Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 758 I can recognize it even if it turns into ashes

The major referees have already taken their seats, which means the game will begin soon.

Chen Xin'an looked at the referee's bench and was amused. Shen Guangming, who was sitting next to Luo Lie, actually saw him from such a distance and waved to him.

"Who?" Luo Lie glanced at the son-in-law beside him and asked casually.

Shen Guangming said with a smile: "Friends from my hometown!

A very capable person who has been in Kyoto for a few days.

Because Yanni was in poor health, I didn't have time to get together with him, so I just made a few phone calls.

I'm so sorry, I should get together with him! "

Luo Lie glanced at him with a strange look, because this son-in-law was a notorious social waste and what he disliked most was making friends.

So now when I hear him speak in this tone, I feel that he has an unusual relationship with this person.

This guy also has friends?

Luo Lie asked casually: "What's his name? What are you doing in Kyoto? Do you need my help?"

To this son-in-law, he, as the father-in-law, actually owes a lot.

His daughter is in poor health and needs to rely on him to prepare medicine in order to survive.

So he said back then that if he wanted to marry his daughter, he could, but he had to marry into Zanluo's family.

It's not that no one wants to marry into the family, but my daughter doesn't agree.

Only this man, who had been her online friend for six years, made her daughter nod.

Only after they got married did they find out that their father was actually the president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce.

He is also a prominent figure in one party, not much inferior to him.

In recent years, except for being unsociable, this son-in-law has been impeccable in other aspects.

Even in family business, the Luo family's "Luoning" sports brand has been built into one of the top 500 companies in the country.

Of course, a new son-in-law is a new son-in-law. In the entire Luo family, only Luo Lie and his daughter Luo Yanni treat their son-in-law differently, and no one else wants to see him.

They don't care about these things. What they should do and what they shouldn't do are all arranged properly, and their personality is very Buddhist.

Shen Guangming grinned and said to Luo Lie: "His name is Chen Xin'an! I don't need your help, old man. This kid doesn't ask for help in anything he does!"

Luo Lie's expression changed and he blurted out: "Is he Chen Xin'an?!"

Shen Guangming nodded and said to him: "He is the one who asked me and Xiaoman to remind you to be careful of the old law hall!

Moreover, he also told me something! "

Luo Lie frowned and turned to look at him.

Shen Guangming continued: "Yesterday at noon, I talked to him on the phone.

He said that in extraordinary times, no one would believe it, not even those surnamed Luo! "

Luo Lie's hands shook and he looked at the group of dozen people sitting with their legs crossed like the second uncle in the stands next to them.

These are all children of the Luo family, all his juniors.

There are not many people who are successful, and they know how to use his name to do evil all day long.

They are all a bunch of losers who fail in success but fail in failure. It is terrible to look at them!

Rubbing his eyebrows, Luo Lie looked gloomy and said to Shen Guangming: "Find an opportunity to invite him to your home and treat him to a meal!"

It is quite difficult to say this from the head of the Luo family!

The number of people who have taken the initiative to invite the president of the martial arts association in this life cannot exceed the number on one hand!

The game has begun.

Players draw lots to choose their opponents, and a round determines the outcome. It lasts five minutes and one side must fall.

If five minutes have elapsed and neither player has fallen, the game will continue and the opponent will be replaced.

So if you don't want to drag your tired body into the next game and be knocked down by others, you need to use all your strength to hit the opponent.

If you want to discuss it with your opponent and take advantage of the situation during the competition, it will definitely not work.

Because the ratio of Chinese and foreign players in the competition is three to one, not all Chinese warriors can compete with foreigners.

The fight was in full swing, but Konoha and Wang Yi in the stands yawned.

Seeing Ning Xiruo's excited expression, Konoha said boredly:

"Xi Ruo, are you still enjoying watching this? Isn't it too boring?

What is this? It doesn’t look good at all, I almost fell asleep! "

"That's right!" Wang Yi stopped taking photos while holding the camera, rolling his eyes and said, "I thought it was the kind that can fly around!

It's like two gangsters fighting on the street. They hug each other and then fall. It's so boring!

Chen Xin'an's fights are better looking than this one! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Have you watched too many movies?

Real martial arts competition is like this, not even as good as boxing!

Because kung fu is a killing skill, and it only takes one move to determine victory or defeat!

Before you can figure out the opponent's approach, you can only use this kind of test.

Or use the wrestling method to find the opponent's flaws, and then kill him with one blow! "

Being able to become an evenly matched opponent with Chen Xin'an, although Luo Xiaoman has a simpler mind, he still has a deep understanding of kung fu.

So what he said was exactly what Chen Xin'an wanted to say, and he nodded slightly.

Ning Xiruo held Chen Xin'an's arm and rested her little head on his arm.

He said with satisfaction: "Just treat it like watching a movie, I think it's quite interesting!"

Konoha and Wang Yi both looked at her with disdain.

Of course you find it interesting, as long as you are with this guy Chen Xinan!

Even if you are sitting here counting heads, you can count the heads all day long!

I despise this kind of person who spreads dog food at every turn!

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo with envy, tutting and shaking his head.

It’s really worth comparing people to each other, and comparing goods to goods should be thrown away.

Look at this couple, and then look at myself and Xueer...

He leaned close to Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered to him: "That's how you succeeded? How many years was the sentence?"

"What kind?" Chen Xin'an looked confused.

Luo Xiaoman became anxious and glared at him and said, "That's what you said last time, sleep with her if you like her, force her if she doesn't, and go to jail if you sue her!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized it and looked at Luo Xiaoman, who was looking for knowledge, his eyes full of sympathy.

He is such a fool, he believes everything he says...

Chen Xin'an grinned and stretched out a finger to gesture at him.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened: "Five years? Brother, your wife is very cruel to you!"

No, your primary school mathematics was taught by your physical education teacher, right?

How could you count five years with just one finger?

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "One year! What kind of IQ do you have!

From now on, don’t do any calculations in your head that require more than one finger. Use a calculator instead! "

Luo Xiaoman didn't care, and said with a look of fascination: "After one year in prison, you will get such a submissive daughter-in-law. This is such a good deal!"

Seeing him like this, Chen Xin'an was suddenly worried. This idiot wouldn't really do that, would he?

I said one year, but it’s the first anniversary of this relationship with my wife!

But I have never really spent a day in jail!

If you really do this, with Luo Qianxue's peeing, I'll have to sue you for at least ten years, right?

When you flirt with men, you treat all men like fish.

You just swallowed her up, including the bait and the fishermen. It would be strange if she didn't get anxious with you!

Just as he was about to persuade him, this guy looked straight at a person walking into the stands from the entrance, and murmured: "My Xue'er!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked over, only to see the woman wearing a windbreaker, a hat, sunglasses and a large mask, covering her whole body!

Chen Xin'an was shocked and asked him, "Why can you recognize them all covered up like this?"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "I know my Xue'er even if she turns into ashes!

Bah, this is unlucky!

Anyway, I can recognize it and I can’t keep it wrong!

Let's go, brother, I'm going to find Xue'er, I won't play with you anymore! "

Get out, get out, who cares!

Then I saw Luo Xiaoman's body stiffened.

Following his gaze, he saw a young man with honey on his hair and combed it meticulously. He waved to Luo Qianxue and asked her to sit next to him.

Ha, it’s exciting now!

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