Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3095 Our Relationship Has Changed Too

Is this really the answer I want?

Did I come here tonight to break up with Lin Guoping?

Wen Renqian kept asking herself questions in her mind, and finally shook her head, "No!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her and asked, "Is it because you didn't bring it up first?"

Wen Renqian sighed softly, wiped away the tears and said

“I did think about breaking up, but I never thought about breaking up.

I feel that the differences in ideas between Guoping and me are getting bigger and bigger now, and I also want to calm down each other.

But I didn't expect that when he told me that they broke up, my heart would hurt so much!

I think of the days when we were together, and everything is vivid in my mind.

Although we were poor at that time, we were able to understand and encourage each other.

But now that life is getting better, our relationship has become even more estranged. Why is this? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her, "Because you are no longer the stall owner selling barbecue on Tanshi Street!

You are a new movie star with a large number of fans, and you are a hot film and television actress.

No one dares to bully you or laugh at you anymore.

Everyone is praising you and complimenting you.

The people I met were all famous people, and I lived a good life that I could never have imagined before!

You are used to being sought after and noticed.

You no longer want to live the past days, and those years have become a stain that you don’t want to mention.

And the people closest to you and most familiar to you also make you feel disgusted because they don't have the attentiveness of others.

But you seem to have forgotten one thing, are these really what you want? "

Wen Renqian did not speak, but focused her gaze on one place without focus, and asked in a trembling voice, "I changed everything. I was wrong, right?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "My mentality has indeed changed a lot, and this is human nature.

After all, the environment is different and the pattern will be different.

But it is difficult to say whether it is right or wrong.

Because I think about what kind of problems I am in, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

close. "

"Husband, Sister Qian!" Ning Xiruo stood at the door of the box and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Boss lady!" Wen Renqian forced a smile and wanted to walk over.

Ning Xiruo smiled and waved her hand and said, "No need to greet me, you two can chat.

Sister Qian, please come in here later. Our family is all in the same box! "

"Okay!" Wen Renqian nodded.

Ning Xiruo turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "I have prepared something for you, you can come in and drink it later.

You're going to drink a lot tonight, so take some precautions in advance so you don't hurt your body! "

"I know, wife, I'll talk to Sister Qian and go in after we talk!" Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded to Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said hello to Wen Renqian, then turned and entered the box.

Wen Renqian looked at Ning Xiruo's back with envy and said, "Boss, I really envy the relationship between you and the boss's wife.

We have been married for so many years and we are still so close, nothing has changed at all.

It’s like meeting someone for the first time in life, so wonderful! "

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an said to Wen Renqian with a smile, "There are changes!"

Wen Renqian's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, shaking her head and saying

"Are you as tired of each other as we are?


Boss, you don't need to comfort me. From your eyes, I can see the love for each other, which cannot be acted out at all.

Don’t forget, I am also an actor now, and I am also very professional in acting! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, shook her head and said, "Xi Ruo and I will get married first and then fall in love.

After so many years, my feelings are changing every day.

It's just getting better and better, loving each other more and more deeply.

We have become everything in each other's lives, it is difficult to tell each other apart! "

Wen Renqian was speechless, looked at Chen Xin'an with her lips pouted and said, "Boss, you're a little too much!

It’s already this time, and you’re still throwing dog food at me. Isn’t this just rubbing salt into my wounds? "

Chen Xin'an laughed and said helplessly, "I'm just telling you a fact!

Sister Qian, from a personal standpoint, I don’t want to see you and Brother Heping part ways!

Because I know that you will never give up in times of trouble.

I have never treated you as outsiders, that’s why I say these words to you.

Husband and wife have been together for so many years, but they can't share joys and sorrows together. Why is this? "

Wen Renqian covered her eyes with her hands and said with tears in her eyes, "I want to know why too!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and said, "Sister Qian, take a leave the day after tomorrow and go back to your hometown with Brother Ping to see the old lady!

I brought back some ginseng from Dongchao. You just happen to help me bring it over to replenish the old lady's body! "

This time Wen Renqian did not object, nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "Thank you, boss! Thank you very much!"

Every box was full, and there were some unfamiliar people who wanted to take the opportunity to make friends, so they left their gifts and left.

Even if Chen Xinan wanted to add a table, they would not dare to stay.

As long as you find a private room and walk around, you can see what kind of big shots the people in it are!

Without any status, who dares to sit with them to eat and exchange cups with them?

It's one thing for someone else's host to be enthusiastic and careless, but if you don't have any discernment and are invited to squeeze into a circle that doesn't belong to you, the final result will definitely be disgraced and self-defeating.

Therefore, smart people also know that just showing their face in front of Chen Xin'an is already a very good result. No amount of force can be forced, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

The reporter who had already heard the news had arrived at the door of Hongyun Tower, but was blocked from the door.

The security guards and reporters who had been arranged in advance were just taking pictures of some insignificant things, and could not take pictures of anyone on the third floor.


It can be said bluntly that if the situation on the third floor is filmed and circulated, the name Chen Xin'an will be further mythologized.

Such connections are enough to scare away anyone who has evil intentions towards Anhao Group, and they really feel like they are trying to kill an egg with a stone.

Chen Xin'an also didn't expect that the innermost small box would be so important.

Not only the second grandma came over, but also the second grandpa who had agreed not to show up!

Even Lu Wenhu and Miao Wanfang came here in person.

Nothing else, just because Mr. Li and some old leaders are here too!

They were all brought here by my gang of princeling brothers!

Even Gongsun Busheng has a hard time leaving the mountain!

Such a lineup can really scare people to death!

Chen Xin'an stayed in the small box with them and never came out for a second.

As for what was actually discussed in it, no one knows.

Not to mention the security guards, even the princelings are prohibited from entering!

Holding the wine glass and being blocked from the door, Hua Youlin, who was so stuffed, returned to his box and cursed angrily, "These old men are sick, what are you doing occupying the boss!"

Xia Hongfeng clicked her tongue and said, "The boss is so awesome! So many old men have come to see him, and even foreign guests don't get this treatment!"

Long Sheng snorted and said, "Isn't that necessary! Don't forget, our boss is someone who is respected by even the capital of Dongchao and specially recruited!

Speaking of this kind of treatment, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is on an equal footing with our old man, right? "

A group of second-generation ancestors all nodded, looking proud.

Li Nianbei waved his hand, asking everyone to come over, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what the old men are doing by occupying the boss?"

Zhang Jinlin slapped him on the shoulder and scolded him, "I know your kid has some inside information, so don't keep it secret and tell me immediately!"

Li Nianbei chuckled and said word by word, "I just heard the old man mentioned that he wanted to hand over Long Ya to the boss to manage it!"

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