It is obviously a joint research and development project, but when all the problems have been overcome, or when it is already known how to overcome them, the collaborators will be kicked away.

Not only that, but there is also a technical blockade to prevent collaborators from getting any useful value.

The Eagle Flag Nation is very familiar with doing such dirty things, having done it countless times.

So even though the officials attached great importance to this exchange meeting and deliberately wanted to obtain the design drawings, Chen Xin'an didn't think there was anything wrong.

He even complained that it was a little too conservative.

According to his temper, he would just go to the manufacturer and ask for it.

You won’t give it, right?

Then break it up and destroy the information so that no one wants it.

Of course, his kind of personal heroism and gratification are not suitable for the officialdom at all.

After thinking about it, Chen Xin'an said to Li Nianbei: "Since it is the subject of your exam, I can't interfere too much with you. You can think about it yourself!

Over at the police station, thank Director Deng for me and help me make an appointment to have a meal together.

Let's call and I'll give you my new number in Outer Harbor. "

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, we won't eat anything after we get back!" Li Nianbei walked over with a smile and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm.

Chen Xin'an slapped his hand away and said unceremoniously: "Don't let me, I'm not familiar with you!"

Li Nianbei said with a grimace: "No, boss, it took a long time for you to come, we have to be together!

Otherwise, I would be tired of seeing what fun things there are in this Outer Harbor!

Brother Qi, why are you acting like a piece of wood again? Please help me speak! "

Li Qi laughed, shook his head and said, "I can't help! You can't get along with us!"

Li Nianbei's eyes widened, and just when he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Are you stupid?

You are the safest here. If you are with us, something might happen at some point!

I know you are eager for trouble, but to us, you are just a burden!

Also, we do different things. I won’t delay your assessment, and you shouldn’t delay me in finding someone!

# Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

We are all busy with our own business, so we can just exchange news! "

There was paper and pen on the desk. Chen Xin'an took it and wrote his number on the note and patted it into Li Nianbei's hand.

The phone rang. Chen Xin'an took it out and took a look. It was Uncle Long calling!

Previously, Huang Yaohua searched Chen Xin'an's belongings and arrogantly told others that they would never get these things back.

Unexpectedly, in less than thirty minutes, he would have to hold the cardboard box with his own hands and return other people's things!

"Uncle Long, what's the news?"

"Mr. Chen, I've got the invitation letter. I'll send it to you when it's convenient for you.

One more thing, the photos of you and Brother Li have now been released to major social groups.

There is a reward on the black list, and the price of your two bodies has been put on it.

Every arm and leg has a price, even the ears and nose!

So you two should be careful, some small societies that are short of money will target you. "

Chen Xin'an smiled coldly, nodded and said, "I know, Uncle Long, I'm going to the exhibition venue now. You send the invitation letter over, and we'll meet at the gate!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Nianbei, who was on the phone, also put down his phone and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, Uncle Deng has asked someone to drive your car over, and the keys will be delivered right away!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at him and said, "Remember what I said before, the assessment is important, but the most important thing is your safety!

If it really comes to a life-and-death situation, I would rather you give up the assessment and save your own life, do you understand? "

Li Nianbei nodded and said: "Don't worry, boss, I'm not a child anymore, I know what to do!

I have also arranged for someone to find Sister Qing. With the strength of our many people, we should be able to find him soon! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said

: "Okay, let me know if you have any news! Let's go first!"

After bidding farewell to Li Nianbei, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi came down from the office building. Someone gave them the car keys, and they drove the second-hand car they just bought and left the headquarters.

The drone exhibition was held at the Outer Harbor Hongsha Stadium.

Five thousand types of drones from more than 500 domestic and foreign companies will be unveiled here.

During this period, several activities including theme conferences, product exchanges, technology competitions, and trade cooperation were held. .??.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi arrived at the stadium, found a spot to park their car, and then walked to the gate together.

Uncle Long was already waiting here. When he saw Chen Xin'an and Li Qi coming over, he quickly took out the invitation letter.

Chen Xin'an took the invitation and said to Uncle Long: "You don't have to go through all the trouble to make the trip yourself, right?

Just ask a little brother to come and give it to us! "

Uncle Long waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "I have to tell you some things personally to make you feel at ease."

He looked at Chen Xin'an with a solemn expression and asked, "How much does Mr. Chen know about Hong Tang?"

"Hongtang?" Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Uncle Long and said, "The earthquake in the high hills has created an eternity of beauty in the mountains and rivers!"

Uncle Long looked solemn and said to Chen Xin'an calmly: "The door faces the sea, and the water of the three rivers has flowed for thousands of years!

No wonder Mr. Chen has accomplished such a feat at such a young age. He turns out to be a rookie in Hong Tang! "

His eyes showed supreme admiration, and the look in his eyes changed when he looked at Chen Xin'an.

The young man in front of him had a rich background and huge financial resources. He was like a monster.

But if it is a rising star introduced by Hongtang, then everything can be explained.

People today are very unfamiliar with the Hongtang organization. Even if they have heard of it, they have seen it in movies and TV.

But as a foreigner from Hong Kong, Uncle Long certainly knew what kind of existence Hong Tang was.

The largest Chinese gang, even today, there are nearly one million members.

Even in the outer harbor, there are tens of thousands of Hongtang people, all of whom

# Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

They are elites from all walks of life!

There are nearly a thousand associations, large and small, in Outer Harbor, but in front of Hongtang, they are all vulnerable and not worth mentioning!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I'm not from Hongtang, and I don't know him.

I just heard someone else say this couplet and thought it was interesting, so I wrote it down! "

"Ah?" Uncle Long's face showed a look of disappointment and pity, and he said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, if you don't have any acquaintances in Hongtang, then be careful!

I heard that people from Hongtang are asking about you.

But I'm sure I'm not tempted by the reward, and they won't take the money seriously.

But we can't take it lightly. No matter what the reason is, people from Hongtang can't be provoked.

Because once they take notice, the trouble will never be small!

Mr. Chen, you must be careful! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an frowned, but didn't say much.

After chatting with Uncle Long for a while, Chen Xinan took Li Qi and left.

There isn't much time left today, he wants to go in and take a look.

Now that there is an invitation letter, there will be no trouble for the two of them to come in.

It's a big place, but there are a lot of people.

The two of them walked forward together, and Li Qi asked Chen Xin'an, "Boss, why did the people from Hongtang find you?"

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked, "Do you also know these people?"

Li Diding nodded and said: "I have encountered this before when I was performing missions abroad!

These people are very patriotic. Even if they are not informed in advance, as long as they encounter Chinese green clothing, they are not afraid of trouble and will try their best to help.

So I have a very good impression of the people in Hongtang.

I don’t believe they are people who don’t distinguish between right and wrong because of the bounty! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Uncle Long also said just now that he didn't believe they were doing it for this.

I think it might be because of something else, but we won’t know until they come to our door! "

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