Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3082 Your family shares have been recycled

I haven’t been to Luofu Villa for a long time, and it’s really a bit unfamiliar.

The Luo family is a martial arts family that has been inherited for hundreds of years and has experienced many turmoils. Although the prosperity is not as good as it was in the past and the number of people has shrunk a lot, the heritage is still there.

The latest turmoil is the previous break with the old law hall.

The old man Luo Lie was poisoned and almost died.

Luofu Villa was also besieged by the killers of Laofatang.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an took action and fought side by side with the Luo family, saving the old man and repelling the old law hall.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an has a very good relationship with the Luo family and is deeply appreciated by the old man.

In addition, his youngest son had a close relationship with him, and his son-in-law was also a good friend of Chen Xin'an, making the relationship even stronger. Chen Xin'an was on the same level as Luo Xiaoman in front of the old man.

Knowing that it was Chen Xin'an who was bringing his son home, the door of Luofu Villa, which was never easily opened, opened. Mr. Long drove straight in and arrived at the lobby of the main house.

Someone has already come to help open the door and take the gifts in the car. .??.

Luo Lie went out to greet him personally and welcomed Chen Xin'an into the living room with a big smile.

Sitting across the table from the old man, Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Is the old man feeling well? Let me take a look at it for you!"

Knowing that his physical condition could not be concealed from the talented medical apprentice in front of him, Luo Lie did not hide it, waved his hand and said

"It's nothing serious, just a little cold!

Peace of mind, it’s rare for you to still remember this bad old man like me.

I know you are very busy, so I just want to call you and say hello. I even came all the way here! "

Luo Xiaoman lay down on the sofa carelessly, snorted and said, "That's what I said!

Just make a phone call, but you still have to come over, something is wrong! "

Luo Lie's face darkened, and without even looking at him, he picked up the tea cup and said to Chen Xin'an, "Xin'an, drink tea!"

Luo Zhen said with an envious look, "My uncle has been hiding Hou Kui for decades. No matter how many dignitaries come to Luofu Villa, my uncle is not willing to take it out."

I heard you came over today, so I took out the tea can directly from the cellar! "

Luo Xiaoman strode over and directly took the

He picked up the tea cup in front of Luo Lie, drank the tea in two gulps, glared at Luo Zhen and said

"Is that because of Lao Chen? It's because I'm back!

But this stuff doesn’t taste that good!

Old man, did you leave it there for too long and it got burnt?


They are all feeling a little bitter! "

The dark-faced Luo Lie couldn't bear it anymore and kicked Luo Xiaoman in the leg, yelling at him, "Get out of here! Don't drink it if it's painful. Am I going to let you drink it?"

Luo Xiaoman's skin was thick and he didn't mind the pain. He stared at his eyes and said, "I'm not thirsty!"

I came all the way back and didn’t even get a glass of water!

I just poured tea with Lao Chen, but he didn’t pour it for me.

From the time I came back to now, no one has paid attention to me or greeted me!

what does it mean?

Emotional Lao Chen is your biological child, and I just picked him up on the street? "

Chen Xin'an laughed angrily and scolded Luo Xiaoman, "No one will pour it for you, but you can't pour it yourself?"

Is it reasonable for you not to come back for a few months? "

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Luo Lie and said to Chen Xin'an, "Look, it's not warm at all. Why should I come back?"

I can do whatever I want in my own room, but when I come back to my old house and do this and that, it’s annoying! "


Luo Lie slapped the table and cursed at Luo Xiaoman, "Get out now! I didn't ask you to come back!"

Chen Xin'an stood up, pulled Luo Xiaoman's arm and threw it back, and cursed in a low voice, "Shut up!"

The old man is not feeling well, don't be angry with him! "

Luo Xiaoman wanted to retort a few words, but when he saw his father's somewhat gray face and gray hair, he swallowed back the words and just muttered:

"If you want me, just call me and ask me to come back. Just hold it in, how do I know if you want to see me?"

Luo Lie was so angry that he wanted to scold him, but Luo Zhen on the side quickly changed the subject, "Boss Chen came to Luofu Villa today not just to visit my uncle, right?"

Chen Xin'an turned to look at him and smiled, nodded and said, "Yes, I do have something to discuss with the old man!"

Luo Zhen snorted and said, "I knew it! A big boss like you won't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything!"

Luo Lie turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled and said, "Xin'an, there are no outsiders between us, I see you just like my own child.

If there's anything you need me to do, just ask. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't be polite.

I was not at home some time ago, but I have always been in contact with my family.

Listening to Xi Ruo's chat with Qian Xue, did she know that the Luo family's Luoning brand store has closed more than a hundred stores across the country from last year to now? "

Luo Zhen frowned and said, "Boss Chen, what do you mean? You came all the way to laugh at our Luo family?"

"Shut up!" Luo Lie said with a straight face, "Xin'an is not an outsider and has no such intention!"

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It's just a normal investment reduction, don't worry!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Zhen and said, "I want to hear something real. Can you tell me?"

"No, boss, I don't know your real intention!" Luo Zhen looked at Chen Xin'an warily.

His current situation is very embarrassing.

After the merger of Ideal Media and Brilliant Film and Television, although the name of Ideal Media was retained, even the employees did not change significantly.

Luo Zhen is also a nominal shareholder of the new company, but the management decision-making is now made by Lin Keer.

Being almost ignored, Luo Zhen had to find something to do within the family, but now the heads of the Luoning brand are Shen Guangming and Luo Siting.

One is responsible for production and the other is responsible for business. Luo Zhun is in charge of management, and Luo Zhen has nothing to do.

Therefore, Luo Zhen was somewhat resentful towards Chen Xin'an.

Fortunately, he is not a fool and understands the relationship between his family and Chen

Xin'an also knows the consequences of being an enemy of Chen Xin'an.

There was resentment in his heart but he didn't dare to express it. He also knew that Chen Xin'an couldn't be blamed for all this. It wasn't that he wanted to ignore himself, it was just because he had been such a jerk before and even the employees didn't get close to him.

Lin Ke'er was once a big star. After spending all her savings to invest in Dream Media, she entered management and gradually showed her business talent and management capabilities.

It is natural for her to become the first sister in the current film and television media sector.

In fact, Luo Zhen is also capable, but he relied too much on his family background in the past, and when he wanted to show off, he no longer had the chance.

Now I can only be a small shareholder and provide dispensable supervision in the family business.

After hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Luo Zhen said with some confusion, "Boss, you don't want to acquire Luo Ning, do you?

I warn you, never think this way!

Although Luo Ning has suffered some setbacks due to foreign trade matters, the difficulties will eventually pass!

Luo Ning was built by our Luo family after decades of effort and countless manpower and material resources.

You want to add insult to injury, sneak in, and steal the Luo family's hard work. I can't control others, and I, Luo Zhen, won't agree! "

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and scolded, "Don't you, Luo Zhen, agree to influence the overall situation?"

How much do you think you can account for in the family?

Do you think you are me?

The key is that Lao Chen has no such intention at all!

Right, Lao Chen? "

Before Chen Xin'an could speak, Luo Lie scolded Luo Xiaoman with a straight face, "Who do you think you are! Your shares in Luoning have been recycled long ago.

You don’t receive family benefits now! "

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoman was furious. He glared at Luo Lie and shouted, "When was it recycled? Why didn't I know? Old man, am I still your biological son?"

Luo Zhen gloated and said, "I called you several times for family meetings, but you didn't come back. How can I inform you?"

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