Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 740 I will bear her fault

When they heard that there was surveillance video, Luo Qianxue and Lu Xiaoyu's expressions turned extremely ugly!

You actually ignored this!

I really want to cause trouble for Chen Xin'an, so I will do it when I find an opportunity.

I didn’t expect that even though it was like this, I still couldn’t crucify him!

Both of them were a little panicked. After all, once this matter was overturned, they would be embarrassed!

Wang Yi held his mobile phone and said while watching the video: "I happen to be in the self-media business, and this thing happens to be good material.

I wonder how people will react if I post it online? "

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to her: "First sister, forget it, let's hand it over to the police first!

Didn’t they falsely accuse my husband of being a hooligan in broad daylight?

Then let the police find out who is playing rogue.

If my husband really did it, arrest him.

If you haven't done it, then arrest the person who spread the rumor. Isn't this considered slander? "

Luo Qianxue and Lu Xiaoyu turned pale. Whether it was handed over to the police or posted online, it was the last outcome they wanted!

Luo Qianxue pretended to be angry, turned to Lu Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, what's going on? Could it be that the two bottles of wine you drank in the morning haven't worn off yet?"

Lu Xiaoyu also understood immediately, and quickly covered his forehead with his hands, pretending to be faltering and said:

"Yeah, my head is still dizzy, and I haven't gotten over the drunkenness yet!"

She walked to the box, picked up the glass of water that no one had touched on the table, and drank half of it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen!" Luo Qianxue said apologetically:

“My friend was drunk and what he just said was drunken talk.

Maybe she just wants to play a joke on you.

You sir have a lot, don’t take it personally! "

"A joke?" Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at her and said, "Then why don't I strip you naked, throw you at the door, and say I'm joking with you, okay?"

Luo Qianxue's expression changed and she took a step back.

This bastard has a very evil temper, and no one can guess whether he will actually do this.

An old man in the crowd, leaning on a cane, said earnestly:

"Young man, please forgive me and forgive me!

But whatever you say, you must do it! "

Everyone nodded expectantly.

"Are you looking for death?" Luo Xiaoman clenched his fists and stared at everyone, cursing: "Let's see who dares to make a fool of himself!"

Everyone turned to look and saw that the old man who had spoken just now was already running away with a cane.

Luo Xiaoman walked up to Chen Xin'an and said to him: "Chen Xin'an, Xue'er did something wrong in this matter, and I will apologize to you on her behalf.

I can't stand for that Lu Xiaoyu, I'm not familiar with her!

For my sake, let this matter go!

Someone wanted me to teach you a lesson before, but I never got around to it.

Forget it today, I won’t trouble you anymore, just write it off, okay? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman as if he were a fool. He was such a fool!

He glared at Luo Xiaoman angrily and cursed: "Luo Xiaoman, your face is worthless to me!

Come anytime if you want to cause trouble for me. I always welcome those who are itchy and want to be beaten! "

Luo Xiaoman's face turned dark. No one dared to speak to him in such a tone!

Just as he was about to argue with Chen Xin'an again, Luo Qianxue on the side screamed: "Xiaoyu, what are you doing!"

Lu Xiaoyu on the side was blushing, holding on to the table next to him with one hand, clamping his legs and breathing loudly.

Two buttons of her top had been undone, revealing the purple underwear underneath.

What's outrageous is that her hands have already reached into her clothes and she wants to pull off her underwear too!

Luo Qianxue held her hand and cursed at her: "Are you crazy?"

The group of men around them who almost had their eyes popping out all let out a sigh of regret.

It’s just one step away, can’t we not disturb others?

Very unethical, okay?

Lu Xiaoyu's forehead was covered with sweat, and he said to Luo Qianxue with a painful expression:

"Xue'er, I'm so hot!"

Luo Qianxue's expression changed, and she turned to look at the cup on the table, seeming to understand something.

She rolled her eyes and scolded Chen Xin'an: "You drugged the water, Xiaoyu was drugged!

You drank that glass of water, how dare you deny it? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "Can this be blamed on me? I didn't even touch the cup, so why did I drink it?"

Wang Yi shook his phone and said, "It doesn't matter. There's surveillance. Can't we just take a look?"

Why mention monitoring again?

Luo Qianxue panicked, immediately straightened her face, and said in a deep voice like a detective:

"If you haven't touched the water glass, then...it's the coffee shop's problem!"

Unexpectedly, the waiter was watching the fun in the crowd. Hearing what she said, he immediately became unhappy and said to her:

"You personally handed that glass of water to me and asked me to give it to the gentleman in the box to drink! Why do you say it's a problem in our store?"

Everyone looked at Luo Qianxue.

It took her a long time to pour the glass of water herself!

If there was any medicine in there, she put it there herself!

This situation is really confusing!

Didn’t you say that man was a big hooligan?

Now it seems that he is innocent.

Everything is just a farce directed and performed by these two women.

What’s even more outrageous is that they actually put medicine in the water that they prepare for men to drink!

So who is the big gangster?

The key person to deliver the medicine is Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto!

The surroundings were quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Luo Qianxue.

Luo Qianxue's face was pale and without any blood.

She is now helpless and doesn't know how to defend herself!

This is really a steal!

And this even cost the rice vat!

Luo Xiaoman glared at everyone with a long face and cursed: "You haven't seen enough? Are you still waiting for me to give you red envelopes?"

Everyone dispersed immediately!

You can't mess with this guy. If he gets aggressive, no matter who you are, he'll beat you up until you can't even recognize your own mother!

After looking at Luo Qianxue, Luo Xiaoman sighed, turned and left.

"You..." Seeing Luo Xiaoman leaving, Luo Qianxue seemed a little panicked and wanted to call him out, but in the end she didn't speak.

She held Lu Xiaoyu's arm and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"Just leave like this?" Ning Xiruo stopped them and said coldly: "Isn't it a bit too simple?

My husband has been slandered by you like this, and you haven't even given him an explanation from head to toe. You still want to walk away? "

Luo Qianxue glared at Ning Xiruo, as if she was ready to completely break her skin.

Wang Yi said from the side: "Xi Ruo, it's okay, let them go! I took pictures of them all and will post them online together with the surveillance video later!

Let everyone see what kind of characters these two ridiculous women are! "

Luo Qianxue trembled all over, and was finally defeated under Ning Xiruo's sharp eyes.

A sense of grievance that she had never felt before welled up in her heart. When had a beautiful girl like Luo Qianxue ever experienced such a failure?

How is she worse than this Ning Xiruo?

Why is that damn Chen Xin'an so sweet to this Ning Xiruo even though he doesn't even look at her?

Even Luo Xiaoman, who had been following her all this time, was completely disappointed in her and left!

Why did she become such a failure?

At this moment, there was a sudden splashing sound next to him.

Luo Xiaoman carried a basin of cold water mixed with ice cubes and poured Lu Xiaoyu from head to toe!

Throwing away the empty basin in his hand, Luo Xiaoman said to Chen Xin'an:

"Xue'er's fault, I will bear it!

Whatever punishment you want, just come at me! "

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