Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 757 The conspiracy of the old law hall

You can't usually tell that Luo Xiaoman is quite thick-skinned.

Even if Chen Xinan chases him away, he won't leave.

Instead, he gave up his seat in the front row to the audience next to him and changed his seat for them.

He shamelessly sat with Chen Xin'an and the others, and forced Yue Zhihua away to sit next to Chen Xin'an.

But this guy's eyes kept glancing back and forth on the faces of Ning Xiruo and the other girls.

It seemed that he wanted to say something to Chen Xin'an, but he didn't know how to open his mouth. His face was wrinkled in confusion.

Chen Xin'an turned to look at his discomfort and said angrily: "What are you doing? Are you suffering from hemorrhoids?"

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and looked at Ning Xiruo, who was holding Chen Xin'an's arms with both hands. He leaned into Chen Xin'an's ear and said:

“Brother, I used to admire your vision, it’s as good as mine.

But today...

To be honest, compared to your wife, you Xiaomi is really far behind! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "This is my wife, you idiot!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he looked at Ning Xiruo with a puzzled expression, and then looked like he suddenly realized:

"This is my wife, and that was Xiaomi that day?

This makes perfect sense!

But Chen Xin'an, you are wrong!

No matter what your wife looks like, you should be devoted to her wholeheartedly when you get married!

What I hate the most is people who are half-hearted about their feelings!

Look at me, if I like Xueer, I will always like her.

Even if other women take off their clothes and lie in front of me, I won’t even look at them..."

Before the words were finished, the cheerleaders in short skirts came on the stage and started dancing cheerfully to the music.

Just when someone was raising their long legs and doing kicking movements in a uniform manner.

The guy next to me put his thumb and middle finger in his mouth like everyone else, and blew a harsh whistle.

You look like an old stick at first glance, why are you pretending to be such a young bean sprout in front of me?

Ning Xiruo snorted and said angrily: "I heard it all!"

"Oops! My brothers and sisters heard it, I'm so sorry!"

Luo Xiaoman said with an apologetic look: "I am an outspoken person, so please don't take it seriously.

I don't think you are ugly, I just want Chen Xin'an to be devoted to you.

Of course, I'm not exposing Chen Xin'an as having a beautiful girl in front of you.

Could I be such an unloyal person?

It can't be!

Would I want to see you and your husband fighting in front of me?


Sorry, I accidentally laughed out loud.

This is based on the advice of a friend..."

Chen Xin'an resisted the urge to beat the grandson violently, took his shoulder and pointed at Ning Xiruo and said:

"Watch your little mouse eyes and see clearly, this is the person you saw that day!

The person who videotaped me that night was the same person.

It’s just that I’m disguised now!

There is a disguise master next to me, and I don’t want her to sit here with her original appearance, do you understand?

So can you just shut up? "

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, and he stood there stunned for a long time without saying anything.

Ning Xiruo turned her head and said hello to him: "Thank you for exposing me, but I believe my husband, he is not the kind of man you said!"

Luo Xiaoman's face was red and he looked embarrassed. If there was a gap under his feet, he would definitely get in!

A phone call happened to save him.

He quickly took out his cell phone and turned sideways to answer it.

"Tong Zhensheng? I remember you, what's the matter?

No need to look for a place, just chat on the phone. I don’t like you right now, so don’t talk nonsense!

What? Ten million? Me and Chen Xin'an?

You are kidding!

Not interested, bye! "

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xiaoman seemed to be still angry and cursed:

"Damn it, I haven't caused trouble for you bunch of idiots yet, and you actually have the nerve to come to me?

Are you treating me like a gunman?

Who gave you the courage? "

Hearing that his name was actually mentioned on the phone, Chen Xin'an asked, "What's going on? Who made the call?"

Luo Xiaoman snorted, gritted his molars and said, "Tong Zhensheng, the elder of the old law hall!

He said that he would spend 10 million and let you and I have a fight!

What kind of person am I?

If you attack your friends for money, are you still human?

Don't say 10 million, even if it's 100 million, I wouldn't do such a thing! "

Chen Xin'an's cell phone also rang. When he took it out, he found it was an unfamiliar number.

Looking at Ning Xiruo next to her, she also shook her head, saying that she didn't know him and had never seen him before!

Chen Xin'an frowned and pressed the answer button.

"Who are you? Tong Zhensheng?

Commissioner of the Wushu Association?

How do you know my mobile phone number?

You can get it if you want to know?

Well, you are awesome!

Tell me, what's the matter? "

Luo Xiaoman on the side was about to speak when he was slapped on the chest by Chen Xin'an.

If it reached his throat, he would swallow it back.

Chen Xin'an continued to talk to the phone: "Five million, let me and Luo Xiaoman fight a life and death battle?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Luo Xiaoman next to him and saw him curling up his lips with a sarcastic look on his face, as if he was disgusted with Tong Zhensheng's stupidity.

Then Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I agree!

What time?

Yes, I was there.

Okay, let’s arrange a show at ten o’clock!

Fighting for red silk, right?

Okay, I'll be there then! "

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone, glanced at Luo Xiaoman, who had a stiff expression with his mouth open as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points, and gave him a push with his arm:

"Go and get ready, we're going to have a fight later!"

"No! Chen Xin'an, why are you like this?" Luo Xiaoman looked hurt, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

“I didn’t even agree to my 10 million appearance fee from them.

You sold me out for five million?

Am I worth five million?

You hurt my heart too much! "

Chen Xin'an scolded him with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about here!"

Luo Xiaoman said aggrievedly: "I heard you promised them..."

Chen Xin'an said seriously: "You are not worth five million! I will do it even if they give you fifty thousand!"

Seeing Luo Xiaoman looking like he was about to go crazy, Chen Xin'an cursed at him:

“Are you stupid if you don’t want to take away money given to you for free?

If they want to see the two of us fight, let’s fight them!

As for how to fight, isn't it up to us? "

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "It would be nice if it was that simple!

Do you know what grabbing red silk is?

It’s similar to lion dancing and picking green flowers.

It is a spiral staircase. People have to rush from the bottom to the highest point. Whoever gets the hanging red silk first wins!

But there is no going back on this spiral staircase. Only by grabbing the red silk can you lower the spiral staircase.

The person who can't grab it can't go back and can only climb down the iron shelf.

If you are not careful, it will fall!

Every time someone grabs red silk, someone gets hurt.

It's better if you break your leg, but if you break your back, you'll be disabled, or even fall to death! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, not feeling any surprise.

The old law hall arranged such a scene, and it would definitely not let the two of them get through it comfortably.

This was a conspiracy that killed two birds with one stone. Whether it was Chen Xin'an or Luo Xiaoman, whoever was injured or who died was the outcome that Laofatang was very willing to see!

So it's no wonder that they are so good-natured. They will definitely use this kind of excitement to get the two of them hooked.

The reason why Chen Xin'an agreed was because he understood that even if he refused now, the other party would think of other ways to force him to submit.

The purpose of the other party's call is to tell Chen Xin'an that as long as Laofatang wants to, your privacy is not privacy and we can easily control it!

In this case, Chen Xin'an did not dodge and accepted the attack calmly.

Do you want the snipe and the clam to compete with each other to make a profit?

We still don’t know who is the snipe and the clam and who is the fisherman!

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