Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 738 Please don’t donate your brain to those in need

Seeing that Chen Xin'an really wanted to leave with these two women without saying a word, Yue Zhihua, who had been watching with cold eyes, stopped him!

"Who are these two women? Why don't you explain to me? Just leave like this?"

Chen Xin'an looked him up and down and cursed at him: "You are not my concubine, why should I explain to you!"

Yue Zhihua went crazy and scolded him: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell my niece? If you don't explain it to me, you have to explain it to my niece, right?"

Chen Xin'an remembered a very pretentious saying on the Internet, brushed her sleeves and said coldly:

"I, Chen Xin'an, have done what I have done all my life, why do I need to explain it to others!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an leaving arrogantly, Yue Zhihua was so angry that he wanted to go up and kick him!

Just when I was hesitating whether to tell my niece the truth, that bastard came running back again!

"If I'm not back within five minutes, ask my wife to find me in the coffee shop on the first floor!"

Before Yue Zhihua could react, he ran away again.

In the small private room of the coffee shop on the first floor, Luo Qianxue ordered two types of coffee that Chen Xin'an could not name, then handed the menu to Chen Xin'an and said with a smile:

"Xin'an, do you order it yourself or should I help you?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "Just tell me, what do you want to say when you come to me?

Lu Xiaoyu, right? If you're trying to plead for your dad, you're talking to the wrong person.

Now that your father is in custody, you should go to the city police station to ask for mercy. "

Lu Xiaoyu shook her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen misunderstood, I'm not here to plead with you today!

The things my father did were due to his obsession with money. He brought the blame on himself, and he deserved it!

So I don't blame Mr. Chen.

The reason why I came here is to tell Mr. Chen a secret about Tiandi Liquor Industry! "

Luo Qianxue stood up and said to the two of them: "I'm going to see if the coffee is ready. I'll add a few plates of snacks and you guys can chat slowly!"

She stood up, opened the door curtain and walked out. He walked to the bar and said to the waiter: "Give me a cup and a cup of warm water!"

"Okay, please wait!" the waiter responded and quickly brought what she needed.

Luo Qianxue took the glass of warm water to the place next to her, took out a small bag from her pocket, took out a small white pill from it, and threw it into the water glass.

He put his index finger into the cup and stirred it back and forth to completely melt the pills.

The waiter has prepared the coffee, put it on the tray, and is about to take it in.

Luo Qianxue put the cup in her hand on the tray and said, "Put my cup here! Bring this glass of water to the gentleman inside!!"

"Okay!" The waiter walked in carrying the tray.

About three minutes later, a woman's exclamation suddenly came from the small box, and a panicked shout said:

"What are you doing? Don't act nonsense! This is a public place, you bastard, don't touch me!"

Luo Qianxue was overjoyed and immediately ran to the small box and shouted to the waiter following behind: "Go and call the mall security!"

Opening the door curtain of the small box, Chen Xin'an and Lu Xiaoyu inside were originally sitting opposite each other, but now they were sitting together.

Almost the entire upper body of Lu Xiaoyu fell into Chen Xin'an's arms, and most of her clothes were untied, revealing her underwear.

The skirt was lifted up, revealing two long legs. The scene was quite exciting and charming!

Luo Qianxue took her mobile phone and shouted to Chen Xin'an while taking pictures: "Chen, what are you doing!

My bestie just wanted to talk to you about some business matters, but you actually took advantage of it and acted like a beast to her!

Don’t think that you are powerful and can do whatever you want just because you know the leaders of the municipal bureau!

I see you pretending to be so sanctimonious all day long, but I didn’t expect you to be so mean and dirty!

I have taken pictures of these incriminating evidences. You can think of how to explain them to the police! "

The movement here has attracted a lot of people. The door curtain was completely lifted, and a group of melon-eaters stretched their necks to look inside.

Of course, those men's eyes were all focused on Lu Xiaoyu.

The exposed thighs and chest seemed to be covered with double-sided tape.

Their eyeballs are glued to it and they can't be pulled out!

Luo Qianxue angrily said to everyone: "Dear friends, please help, don't let this gangster escape!

My best friend's father had an accident and was arrested. I wanted to find this person to help him and make his uncle feel better inside.

I didn't expect that he would take advantage of others' danger and do such an outrageous thing to my best friend here! "

Hearing what she said, the people around her were filled with indignation and pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed loudly!

"This gangster is so daring! He dares to do whatever he wants in a place like this!"

"I hate people who take advantage of others the most! Arrest him and send him to the police station!"

"You look so sanctimonious, but I didn't expect you to be so dirty inside! If you don't learn well at a young age, I think you should be locked up and receive a few years of education!"

A group of security guards rushed in, and the leader of the squad leader shouted sternly: "Get out of the way! Where are the people?"

Everyone moved out of the way, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "That's that kid! Arrest him and send him to the police station!"

The squad leader waved his hand and ordered his subordinates behind him: "Get under control! If you're not honest, you'll be beaten!"

"Got it!" Several security guards rushed over like wolves and tigers.

Lu Xiaoyu's face changed color, she screamed and stood up, clutching her chest, stumbled to Luo Qianxue and threw herself into her arms.

The moment the two met, they both had a sneer from the corners of their mouths that was not easily detectable by outsiders.

Chen Xin'an, who had never moved a step or even opened his mouth to explain, finally moved when a group of security guards rushed over!

Almost no one saw how he moved. They just heard a crackling sound, and the six security guards who rushed over covered their faces and stepped back!

Chen Xin'an stretched out her waist with a look of disdain, as if she had just woken up, and said to the security guards disdainfully:

“Don’t be a security guard without any brains.

Even if someone treats you like a dog, you still feel powerful!

If you take someone without asking, who do you think you are? "

Raising his head, Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Qianxue and Lu Xiaoyu, shook his head and said:

"I know you two have bad intentions, come here and see what tricks you have up to, is that all?

Is this kind of poor acting good at deceiving fools? "

After taking a look at the indignant melon-eating crowd around him, Chen Xin'an said helplessly:

"Don't mention it, there are quite a few fools!

You idle guys who don't mind watching the excitement, but if your brains feel useless, please donate them to those in need!

Don't you feel ashamed to be fooled around by two women using this method of deceiving children? "

Luo Qianxue's face turned pale, she shook the phone in her hand and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Chen Xin'an, stop bluffing here!

I recorded everything you did. This is irrefutable proof! "

Lu Xiaoyu held her chest with both hands and cried appropriately.

It looked like he had been insulted on the spot by seven or eight strong men!

At this moment, a loud shout came: "Xue'er, why are you here?

I've been looking for you for a long time!

Chen Xin'an? why is it you again!

You are not allowed to bully my Xueer! "

Chen Xin'an patted his head. Sure enough, where there was Luo Qianxue, there would definitely be Luo Xiaoman.

Just now, I was surprised that this guy wasn't here, but now, he has already arrived!

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