Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 734 I, Ning Xiruo, will keep my promise

After all, he was a Dragon Shield agent who had seen a lot of storms. After the initial shock, he quickly recovered and hurriedly pulled up his pants!

"Chen Xin'an, I'll poke your grandmother!" Yue Zhihua's eyes were red, as if they were full of blood. You couldn't see his appearance, but just looking at his eyes was very creepy!

Didn't I just say that you are a son-in-law?

This is also the fact!

Do you have to be so deliberate to retaliate against me?

I have lived for more than 30 years, and the secrets of my body have never been seen by even the closest people.

You are so good that you let a group of girls visit directly!

Not only the girls visited, but the group of men also watched!

And the girl knew to turn her head away after taking a look, and the group of men looked at it intently!

The key is that it happened in front of his own niece!

Damn it, is this what you do as a human being?

Do you still let me be a human being?

He was completely furious and rushed up to fight Chen Xin'an to the death!

As soon as the fist was raised, the pants fell off.

He hurriedly tried to pull up his pants!

As a result, he hated Chen Xinan to death, but he couldn't retaliate.

Once you want to hit someone, you have to be careful not to drop your pants.

In shame and anger, he turned around and ran away with his pants in his hands!

Everyone came to their senses, and without that embarrassing guy, the anger value surged again.

One by one, with anger on their faces, they rushed towards Chen Xinan again!

What is coming will always come!

Chen Xinan didn't want to do anything to a woman, but his wife was standing behind him.

If his wife was in danger, let alone hitting a woman, even if he killed these female workers, he would never be soft-hearted!

But at this time, a delicate shout came: "What do you want to do!"

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at Ning Xiruo walking up from behind, her face full of anger, staring at the group in front of her!

A group of old employees were stunned for a moment, looking at this beautiful woman at a loss.

Just by looking at her outfit, you can tell that she is rich. They are all famous brands that they dare not even touch in the mall!

Unlike Chen Xinan, Ning Xiruo is more picky and particular about clothes.

Cheap clothes really can't be worn beautifully.

That's because, cheap clothes don't put too much effort into design, because it's not worth it!

So every piece of Ning Xiruo's clothes is carefully selected and expensive.

After wearing them, it can definitely set off her beauty and show her nobleness!

These workers, although they despise and reject these ladies, they have an instinctive fear in their hearts!

And for those male workers, this woman is really too beautiful!

Facing a woman with this appearance, let alone being violent, it's a sin to say a swear word!

Ning Xiruo's pretty face was frosty. She looked at everyone and scolded: "What are you going to do?

Do you know what you are doing?

Do you know that the poor girl who was killed by the people of this company was also a working girl with parents and a family like you?

She died here, in front of you. Is it wrong for us to seek justice for her and let the bad guys get the punishment they deserve?

Do you really think that as long as you are paid, it doesn't matter what you are asked to do?

Even if it is illegal, it has nothing to do with you?

It's so stupid!

You all have mobile phones and watch the news.

Two days ago, Abroad, a Chinese girl was sentenced to death because she helped someone else carry a suitcase through security at the airport and was found to have prohibited items inside!

I don't believe you haven't seen this news!

You also said that you were just following orders and it has nothing to do with you even if it is illegal?

What you did before was illegal!

The reason why you are not held accountable is just because the value you create is not too big on average!

If you continue, you will sooner or later be held legally responsible! "

A female worker said timidly: "But we have no job now and no place to live.

Today the factory also lost power and water, what should we do in the future?

Who will make the decision for us? "

"I!" Ning Xiruo said to everyone with her chest puffed out: "From now on, I will take care of your life and death!"

Triangle Eyes snorted and said: "Don't talk big like that!

Who are you? We don't know you at all, why do you take care of us?

You just want to fool us first, and when you get out, you will forget about us completely!"

Ning Xiruo took out the contract that Chen Xin'an gave her from the briefcase she carried with her, held it in front of her and said: "Look at what this is!

I am Dongshan Liangmao Liquor Ning Xiruo, President of Liangmao Wine Group!

Among the counterfeit products you produced before, our Liangmao Medicinal Wine was one of them!

The senior executives of Tiandi Wine Industry have transferred this company to my husband.

Now my husband has handed it over to me!

From now on, this will be part of Liangmao Wine Group, so those who are willing to stay, help me!

Those who don’t want to stay, it’s okay, I will pay for your last month’s salary!

As long as your name is found on the company roster, I can settle your salary, and you can leave at any time! ”

Everyone looked at each other, there is such a good thing?

So, our work and life are settled?

Triangle Eyes was still a little worried and said: "Don’t fool us! We used to fake wine, but we were forced to do it.

The company has a hurdle that cannot be overcome in production, so this is the only way!

You are here, but you are still following the old ways?

We are still breaking the law!

Mr. Lu is in prison, and your future may be the same, and we will still be unemployed! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to everyone: "I will not follow the old ways of your Mr. Lu!

But I really can't think of a better way!

But even if I switch to medicinal wine production, I will not make fake wine again, I can guarantee it to everyone! "

Everyone fell silent, half believing and half doubting.

A male worker whispered to Triangle Eyes: "Aron, don't you have a way? Mr. Lu doesn't appreciate it, maybe this Mr. Ning..."

Before he finished speaking, Triangle Eyes scolded him: "Don't talk nonsense, I am a worker, what a fart way! Don't make trouble for me! "

Ning Xiruo noticed the conversation between the two people, glanced at them, and looked at Chen Xinan calmly.

Chen Xinan nodded to her.

My wife is great, she has matured a lot, and is no longer the little girl who cries when encountering problems!

Ning Xiruo turned her head to look at everyone, cleared her throat and said: "I just took over, and our company is starting over, starting from scratch.

So I hope everyone will grow with the company!

If you can make outstanding contributions, or have suggestions that are more conducive to the development of the company, as long as they are adopted, the company will reward you!

There are cash and positions, all waiting for everyone to take them and show their talents!

In addition, I will take out another million research funds to set up a special company research and development team.

If anyone can solve this problem, I will let him become a senior technician of our company and enjoy the treatment of a manager! "

Everyone in front of him quieted down, and his triangular eyes and nostrils kept expanding and contracting, just like Ma, and it can be seen that he was very excited!

He stared at Ning Xiruo and asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Ning, do you keep your word? "

Ning Xiruo looked at him and said, "Since it is for the future of the company, I, Ning Xiruo, will not make a blank check, and of course my words are as good as gold!

Today, you can also go back and tell those colleagues who did not come or have left the company.

The factory has begun to rebuild. As long as you come back, as long as you stay, our work will be restored immediately.

And our treatment will get better and better!

Tell all the old employees that I, Ning Xiruo, will keep this promise! "

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