Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 739 A complete defeat

The Luo family's martial arts genius is still very well-known in Kyoto City.

So as soon as this guy appeared, more people gathered around him!

It's really exciting now. This guy who dared to act like a hooligan in broad daylight wasn't beaten to death on the spot?

Seeing Luo Xiaoman rushing over, Luo Qianxue hugged his arm and cried as if she saw a savior:

"Aman, you came just in time! Help me deal with this Chen Xin'an quickly!

Xiaoyu wanted to discuss matters with Chen Xinan about his father.

I didn't expect that he would take advantage of others' danger!

How dare you bully Xiaoyu in the box!

She is my good sister. If you help her vent her anger, you must not let Chen Xin'an go easily! "

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoman was a little confused.

Just now he was very aggressive and ready to fight with Chen Xin'an, but now he looked confused.

He pointed at Lu Xiaoyu and said, "Chen Xin'an bullied her? Wasn't he bullying you?"

Luo Qianxue frowned and said, "Aren't they all the same! Bullying my bestie means bullying me!"

"That's impossible!" Luo Xiaoman immediately grinned and comforted Luo Qianxue:

"Although I can't stand this kid, I know he won't do such a thing!

He doesn't even like you, so how could he like Xiaoyu? "

Chen Xin'an was happy!

I didn’t have a good impression of this guy before, but just by saying this, I changed my mind a lot!

Luo Qianxue and Lu Xiaoyu stopped fighting, and punched and kicked Luo Xiaoman!

"What do you mean? What do you mean you can't even look down on me? What is it about me, Luo Qianxue, that makes people look down on me?"

"Luo Xiaoman, you bastard! Are you talking human words? How did I, Lu Xiaoyu, treat you wrong? Did you pursue Qianxue or did I help you with advice? Now someone is bullying me, and you actually humiliate me like this!"

Luo Xiaoman knew that he had said the wrong thing, and he looked embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

It didn't matter to him that the two beauties were punched and kicked. Anyway, he had rough skin and thick flesh, so the beatings didn't hurt.

At this moment, someone walked out of the crowd and said with a sneer: "I think this strong man is right!

Are you still teasing people like this?

Then you guys underestimate my man too much, right? "

"Wow! Beauty! Is she a big star? Why is she so beautiful!"

"My heart is so excited! I don't know why, but when I see her, I feel like I am in first love..."

"A beauty of this level would probably have to give in to Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, right?"

"Are you a pig? That woman wearing a hat and sunglasses is Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto! Haven't you figured it out yet when you see Luo Xiaoman here?"

"Look, Luo Qianxue has taken off her hat and sunglasses! Wow, so beautiful! The one opposite is also beautiful. She is indeed a beauty of the same level. My eyes are dazzled!"

Amidst the exclamations of the people around them, Ning Xiruo and Yue Zhihua came over and stood beside Chen Xin'an, but Wang Yi ran to nowhere.

Ning Xiruo exaggeratedly pointed at Luo Qianxue and shouted: "Husband, is this the one you showed me when we made the video that night?

I know her name, Luo Qianxue, right?

It is indeed beautiful! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, she is the most beautiful woman in Kyoto City!"

Luo Qianxue looked solemn as if facing a formidable enemy, and said in a deep voice: "Ning Xiruo!"

Ning Xiruo, the Goddess of Dongshan, started searching for this person's information from the night of the reception. Although there wasn't much online, it gave her a general understanding of him.

I didn’t think anything of it before. After all, one is in Kyoto and the other is in Haidong.

But she didn't expect that the other party would actually come to Kyoto. The first time they met, Luo Qianxue had the idea that this was my lifelong enemy.

Luo Xiaoman touched his chin, looked at Ning Xiruo with admiration, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I have to say, although you look ugly, your eyesight is as good as mine!

The women chosen are all top quality!

It's just that your wife is still a little worse than my Xue'er.

Her butt is not as big as my Xueer’s! "

Chen Xin'an sneered, looked at Luo Xiaoman and cursed: "Can I have some shame? I'm being embarrassed?

You have a face that looks like a shoehorn, but you still think you're handsome?

Is it okay if your woman's butt is big?

Women want to see curves!

Look at my wife’s curves, no matter what clothes she wears, she has curves!

Look at you, wearing a cheongsam, it looks like you are carrying a millstone in your belly! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Do you know what plumpness is?

With a figure like my Xueer's, holding her in my arms makes me feel warm and fragrant!

Let you linger and indulge in it..."

"Tch, then you don't know what ice-cold jade skin is, as soft as boneless!" Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman with disdain and said, "And he has a body fragrance that will make you intoxicated..."

Luo Xiaoman looked dissatisfied and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "My Xue'er..."

Chen Xin'an gave him a direct blow: "What is your Xue'er? Have you ever hugged her? Have you kissed her? Have you ever touched her hand?"

Depend on!

Luo Xiaoman was suddenly speechless and glanced at Luo Qianxue with a blushing face.

He muttered: "I still touched my hands..."

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, threw her arms around Ning Xiruo and said, "This is my wife! I can hold her as much as I want! Kiss her as much as I want!"

As if struck by lightning, Luo Xiaoman took two steps back and covered his heart!

Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue, whose faces were already red, couldn't stand the shamelessness of these two people, so they shouted in unison: "Shut up!"

Luo Xiaoman lowered his head angrily.

But when she saw Chen Xin'an hugging Ning Xiruo humbly, coaxing her softly in her ear, making her feel shy and happy, and smiling seductively, she let out a long sigh.

What a complete failure!

This kind of treatment is incomparable to this bastard!

The people around him gritted their teeth in envy.

That big gangster turned out to be this beauty’s husband!

Is he here for a moral trial?

No, this is just to spread dog food!

Looking at his triumphant look, hugging a beauty who is as equal as the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, Luo Qianxue, and taking advantage of him, the jealous eyes of everyone are about to burst into flames!

"Don't make trouble!" Ning Xiruo pushed Chen Xin'an away angrily, turned to look at Luo Qianxue and Lu Xiaoyu and said, "You two said that my husband is acting like a hooligan to this lady in the box?"

Lu Xiaoyu folded her arms, looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of sorrow and anger, and cursed: "That man has a human face and a beast heart, he is just a beast!"

"Haha!" Ning Xiruo sneered, looked at Luo Qianxue and asked, "You seem to know my husband, right?"

Luo Qianxue snorted coldly and said, "I'm blind to know such a well-dressed beast!"

Ning Xiruo curled her lips and said, "It's not that you are blind, it's possible that my husband is blind.

Let him not take advantage of you, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto, and attack a woman whose appearance and figure are not as good as yours.

He is not only blind, but there is also something wrong with his brain, right? "

Everyone looked in agreement.

Yes, I believe that as long as you are a man, if you really have malicious intentions.

If you had to choose between Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful girl in Dongshan, and the girl who claimed to be bullied, there would be no wrong answer, right?

This in itself is a huge loophole!

And now seeing Ning Xiruo makes everyone even more suspicious of the authenticity of this matter!

My wife looks like a fairy, but why is she interested in an ordinary woman like you?

Lu Xiaoyu is not actually ugly, but standing in front of Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianxue, he is really unsightly...

Luo Qianxue's eyes were panicked, and she defended everyone: "I left just now! Otherwise, I would definitely suffer too!"

"You lied!" Wang Yi, who had disappeared just now, walked out of the crowd, pointed at the wall not far away, and said with a sneer:

“There’s a camera in that place and I just got surveillance video from within an hour.

What happened, let’s watch the video and then talk! "

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