Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3217 Someone has already said hello

The masseur who originally thought he would be blocked at the door and burned into a big fireball actually escaped!

He thought he would be burned to death without even a chance to beg for mercy.

But the guy in front of him actually ran out of fire!

Chen Xinan also threw away the musket in his hand with regret, shook his head and said: "I haven't practiced for too long, and I can't hold too much wine in my stomach!"

When I was a child, I went down the mountain with my master and saw a circus performance.

There was a man who drank a bucket of gasoline and kept spitting fire at the torch. This skill made Chen Xinan envious.

After returning to the mountain, he thought about his face by himself. Of course, there was no gasoline, and even if there was, he would not swallow it.

But he could accept the wine, anyway, he could make wine himself.

After practicing for a month or two, he found the trick.

Before, in the second-floor box of Haotingyan, Chen Xinan asked Lu Boliang to specially ask for a bottle of strong liquor.

Originally, he was going to play like this, but he didn't expect that he didn't use it on those gangsters, but on these masseurs!

As for the handcuffs, they were useless to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Those people searched all their belongings, but they didn't know that Chen Xin'an could hide the steel needles in every part of his body.

No one could search Chen Xin'an thoroughly, let alone something as inconspicuous as a steel needle. If he wanted to hide it, he could make you unable to find it even if he only had a pair of boxer shorts on his body.

Moreover, Chen Xin'an could open the handcuffs without using any tools.

For a master of the fifth level of internal strength, ordinary handcuffs are no longer effective.

Even without internal strength, Chen Xin'an could use simple bone shrinking to break free from the handcuffs.

As long as he broke free, Li Qi would also be free.

Chen Xin'an didn't move, just to see what tricks Huang Sir was going to play.

But I didn't expect this guy to be so bold that he actually hired outsiders to carry out lynching in the police station!

Once this matter was disclosed, it would be enough to make Huang Sir pay for it!

"Hand on! Don't let them run away!" A masseur's eyes

# Every time verification appears, please do not use the invisible mode!

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was no longer a fire-breathing beast, he immediately shouted to his companion beside him.

Even if you two break free from the handcuffs, what can happen?

There are only two people. Apart from the one who is seriously injured, we still have five people!

Five against two, there should be no suspense, right?

The key is that these masseurs have never suffered such a loss!

They are a group of professional torturers, and now they are tortured by customers. If this spreads out, they will lose face!

This is in the police station. They broke free from the handcuffs and escaped, and even wanted to beat the masseurs. Now they have an excuse to beat them to death!

Several masseurs rushed towards Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with various torture instruments in their hands.

But the development of things was not what they imagined at all.

Although there are more people, it does not mean that the combat power is overwhelming.

There are only two people on the other side, but they are unbelievably fierce!

The people on his side didn't even have time to use the tools in their hands, and they were beaten to the ground by the punches and kicks!

In the next room, Mr. Huang sat in the middle seat as soon as he came in.

This is his special seat, just like the IP seat in the cinema.

The assistant next to him has brought him a cup of coffee, and a group of police officers are standing on both sides of him, looking at the room behind the mirror with great interest.

A police officer nearby asked worriedly: "Sir, calling six masseurs at once, isn't that a bit too much?

I'm afraid there will be trouble in the end, and we won't be able to explain it..."

Sir Huang sneered and cursed: "Xia Zi, you are still as timid as ever!

Let me tell you this, as long as these two mainlanders don't die, you can do whatever you want.

The director won't ask about it, someone has already said hello, understand?

Forget it, at your level

It's normal not to know these inside stories.

I can tell you that these two guys offended people they shouldn't have offended, people that even our director dare not offend!

It's not that I want to play with them, but someone asked me to play with them. As long as they don't die, it's up to you!

We won't have any responsibility, and we won't have any Why are you talking about it? "" Shrimp and asked with some unreasonable asked: "Sir, the identity of these two people is not easy. It's just an ordinary person, there is no official! With a brow, as I was a little uneasy, it was not easy to say anything.

No one expected that the two people who were handcuffed and waiting to be killed would turn the tables and knock down all the masseurs in less than two minutes!

"Something happened!" Huang Sir, who had not even had time to drink a sip of coffee, stood up, pulled out his gun, and shouted to everyone:

"Hurry over! You can shoot, as long as you don't shoot at fatal places!

But if they dare to do anything to you

# Every time verification appears, please do not use the invisible mode!

Anyone who makes a move will be shot on the spot!"

Everyone turned around and wanted to go out, but there was an urgent banging sound at the door.

A police officer went to open the door, and someone outside shouted anxiously: "Mr. Huang, someone is looking for you!"

Mr. Huang cursed: "Don't f*cking look for me at this time, tell him I'm busy, I won't see you!"

The man shook his head and said: "It's useless, the person is already here!"

Mr. Huang walked out and cursed angrily: "Who the f*cking is so arrogant and dares to force me to see you?

Wait obediently by the side, wait for me to settle things here..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already seen a group of people walking in the corridor, his head buzzed, and he felt a little uneasy.

When he saw the director, he followed him timidly, as if he didn't even care about what he said!

When he saw the person walking in the center of the crowd, Mr. Huang stretched his neck and swallowed his saliva, and shouted to the people around him: "Stand up quickly! Put your guns away quickly!"

He knew the man in the middle, Deng Zhaolun, the director of the Central Region, one of the six major regions of Outer Port!

This big Buddha rarely shows his face at ordinary times, why did he come here in person today?

When the director saw him, he quickly said to Deng Zhaolun: "He is Chief Inspector Huang Yaohua!"

Deng Zhaolun walked straight towards him and asked in a deep voice: "Did you bring Mr. Chen back? Where is he now?"

"Mr. Chen?" Huang Yaohua didn't react for a while.

Xia Zi on the side quickly pointed to the big iron door next to him: "Inside!"

"Open the door!" Deng Zhaolun turned around.

Huang Yaohua was startled and subconsciously shouted: "No!"

Of course he knew what was inside!

If these things were seen by others, he would be finished!

But in a hurry, he forgot who he was facing.

Seeing that he dared to refuse, the director's face turned black and scolded him: "Are you stupid? Open the door quickly!"

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