Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3218 I have no news about him now

Knowing that he could no longer hide it, Huang Yaohua looked ashen and stretched out his hand as if resigned to his fate.

But his arms were shaking uncontrollably. He took out the key but couldn't find the keyhole.

The director also knew that he was in big trouble this time.

In the past, he connived at Huang Yaohua and did many things. Once exposed, his responsibility will not be small.

But now that the director is beside him, he would not dare to disobey orders even if he had a hundred courages.

Seeing that Huang Yaohua was paralyzed with fear, he could only turn his head and shouted to Shrimp Boy with a dark face: "Go and open it!"

"You don't need him, you come!" Deng Zhaolun said to him expressionlessly.

The director didn't dare to disobey, so he immediately nodded and said, "Yes! I'll drive it!"

He stepped forward and grabbed the key from Huang Yaohua's hand, pushed him away, and quickly opened the door himself.

Pushing open the big iron door, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

A special smell came and everyone covered their mouths and noses.

Deng Zhaolun walked directly in, saw Chen Xin'an and Li Qi not far away, and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

The director walked in with a pale face, not daring to look at the raincoat men on the ground, and said to Chen Xin'an in a trembling voice:

"Mr. Chen, this is Director Deng from the Outer Harbor Police Central Region. He is here to pick you up!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Deng Zhaolun and said, "Director Deng is here to pick me up? Where to go!

Has the Central Region also arranged such a reception? "

He pointed to the ground with a sarcastic expression.

Deng Zhaolun's face was gloomy, he turned around and said to the director: "Take off Huang Yaohua's clothes, and all the relevant police officers will be detained with him awaiting trial!

You also write a report for me immediately and send it to the Supervision Department!

I want a detailed investigation report and handling process! "

The director looked pale, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I will reply to the director within two days!"

Deng Zhaolun snorted coldly and said: "I want the results before I get off work tonight!

Fuming, you stay here today to deal with this matter! "

A police officer next to him stood up with a snap.

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Salute: "Yes!"

Ignoring the director who was unable to stand still, Deng Zhaolun said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, a friend from the mainland told me that you are in trouble here.

I was afraid that others would be selfish and not handle it well, so I came here in person.

Your friend is still waiting for you at the regional office. Mr. Chen, please go over and meet him!

Regarding the matter here and the grievances Mr. Chen suffered, the police will give Mr. Chen an explanation as soon as possible and make compensation! "

Friends from the Mainland?

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Then I'll bother you, Chief Deng! Let's leave now!"

After giving Li Qi a wink, the two of them stepped over the raincoat men on the ground and left with Deng Zhaolun.

The Central Region Office Building is very grand, equivalent to the Public Security Bureau in the Mainland.

After entering Deng Zhaolun's office and asking Chen Xin'an and Li Qi to sit down, Deng Zhaolun stood by the window and made a phone call.

Within five minutes, someone pushed the door open and came in. After seeing Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, he smiled and said, "Boss, Brother Qi, are you okay?"

Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "Li Nianbei, you're good at it! Others are taking exams, but you are so leisurely that you came to the outer port?"

Deng Zhaolun held the water glass and said, "You guys talk first, I'm going to arrange some things.

Don't worry, it's absolutely safe here and there's no monitoring.

Besides, even if there is, I can't hide it from you two. "

Li Nianbei said with a smile: "Uncle Deng has gone abroad, hasn't he? I don't believe anyone, and it's impossible not to believe you!"

Deng Zhaolun scolded with a straight face: "As long as you don't cause any trouble for me in Outer Harbor! Teacher, I will reply to you. Let's talk!"

When he walked out, Li Nianbei ran to Chen Xin'an like a monkey, put his arm around his shoulders and smiled:

"Boss, I knew you wouldn't be able to sit still when you came!

The Outer Harbor is bustling now! "

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an angrily hit his chest with her arm and scolded him, "You haven't answered me yet!"

Just as Li Nianbei was about to speak, Li Qi suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him, looked around and said:

"I'd better go around. After all, it's someone else's place, so it's not very safe."

Li Nianbei put his arms around his neck again and said with a smile: "You really don't have to, Brother Qi!

No one in Outer Harbor has the courage to pretend to eavesdrop on the office of the regional director! "

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "What if he pretended it himself?"

Li Nianbei was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Then there's no need to worry!

Uncle Jing is a student of grandpa, a military cadet trained in our mainland. "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "Hong Kong people are very repulsive to mainlanders. Is your Uncle Deng different from them?"

Li Nianbei chuckled and said: "People in this position must be among our own people!

Boss, don’t think that our mainland officials are so weak.

No matter how outside Hong Kong is, it is also a part of China. The higher the position, the more suspicious people are! "

Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian. Of course, he didn't know as much as a disciple like Li Nianbei in this regard.

Inviting the boss and Brother Qi to sit down, Li Nianbei said seriously: "Boss, these are my test questions!"

"What test questions? Are you traveling to a foreign port?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with wide eyes.

Li Nianbei shook his head and said: "I believe my grandfather has told you something.

Lei Ming is connected to me here.

But I can't find him now. "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? What do you want to do?"

Li Nianbei said in a deep voice: "Get the design drawings of the Eagle Flag Country's YWS-05 drone!"

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Isn't that for civilian use?"

Li Nianbei shook his head and said: "It is for both military and civilian use, but some modifications have been made.

But the basic drawings can be reversed.

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The technology can be deciphered! "

Chen Xin'an nodded slightly, looked at him and asked, "You don't know where Lei Ming is now?"

"I don't know!" Li Nianbei shook his head and said, "The last contact was three days ago.

He told me to do something, but without telling me what it was, he disappeared. "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What about Sister Qing? Are you with him?"

Li Nianbei shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an, "I have never seen her once!"

It's strange. Isn't Sister Qing together with Lei Ming?

So where did she go?

What is this guy Lei Ming doing again?

The more mysterious it is, the more dangerous it is, not to mention that he is facing the top special operations personnel in the world!

Even if the experienced veteran players of the Montenegrin Tigers come over, they have no chance of defeating the opponent.

This guy is a novice who has only been with the Montenegrin Tigers for less than two years. Why should he compete with the top special forces members?

This is why Chen Xin'an became anxious as soon as he heard Mr. Li talking about this mission.

This is basically a death mission!

But Lei Ming didn't realize it, and he still wanted to act on his own without Li Nianbei's help!

This is tantamount to seeking death on your own!

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy. If he could find Lei Ming before the worst result, he would have to punish him!

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an asked Li Nianbei: "How do you want to accomplish it? Do you have a plan?"

Li Nianbei rubbed his face and said, "I have a few immature plans, but I don't know if they will work.

The first one is to contact the exhibitors in the outer port, promise them some benefits, and ask them for help.

The other is to find interested buyers and buy the machine directly.

Another option is to bribe the manufacturer of that model and ask for it directly!

However, I feel that these three options are not suitable and are easily exposed.

The most difficult thing about this matter is here, the purpose must not be exposed! "

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