Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 440 I have a story, do you have wine?

Lin Ke'er looked disdainful towards Chen Xin'an's suspicion.

After all, Lu Zifu is also the helmsman of the Shuntian Group. Let alone Haidong, even if he is a well-known figure in the whole of China, how can he do such a despicable and dirty thing?

After all, Chen Xin'an was not a police officer and would not use a mobile phone to detect these things. She pretended to walk around the suite before walking out and sitting on the sofa.

"What time will you go to Pearl Cinema?" Chen Xin'an asked Lin Ke'er.

Lin Keer said to him: "Two: thirty in the afternoon! In the morning, I will do an online interview for an online TV station..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Keer had already seen Chen Xin'an leaning on the sofa, already asleep!

This guy!

Lin Ke'er wanted to scold him and tell him to get up, but looking at him up close, she couldn't bear it!

He was very tired, the circles under his eyes were slightly dark, and he obviously lacked sleep.

The beard has sprouted, and it looks like he has matured a lot, and he finally looks a little more masculine.

In the past, Lin Keer always felt that he looked more like a college student, looking young and full of energy.

Of course, this is just his appearance.

If anyone thinks he is young and stupid, he will trick you into doubting your life!

Lin Ke'er has always felt that this guy has the brains of a seventy or eighty-year-old man hidden in his head? He is too cunning!

His clothes are still from yesterday and have not been changed, which means that he did not go home last night.

There were scraps and dirt on the soles of his shoes, as well as a faint trace of blood. Needless to say, last night was another thrilling story.

It's just that this is for people like Lin Ke'er, and for him, he has become accustomed to it!

This is the first time to observe Chen Xin'an at such a close distance.

Lin Keer's face was slightly hot, and she seemed to have a guilty conscience. She quickly turned around, took a blanket from inside, and covered Chen Xin'an.

Compared to the concert, this premiere was much simpler, but there were also many fans present, and the atmosphere was indeed harmonious.

At this point, Lin Keer's trip to Dongshan and all official activities and tasks have been successfully concluded.

Back at the Evergreen Hotel, Jiang Han quickly said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, although Boss Lin's activities in Dongshan have ended, she has not left Dongshan yet, so your work is not over yet!"

Sister Han Lin Keer shook her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, our contract can be ended. I will pay the balance into your account immediately!"

From now on, you can do whatever you want, no need to follow me! "

"Boss Lin!" Jiang Han shouted unwillingly.

To be honest, she doesn't like Chen Xin'an. She is arrogant and domineering, never listens to other people's opinions and has no sense of propriety!

But she also had to admit that she was really capable.

As long as he stays with Lin Keer, she will not be put in danger.

Therefore, such a bodyguard is hard to come by. You must squeeze out the last drop of value before letting him go. Letting him go now is really a waste!

Fortunately, this guy was self-aware and knew that he was incompetent as a bodyguard. He felt a little guilty and took the initiative to ask Lin Keer: "Send you on the plane and the contract will be over!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's serious face, Lin Ke'er did not insist anymore and just said to him:

"The last flight to Kyoto leaves at ten o'clock in the evening, and I have already booked a ticket.

It’s almost four hours. Sister Han, you can go out if you want, and go back to your room if you want. I’ll have a chat with Mr. Chen! "

Jiang Han glanced at Lin Keer hesitantly, as if he wanted to say something, Chen Xin'an said with a smile:

"Actually, I can take you to some fun places in Dongshan, and I have enough time!"

Lin Keer smiled and said: "No need! Chen Xin'an, just stay here quietly with me, without being disturbed by others. I have a story, do you have a drink?"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at her and said, "I can't guarantee anything else. If you want to drink, you can have as much as you want!"

After hanging up the phone at Liangmao Liquor Building, Ning Xiruo felt her nose was a little sore. Guan Qing stood aside and asked her softly: "What's wrong? Why is he calling you?"

Ning Xiruo said excitedly: "Today is his fiftieth birthday! I thought he wouldn't call me, but I didn't expect that he was still thinking of me! I..."

Guan Qing pressed her shoulder and said, "Miss, I don't think this is necessarily a good thing! Yes, I just don't believe in Ning Changgang's character!

If he really cared about you as his niece, he wouldn't have done those things in the first place! "

Ning Xiruo said unhappily: "Sister Qing, he is my second uncle after all! How can you talk about him like this!

Besides, most of the shares of Liang Mao Company are actually owned by my husband. No matter how scheming my second uncle is, he won't get much. He should know this, right? "

Guan Qing sighed at the doctor and said to her: "Miss, I think this matter should be discussed with my uncle. If he has no objection, I won't say anything!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said: "He still has to protect Lin Keer, so how can he have time to care about this! And even if he knew, it would be inappropriate for him to go to this occasion, and there would have to be a fight!"

Guan Qing was still hesitant, so Ning Xiruo held her arm and said, "Sister Qing, do you really want me to be a loner?

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but as long as they can correct themselves, they are still good people!

We should give them this opportunity, not to mention that they are still my relatives over there, my second uncle and second aunt, and my brothers and sisters!

Besides, there’s still you!

Do you feel like your kung fu has deteriorated now? Too much reliance on peace of mind? "

These words were so irritating to Guan Qing, she frowned and said: "In that case, then I will go with you!

But miss, let me say my ugly words beforehand. If they really want to do something dirty to you, I will do it! "

"Okay, okay! It's all up to you!" Ning Xiruo stood up holding Guan Qing's arm and said, "Then let's go, go out early and buy some gifts!"

The Imperial Dining Room is located on the eighth floor of the Regent Hotel in Nancheng, Dongshan. It specializes in ancient Chinese palace banquets, so it is very famous in Dongshan.

If it had been in the past, if Ning Chang had just celebrated his fiftieth birthday, he would have booked the whole hall for a grand banquet.

But now it’s much more low-key, just a round table is enough for the whole family to sit together.

When Ning Xiruo arrived, everyone who was supposed to come had already arrived, and a place was left for her.

Ning Changgang was sitting in the main seat. He hadn't seen him for more than half a year. He was much older and his face was no longer as rosy as before.

The second aunt was beside him. She used to like to wear gold and silver. She had either gold necklaces or jade bracelets on her neck and hands, but now they are gone.

Ning Zhe was neatly dressed in a brand-name suit and tie. He looked the same as before.

But Ning Xiruo could see that the clothes he had bought had been bought for several years and were not new.

Ning Yuan even lost the temperament of a strong white-collar woman. It seemed that she hadn't done skin care for a long time. Her skin was rough and her hair was yellow, just like an ordinary working girl who works from 5 to 9.

Even the eighth brother Ning Shuo has lost a lot of weight and looks malnourished.

Seeing their miserable appearance, Ning Xiruo's nose felt sore and she almost shed tears!

Even my heart is full of guilt, feeling that they are like this because of their own reasons.

If they hadn't been driven out of Liangmao Company and Panlongwan, they wouldn't be in such a miserable state!

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