Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 733 The best way to deal with female workers

In fact, Chen Xinan usually likes these small animals very much and is reluctant to beat them.

Especially on Qingniu Mountain, he likes them to the extent that he eats them every meal.

Others are scared to death when being chased by dogs.

For Chen Xinan, once being chased by a dog, his saliva will flow out.

The other dog seemed to smell the dangerous breath on this person, and turned around and ran away without saying hello.

So dogs always bully the weak and fear the strong. If you smell dog meat, dogs dare not approach you.

The people behind were not afraid, and they all rushed up at once.

"Protect Xiruo!" Chen Xinan and Yue Zhihua shouted to each other at the same time.

The two were stunned, and then Chen Xinan scolded him: "Go to the back and protect Xiruo!

If you are not strong enough, don't always come forward. Don't you know your own weight?"

Your uncle!

Yue Zhihua's face turned black.

If my face didn't hurt, I would slap you!

How do you talk to your uncle?

Although he was unwilling, he still retreated to the back and stood beside Ning Xiruo.

Chen Xinan stopped Wang Yi behind him and said to the group of people who rushed over:

"Stop! What happened?"

A group of people pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed: "Get out! Otherwise, I will beat you too!"

A full thirty or forty people rushed over together, and they were quite aggressive.

The leader had triangular eyes and pointed at Chen Xinan and shouted: "He is also an accomplice, beat him too!"

Yue Zhihua saw that something was wrong and shouted to Chen Xinan: "Don't provoke conflicts! Let's retreat to the garage first and close the door..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan had already rushed up and kicked the fastest person flying with one kick!

The man screamed, flew backwards, and smashed into the crowd, knocking down three or four in a row!

Then Chen Xinan was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, kicking in a series of kicks with his feet, one for each kid, turning a big circle, and kicking down seven or eight!

"Uh, forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Yue Zhihua shut up in dismay!

Your actions are too aggressive, aren't they?

You never thought that you would arouse public anger!

But now the group of people are scared. The first group fell down, and the ones behind turned around and ran, all wanting to hide at the back!

Chen Xinan squinted his eyes at the crowd, pointed at them and cursed: "A group of old men, chasing a girl, are you still human?"

Triangle Eyes pointed at Chen Xinan and Wang Yi and said: "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be unemployed!

We brothers have all come to Kyoto from other places.

It's not easy to find a good job, but it was ruined by you two!

Originally, we could send money home every month, but now, we can't make a living!

All this is caused by you!"

Chen Xinan snorted and said: "You recognized the wrong person..."

Triangle Eyes pointed at him and cursed: "Don't deny it, the factory security department has your surveillance video, we have all seen it!"


Chen Xin'an scratched his head.

Wang Yi behind him angrily yelled: "You simply can't tell right from wrong!

Do you know that someone in this factory has killed someone?

Do you know that the work you do is illegal?

We report this company to get rid of harm for the people!"

Triangle Eyes yelled at her: "Don't tell us these big truths here!

We are just a group of workers, we don't have such a high level of awareness as you!

What good people and bad people?

Those who pay us and allow us to send money home are good people!

You can arrest anyone who kills people and breaks the law, but you can't destroy our rice bowls!

People give us money, so we work according to their instructions, where is the law?"

A group of people followed and shouted: "Yes, where did we break the law?"

"You destroyed our rice bowls and don't let us live, so we won't let you live either!"

"You reported the company and became a hero, eating delicious food and drinking spicy drinks. Who cares about our life and death? You are the real bad guys!"

Although they yelled, Chen Xinan's bravery just now was really scary, so no one dared to rush up first.

Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. She was not afraid of verbal fights!

But if so many people attacked together, her life might be in danger.

Now she saw that Chen Xinan had calmed everyone down and no one dared to rush up, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at everyone with a smug look on her face. If you have the guts, come and beat me!

Anyway, I have experts here, I am not afraid of you!

But at this moment, a group of people rushed over from the dormitory area.

The reinforcements of this group of old employees have arrived.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how many reinforcements come, Chen Xinan is not afraid.

As long as the venue is large enough, he can eat as many as he can, beating people in circles, and beat them all until they surrender!

But unfortunately, this is a normal situation now, because the group of people rushing over are all female workers!

They are all young girls, some of whom are even children who have just graduated from high school, become adults, and have just entered the society!

It is impossible for Chen Xinan to punch and kick a group of girls like he did to the rough guys with triangular eyes, right?

"Uncle!" Chen Xin'an quickly waved to Yue Zhihua, signaling him to come over.

Yue Zhihua snorted coldly and said to him disdainfully: "What's wrong? Are you scared now?"

Aren't you a tiger?

Aren't you strong?

You do know how much you weigh, but why are you scared now?

Now I know I can be useful?

He didn't want to talk to him at first, but Ning Xiruo looked at him with a pleading face and said, "Uncle, go help him quickly! Don't let him get hurt!"

Uncle is very upset!

My niece, are you afraid that this kid will get hurt, aren't you afraid that your uncle will get hurt?

With a slight sigh, Yue Zhihua walked over.

He waved his hand to Wang Yi, signaling her to step back, and then stood side by side beside Chen Xin'an.

"I'll deal with the male workers, you deal with the female workers, and we'll do it quickly!"

Yue Zhihua is not stupid. He is afraid that Chen Xin'an will let him hit a woman, so he first clearly distinguishes the goals of both parties.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Don't fight, you don't have to do it!"


Yue Zhihua looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise, why did you ask me to do it if you didn't want me to do it?

This group of people rushed over in a fierce manner. Do you think they can be solved without taking action?

The group of female workers were almost rushing to the front, all of them filled with murderous intent.

But Chen Xin'an grabbed Yue Zhihua's waistband and shouted: "Daughter-in-law, close your eyes!"

Then, before everyone could react, with a bang, Chen Xin'an pulled Yue Zhihua's waistband in half!

Then with a squeaking sound, he grabbed Yue Zhihua's pants and pulled them off!

A group of female workers had already rushed forward, and suddenly a naked man appeared, surprising everyone!

Most of the female workers were girls who had not yet left the government. They had never seen such a scene before. They shouted "Yeah", turned around and covered their eyes!

The male workers next to them thought they had successfully joined forces with the female workers, and then asked them to take the lead, so that no matter how fierce the opponent was, they would not be able to take action!

I never expected that the other party would shamelessly pull such a trick!

Not to mention that they didn't expect it, Ning Xiruo didn't expect it either and turned around with a scream.

Wang Yi took another look between his fingers, thinking that this man was a bit ugly, but his butt was quite perky...

At this moment, Yue Zhihua felt as if the world had collapsed!

Personality, dignity, etc. are no longer important, because they have been lost!

The only thing he wants to do now is to bury himself in a trap!

I really have no face to live in this world anymore!

Of course, before burying myself, I have to tear the bastard next to me to pieces!

Even if you tear it into pieces, you won’t be able to relieve your hatred!

He wished he could grind it into stuffing with a meat grinder, add some green onions to make buns, and feed it to the two dogs!

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