Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3291 I told you all that you can’t be trusted

After the gunfire, Riley, who was standing at the top of the stairs, fell to the ground!

Lei Ming was just about to rush up the steps, but before he could show his head, the bullet grazed his scalp!

Fortunately, he took a step slower and shrank his head, otherwise he would have been shot in the head just now!

The crucial shot was fired by Riley who was lying on the ground!

This also made Lei Ming realize that this guy might be wearing a body armor!

What's even more frightening is that this guy had obviously been shot, but he didn't scream. When he fell to the ground, he already knew the enemy's location and fired back directly!

And after he fired once, the remaining three companions all shot in the direction of the stairs!

Lei Ming was so suppressed that he couldn't even lift his head, and he didn't dare to get close to the steps. He ran quickly on the lower level, looking for cover.

"Riley!" Adams yelled.

Riley, who was lying on the ground, propped up his body with his hands, climbed up with difficulty, and touched his abdomen and saw the blood on his hand.

"Damn bastard! I know who you are, but you shot at me. You're looking for death! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to blow your head off!"

He gritted his teeth and did not treat the wound. He stepped on the stairs and wanted to rush down.

Adams shouted: "Riley, hold your position, don't move..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a faint gunshot outside, and with a crash, Riley's head was like a watermelon that had been cracked, and a bloody mist instantly exploded!

Red and white liquid splashed on the wall next to him, and Riley fell down and rolled down the stairs, killing him on the spot!

Li Qi shouted excitedly: "Yunmei, what a gun!"

There is no time to celebrate, the gap has been opened!

Adams couldn't care less about remembering his comrades and shouted loudly: "Be careful, there is a sniper! Dryden, quickly mark the sniper's position!"

Dryden looked out in the direction of the gunfire. Before he could see clearly, there was a strange sound beside him, and a man rushed out from the corner of the wall and fired three shots at him!

Li Qi didn't give him a chance to find Yunmei at all. He jumped over and shot at him continuously!

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an also rushed out from the other side and repeatedly pulled the trigger at the place where Adams and Gray were hiding!

Thunder stood by the stairs holding a pistol, looking at Riley's body.

Only then did I realize that it wasn't that these guys were wearing bulletproof vests, but that their muscles, bones, skin and flesh were relatively tough. The bullets fired by the gun in my hand had very limited damage to them!

"Damn, pervert!" Lei Ming thought that these special forces members of the Eagle Flag Country also practiced the Golden Bell and Iron Cloth Shirt, but even he didn't have the ability!

Now was not the time to figure this out, but this shot gave him a hint.

To fight these guys, you have to hit the head. Hitting other places will have limited impact on their combat effectiveness!

He heard the gunfire from above and shouted: "Master, Brother Qi, I'm coming!"

Gunfire rang out and bullets flew everywhere!

As soon as Lei Ming showed his head, he found a guy not far away hiding behind a concrete pillar. He took out a grenade and tried to throw it at the running master!

Without saying a word, he just raised his gun and shot!

The guy reacted quickly. After hearing the movement next to him, he shrunk his neck, and then the grenade originally thrown at Chen Xin'an changed direction and was thrown at him.

Lei Ming's shot hit his right arm directly!

The grenade flew out of his hand and hit Lei Ming's head!

"Holy shit!" Lei Ming yelled and threw himself down from the stairs!

When he fell on the steps on the next floor, he didn't care whether it hurt or not, and rolled over to the wall next to him!

The moment he jumped behind the wall, the grenade rolling down the steps like a ball also exploded!

Debris mixed with various building debris was overwhelming like a heavy rain!

Fortunately the thunder has


He had hid behind the wall, otherwise even if he was not killed by the explosion, just these broken pieces would have smashed him to pieces!

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there were footsteps from the direction of the stairs. The guy who had just been shot in the arm had already rushed over. Before he could see Lei Ming hiding there, a bunch of bullets were fired!

"Come out! You bastard! You traitor, you actually shot at me!"

He tripped on his feet and almost fell down. When he lowered his head, he saw Riley's body, which made him even more furious!

"Damn Chinese people, I told you that you are all untrustworthy!

We should have killed you from the start!

Where are those two idiots Commons and Saul?

Didn't they hire you to help?

Did you kill them too?

Damn it, who are you? "

"I'm telling you!" Lei Ming stuck his head out from behind the wall and fired two shots at him!

But this guy reacted quickly enough. The moment Lei Ming appeared, he had already jumped aside. The moment he fell to the ground, the gun was already aimed in the direction where Lei Ming was hiding.

Lei Ming didn't expect these two shots to be effective. He just wanted to lure this guy away from the corridor.

In this way, no matter how fierce the battle above is, this guy will have no way to go up and support him!

Firearms are at an absolute disadvantage. Under the pressure of modern weapons at close range, even the master cannot exert the lethality of a top warrior.

And once they are allowed to form a battle formation, even if they are evenly matched in numbers, their combat power becomes very terrifying.

Even if all these special forces members can be wiped out in the end, the price they have to pay must not be underestimated.

Therefore, only by dividing them and allowing them to fight independently can we gain an advantage with inferior weapons.

Now Chen Xin'an is facing Adams, Li Qi is facing Dryden, and Lei Ming's opponent is Gray.

Three people fight three people, Han Yunmei continues to observe from the outside,

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Look for opportunities.

Of course the three Adams knew that the current situation was a bit passive for them.

However, this passivity does not come from the opponent in front of them, but from the sniper who is still observing them in the dark!

Anyone who has actually been on the battlefield knows how terrifying snipers are.

Once locked, your head will blossom at any time, and your life will be taken away by the other party at any time.

However, they are also experienced warriors, and the shot just now allowed them to determine the general direction of the sniper.

One more shot and the opponent's position can be locked.

Under such circumstances, they also knew very well that they must not expose themselves to the sniper's scope.

Therefore, they always look for bunkers to protect themselves, and try to be in the same straight line as the opponent and the sniper.

This will allow the sniper to throw a rat weapon and not dare to shoot casually.

"Find the location of the sniper and eliminate it as soon as possible! We must also meet up as soon as possible and fight together!" Adams shouted loudly while hiding behind a wall.

The sound echoed in the empty building and was heard by the other two team members.

It's just that once you hear it, it's not that easy to implement it.

Although they have an absolute advantage in terms of weapons and their bodies have been transformed by the golden essence, it does not mean that they can treat their opponents as nothing and act unscrupulously.

Riley who turned into a corpse is an example.

Not to mention that the opponent also has snipers, if they hit the head with the gun in their hand, it will also cause fatal injuries!

What's more, the opponent's marksmanship is not bad, but what's even more troublesome is that their movement skills are too agile!

It's simply more flexible than a monkey. You're clearly at gunpoint, but when you pull the trigger, the opponent has already run away!

In this way, the bullets can only follow them and eat dust, as if they never hit them and cause substantial damage!

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