone on the table next to him and made a call.

After a while, Luo Xiaoman came up in a hurry and said to Chen Xin'an, "Is there a program? Tell me, how to fix it?"

Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed, "Don't act like a bastard all day long. You don't need to show up for this kind of work, just make a call to the security team!"

Find two experienced people to come over, don't leave any excuses, the purpose is to make lies! "

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said to Chen Xin'an, "What a bastard..."

His expression darkened, and he immediately changed his mind and said, "Okay, I'll just arrange for someone to go there and get the results tonight!"

You called me here, wasn't it just for this? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Let you clean up and go to Luofu Villa with me. I'll visit the old man in the afternoon!"

"Look what he is doing!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said, "Just give me a call and say hello, there's no need to make a trip!"

Chen Xinan said angrily, "Go away! Is there any comparison between making a phone call and going there?"

Have you severed ties with your family?

Qianxue said that you have never gone back even once since you came back from outside!

She has come back several times, and you are going to your father-in-law's house with her. Why don't you even take a look at it? "

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look, "The key is nothing to say, it's not like you don't know the old man's temper!

What’s more, everyone in the family is like an actor, and they can’t tell the truth even if they are kicked three times!

I annoy them! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an glare again, Luo Xiaoman said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll go back with you, okay?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Let's get ready and leave later. You go find Lei Ming first. I prepared some gifts for the old man. He knows where to put them. You put them in the car!"

Luo Xiaoman turned around and muttered, "What are you doing for him? He doesn't care about anything.

Didn't I take it all back?

You might as well give it to me directly to save time and effort..."

Chen Xin'an grabbed a pillow on the sofa and threw it over.

Luo Xiaoman caught it with his backhand without looking back, threw it on the sofa next to him, and ran away with a strange smile.

Ning Xiruo smiled bitterly and shook her head, glared at Chen Xin'an and said, "How old are you two? You are still like children!"

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