Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3290 You only have your goal in your eyes

It must be said that these top-level special forces are still quite capable.

Chen Xinan has dealt with the Red Eagle Special Forces before. It seems that there are also different levels in the Red Eagle Special Forces.

These are definitely elites, and they are all real warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

They cooperate seamlessly, are skilled in tactics, have high individual quality, and are strong overall. Even Chen Xinan and Li Qi dare not be careless.

After all, with the blessing of modern weapons, plus the fact that the other party are all weapons experts, who can use various weapons freely, have accurate shooting skills, and are assisted by some advanced reconnaissance equipment, for Chen Xinan and Li Qi, who only have pistols, the pressure is not small!

After getting rid of the flying beetles that are like a thorn in the side, Chen Xinan and Li Qi found that the enemy had quietly surrounded the two of them. Once they showed up, they would attract dense bullets!

The two can only hide behind a corner wall less than two meters away. Once the other party changes from static encirclement to mobile encirclement, the two will be exposed to the muzzle!

Of course, after a round of shooting probing, the other side did not dare to take risks.

Both sides have a certain understanding of each other's shooting skills. They are all sharpshooters. At such a distance, whoever reveals a larger position and flaws will be the unlucky one who will be shot!

So no one dared to act rashly and give the other side a chance to take advantage of the flaws.

But the situation is very unfavorable for Chen Xinan and Li Qi. Their positions are not used to observe the outside, so the other side has secret movements, and the two can't see them at the first time!

So Chen Xinan has to take the risk to counterattack!

He has to use his body skills to attract the attention of the other side and give Li Qi a chance to break the situation!

As long as one person is eliminated, before the other side forms a triangle formation, break through their defense line, so that the other side can be easily annihilated one by one!

But Li Qi knew very well that doing so was too risky!

The other side is the world's top special warfare elite, just like Rambo in the movie, one person can play around with a company of ordinary green clothes!

Li Qi certainly knows that he is old

# Please do not use the invisible mode every time verification appears!

Although he knew the strength of the enemy, he also knew how big of a risk it would be if he went out to attract firepower!

He could not guarantee that the boss could remain unscathed under the guns of these guys, and Chen Xinan himself could not guarantee it either!

Although hiding here together was not a long-term solution, Li Qi still grabbed Chen Xinan's arm and prevented him from going out!

"Hey! Chinese, as long as you surrender, we can spare your lives!"

During the shooting interval, Adams shouted loudly at the corner of the wall.

While speaking, he kept making gestures to the surroundings and gave combat tasks to the other three.

Once the other party showed up, they would be shot immediately!

Even if they surrendered, they would never let these two guys live!

While speaking, he was also moving left and right, with the purpose of preventing the other party from judging his exact location through sound.

At the same time, the other three were also speaking loudly to Chen Xinan and Li Qi in different directions.

Their Chinese language was very ordinary, but fortunately, people could understand their meaning.

"Don't resist anymore, you have nowhere to escape! If you still resist, you will die!"

"You don't know what kind of people you have provoked! You can't even imagine what kind of fate you will get! Now, surrender is your only way to survive!"

"Huaxia man, we only give you one minute to consider!

If you don't surrender, one minute later, it will be the moment of your death!

So, enjoy your last minute in this world!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not answer, but just listened to their voices carefully.

Li Qi whispered: "Seven o'clock, ten o'clock, one o'clock, three o'clock, four directions, behind us is the window.


If any of them go upstairs and go around to the direction between four and six o'clock behind us, we will be in danger!"

Chen Xinan nodded, glanced behind him and said: "So I want to seize the opportunity and get out of the window first.

I can climb to the upper floor within one second, and then we can attack from top to bottom..."

"Boss!" Li Qi shook his head and said: "As long as you step back one meter, you will be exposed to the opponent's shooting range!

From here to the window, there are almost five meters!

And there is no cover, you can't be faster than the bullet!

What's more terrible is that once you go upstairs, your whole body will be exposed to the muzzle of the gun..."

"Then I go downstairs, the effect is the same!" Chen Xinan said to Li Qi.

Li Qi still shook his head and said, "You don't have time to estimate the distance! So jumping down while dodging bullets is like jumping off a building. You can't jump to the next floor at all!"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "Just wait to die? They are not ordinary people. They will soon use the strategy I just thought of!"

Li Qi took a deep breath and said, "Then wait for them to come up! As long as they move, whether up or down, they are giving us a chance!

Don't forget, we still have Yunmei!"

Looking behind him, Li Qi pressed his ears and said in a deep voice, "Yunmei, are you sure?"

Han Yunmei's voice came from the headset: "Master, I... I don't dare! The position and angle are not good, I am not sure..."

"Don't be afraid, Yunmei!" Chen Xin'an whispered: "As long as you have the chance, shoot! Even if you miss, it doesn't matter. At least it can scare them and distract them!"

Han Yunmei said with a cry: "Boss, I'm not afraid of missing, I'm afraid of accidentally hurting you!

You are too close, and my marksmanship is not as good as yours and master's.

The slightest mistake may put a bullet in your body.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Come on, I don't dare to shoot! "

In fact, we can't blame Han Yunmei for being timid. Her exposure to firearms was still too short, and she didn't have many opportunities to use live ammunition.

Although her progress made even Chen Xin'an and Li Qi admire her with admiration and surprises.

But no matter how talented she is, she is still a complete novice!

Especially in this kind of life-and-death battle, no matter how talented she is, she can't escape the psychological barrier.

She hasn't collapsed yet, which is pretty good!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also know that they can't push too hard on Han Yunmei. Letting her survive the current psychological pressure is the greatest growth for her!

"Yunmei, listen to me!" Li Qi said softly: "Don't worry about our current situation, you just need to keep an eye on your goal.

Relax and take a deep breath!

Think about what I said to you, how to become a qualified sniper.

You now abandon all distracting thoughts and only have your eyes on your target, your enemy.

When you find a suitable opportunity, you shoot without reporting to us or worrying about the consequences of shooting.

Can it be done? "

As expected, Han Yunmei was breathing heavily in the headset. After a while, her voice no longer trembled, but became calmer than ever before.

"Master, I can do it...

That's not right, Master, someone is coming up and approaching you!

He was in the shadows, and I couldn't see clearly. I couldn't distinguish between friend and foe.

Be careful, contact is coming, I'm ready to shoot! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi frowned, did the other side have reinforcements?

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an's brain exploded, and she covered her headset and said, "Yunmei, don't shoot, it's thunder..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud gunshot!

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened, and just when she was about to speak, Han Yunmei said, "I wasn't the one who fired the shot!"

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