Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 439: When did I let you stand up for me?

At dawn, Chen Xin'an, who had been busy all night, finally left Xihe on a kestrel and rushed back to Liangjiang City.

He did not take the highway, so he did not know about the accident on the highway.

But just after the car accident, the black-faced man drove away in the car.

Meng Bufan and the thugs also fled, leaving the dumbfounded truck driver at the scene.

Kestrel drove directly under the city bureau office building. The gatekeeper also knew that he was coming to see leader Lei, so he did not stop him.

I originally wanted to go upstairs to find Lei Guang, but I met Xu Qing in the corridor.

Just after going to work early in the morning, this woman seemed to be on gunpowder. She spoke very irritably and was very angry!

"I was looking for you all night last night!

The Royal Club, the Evergreen Hotel, and even your Liang Mao Liquor Industry don’t know how many police forces have been deployed. What is going on? Are you up to something? "

Chen Xin'an looked unconcerned and said to her: "Yes, you are asking questions knowingly!"

The main task these two days is to search for national treasures, and there are constant situations. Isn’t this appropriate? At least that’s what Chen Xin’an thinks!

Seeing that he was about to enter Lei Guang's office, Xu Qing grabbed him and said with a dark face: "Chen Xin'an, tell me honestly, what are you doing!

You, Liangmao Liquor, have been recruiting troops and expanding the security team since three months ago. Do you need so many people? What do you want to do? "

"Brother, my company is doing well and selling well now. I want to expand the scale. Do you need your police to take care of this?" Chen Xin'an was speechless and rolled his eyes at her.

Xu Qing became angry, took his arm and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, I am not interrogating you as a policeman, but as a friend!

I know you have been helping us, but I am worried that you have taken the wrong path because of this!

I don’t want you to become a lawless person with the support of the police!


Xu Qing felt upset for no reason.

She has always been a straightforward and straightforward person.

And he is selfless and upright.

No matter who it is, as long as it breaks the law, I will arrest him!

But for Chen Xin'an, she didn't hope that such a day would come!

It's not just because she's related to this guy, but the most important thing is that she doesn't say anything about the many things Chen Xin'an does, but she appreciates them very much in her heart!

Most of these things she wanted to do, but couldn't do them due to her status!

Chen Xin'an didn't have so many scruples and did it happily!

Kill decisively, enjoy grudges!

This is exactly her ideal way of doing things, and now it's all reflected in Chen Xin'an!

However, when handling the Liangmao Liquor Industry security case last night, Liangmao Company, which was originally on the victim's side, used a strong attitude to beat the troublemaker until he cried for his father and mother, and fled in confusion, which made Xu Qing secretly shocked!

Liangmao Company is cultivating its own armed forces?

This is a taboo for private enterprises!

Because once you do this, you will form a dark force and evil forces, and you will be attacked mercilessly by the police!

That's why she questioned Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at Xu Qing and said, "When did I need the police to support me?"

Xu Qing was choked up with just one sentence!

Indeed, people outside thought that if Chen Xin'an dared to be so arrogant in Dongshan, the police should be supporting him!

But only insiders know that they do not need the support of the police at all, but instead continue to solve a lot of trouble for the police!

Xu Qing blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to her: "Since you care about me as a friend, I will tell you everything.

It is true that I hired more people on the security side, and I really had my own personal motives.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if I tell you, I want to drive the Lu family out of Haidong completely and not let them have any power!

If necessary, I will eradicate the Lu family!

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed? You understand this even if I don’t tell you!

This time I am helping the police and the Security Department, but I am also taking this opportunity to complete my own affairs!

But don’t worry, I know exactly what to do and what not to do! "

Drive the Lu family out of Haidong completely? Or even have to cut the grass and root out the roots?

That’s not cabbage on the roadside! That's the Lu family, the richest man in Haidong!

Even the police can't do anything to them, why do you boast like this?

But is he really bragging?

The Lu family has been beaten into a state of disarray by him, and business has been closed again and again.

The Lu family enterprise, which was prosperous in other places and was on the offensive like a rainbow, suffered a tragic defeat in Dongshan, the place where it started. It was beaten to the point where it was unable to fight back, all thanks to this guy in front of it!

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at Xu Qing and said: "Don't worry, this matter has only advantages and no disadvantages for the police!

If you are not sure what to do, please discuss it with Leader Lei! "

Knocking on the door and entering, Lei Guang was sitting behind his desk with a solemn look on his face.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes.

Chen Xin'an grinned and closed her eyes.

Tears let out a long sigh of relief, raised a thumb, and pointed it at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who was praised, was not happy at all. He shook his head, stretched out a finger, and nodded.

"That's enough for you two!" Xu Qing's face darkened and he scolded the two of them: "Is it interesting for two big men to flirt with each other here while guarding a beautiful woman? What kind of riddles are you playing!"

Lei Guang laughed and asked Chen Xin'an, "Where are the things?"

"Here!" Chen Xin'an grinned, lifted up his clothes, took out a porcelain plate from his arms, and placed it on Lei Guang's desk.


Lei Guang, who was about to stand up, staggered, sat back on the office chair, stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"You just carry the pomegranate and jade plate from the previous dynasty with a price of 800 million in your arms like this?

Do you know what the consequences will be if you fall or are touched by someone?

You are really big-hearted! "

Xu Qing, who originally wanted to pick up the jade plate and admire it, was frightened and retracted his hand when he heard the price.

Chen Xin'an actually carried this thing all night long and brought it back. I really don't know what he was thinking! Once it falls, can he afford to pay for it?

Lei Guang carefully picked up the jade plate, put it into the locker behind him, and locked it with the combination lock. Then he asked Chen Xin'an, "What is the one thing that has not been found?"

"Celestial Silkworm Bihualuo!" Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and said, "I suspect it's in Dongshan! I still have one day to dig it out!"

Xu Qing looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going to accompany Lin Ke'er to the theater for the premiere today?"

Chen Xin'an slapped her thigh: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! I am still Lin Ke'er's personal bodyguard!"

No need to talk to them anymore, since the things have been handed back anyway, Chen Xin'an immediately said goodbye to the two of them, rode the Kestrel and went straight to the Evergreen Hotel!

In fact, he himself was a little embarrassed. He had a bodyguard and no one was seen all night. He really didn't deserve the one million salary that day!

Of course, this little guilt only existed for a short time, and it was already gone by him.

Lin Ke'er had already packed up and was sitting on the sofa doing a facial mask. Chen Xin'an greeted her, but she didn't respond, as if she didn't exist.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to her petty temperament, and walked around every room. Lin Ke'er snorted and said, "Are you looking for Lu Zifu? Do you think he has the guts to sleep here with me?"

Chen Xin'an searched around and found nothing unusual, and said calmly: "I'm looking to see if you are being monitored!"

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