Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3096 The Dragon Soaring and the Tiger Leaping are Forever Awesome


Absolutely impossible!

When everyone heard the news, they all shook their heads.

Which brother doesn't know what kind of personality the boss has?

When starting a company, he always likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper. Now that he is a leader in the establishment, he will not do it anymore!

Chao Tongguang pushed Li Nianbei and said, "Go and ask the old man to stop. Don't waste that time! The boss will definitely not agree. It will be troublesome if you make the old man anxious just after you come back!"

Everyone nodded in unison, that's right.

Li Nianbei rolled his eyes, snorted and said, "Why don't you go? I can't even enter that room!"

Besides, none of you know the temper of your old man?

They won't give up until they hit the southern wall! "

When everyone heard it, they thought it made sense.

Hua Youlin scratched his head and said, "What I'm worried about now is that the boss shouldn't have too much trouble with the old men!

A person like him must have an official position, otherwise the old man would never let him be so popular! "

Everyone fell silent.

Everyone's identities are displayed here, so they naturally understand the meaning of Hua Youlin's words.

There is an old Chinese saying that with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

The more someone like Chen Xin'an steals the limelight, the more restrictions must be placed on him.

Starting from the Inca, to Eagle Flag, Daying, Dongchao...

Step by step, Chen Xin'an realized the terrifying transformation of influencing a country with one person.

How could the authorities allow such a person to grow wildly?

Accepting the call is the best outcome.

But Chen Xin'an is used to being lazy, how could he be willing to be constrained by those rules and regulations?

He will not agree to those tempting conditions that no one can even dream of asking for, and the final result is likely to be suppression!

Hua Youlin said with a worried look, "I heard that several old men wanted to hand over the dragon shield to the boss, but the boss didn't even think about going in and just walked away!

Now that it's replaced by Dragon Teeth, I guess the result won't change. "

Li Nianbei scratched his head and said, "Dragon teeth are different from dragon shields, right?


The boss has resentment towards Dragon Shield.

I heard the old man say that Long Dun feels guilty towards the boss's parents.

But Dragon Tooth is different.

Ever since the boss came into contact with Longya's people, he has always shown a clear affection for them.

I think even if the boss doesn’t want to take over, there won’t be much resistance…”

After saying this, he himself had no confidence.

After all, the boss's temper is there. No matter who you are, if I don't want to do the work, it will be useless even if I come.

"Open the door!" Yin Xiangming shouted, and everyone turned their heads and looked through the open door to the small box next to them.

Sure enough, Chen Xin'an walked out, with her head lowered and no expression on her face.

He didn't leave, just stood at the door.

Then everyone inside came out one by one, used the staff passage, and went downstairs at the back.

Is this gone?

Everyone looked at each other, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's best if they leave. With these people here, drinking is not fun!

The question is, did they come back satisfied after eating and drinking? Or did you run away because of the boss?

Although all the second-generation ancestors are rebellious, they are not ruthless and unjust people.

They and Chen Xin'an are life-and-death friends, and the last thing they want to see is a hostile situation.

"Come here!" Yin Xiangming waved to everyone excitedly.

Everyone stood up, and when Chen Xin'an finished seeing off the people in the small box and came over, Shao Yang ran to the door and dragged Chen Xin'an in.

"How are you, boss? Are you okay?" Everyone stared at Chen Xin'an nervously.

This made Chen Xin'an look confused. He frowned and smiled at everyone, "What's the matter? Are you drunk?"

Li Nianbei asked anxiously, "Master, what are you doing?"

You took so long to call me in, do you think I'm... talking to you about something serious? Did you agree? "

"Agreed!" Chen Xin'an nodded simply.

"Ah?" Everyone's eyes widened, looking in disbelief.

Chen Xin'an said a little funny, "Why do you always look like this? I think it's pretty good!"

Everyone looked at each other, things seemed to be different from what they had expected!

Pu Xincheng clapped his hands and said to everyone, "I think this is a good thing!

It shows that the boss has thought about it and wants to enter an official career!

With the boss's ability and level, even entering the Grand Palace will not be a problem!

The fact that the boss can figure this out can be regarded as a kind of ideological sublimation and progress! "

Everyone nodded and agreed with this view, but they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In their minds, the boss is like an omnipotent god who is not restricted by any framework and does not conform to any rules and regulations.

It's good to be an official, but for the boss, it's like turning a god into a common man.

No matter how big the achievement, it's not as exciting as it once was.

Chen Xin'an raised his arm with a puzzled expression, slapped Pu Xincheng on the head and cursed

"Did you drink too much fake wine?

What is Tufutu?

What does the assessment have to do with the Grand Palace? "

"Ah?" Everyone was dumbfounded again.

Hua Youlin grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and asked, "Boss, what are you talking about? Weren't you recruited by the old man and the others?"

Why did it become a test for us?

Besides, it's so good, why do you need to assess us? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him angrily and said, "Are we just standing at the door and nagging here when we are soliciting customers?"

Only then did everyone react and hurriedly looked for everyone.

Hua Youlin and Xia Hongfeng, one on the left and the other on the right, took Chen Xin'an's arm and invited him to the main seat.


Let’s talk over a drink!

Boss, I haven’t sat and drank with you for a long time. I just asked the driver to come here today! "

“It’s as if someone wants to drive back by himself!

Boss, what do you think this is? Specially for Moutai, thirty years old!

I stole them from the old man's wine cabinet. There were two bottles in total, and they were all brought to me! "

"Stop showing off your special Moutai, go to the small box and see what kind of wine the boss is serving the old man!

All are Liangmao original brews!

Good guy, this is a good thing that you can’t find on the market. You can get it for hundreds of thousands for one cup or two taels!

Boss, you are so willing! "

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face, "Of course I can't bear to give it to you. But I'll give it to those old men to drink. I'll take as much as I want."

Long Sheng said to Chen Xin'an with a flattering look on his face, "Boss, I think the old men eat and take it, so why don't you give us a few bottles to try!"

The legendary best medicinal wine, the king of wines that instantly beats all the health wines on the market. Even if you only have a small cup, let me have a taste! "

"That's right!" All the guys started cheering.

Chen Xin'an snorted and cursed, "Don't think about those useless things. It's not that I'm stingy, it's because that wine is not suitable for you to drink at all!"

Medicinal wine is also a tonic. If any of you are in need of tonic now, tell me and I will help you take a look! "

Everyone trembled, as if they were reminded of the fear that in the Black Mountain Tiger, the boss used silver needles and herbal medicine to reshape everyone's physique and replenish their bodies every day.

Hua Youlin scolded with a dark face, "Don't talk nonsense with the boss! Let's toast the boss together, and wish the boss a great success forever!"

"Yes, always awesome!" Everyone laughed and picked up their cups.

"What the hell is this Tiger Wolf Speech!" Chen Xin'an picked up the cup with a helpless expression, clinked a glass with everyone, and then drank it all in one gulp amid cheers.

After drinking three glasses of wine in a row, Hua Youlin, who could no longer hold himself back, grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and asked, "Boss, can you tell us now? What's the assessment?"

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