Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 759 Turtles Should Stay in the Sea

Who in Kyoto doesn’t know what Luo Xiaoman, the genius of the Luo family, thinks about Luo Qianxue, the most beautiful woman in Kyoto?

It's not that knowing this makes all men stay away.

Moreover, Luo Qianxue is someone who likes to attract bees and butterflies.

Otherwise, Luo Xiaoman would monopolize her, how could she show her charm?

Moreover, dating different men is also a way for Luo Qianxue to get revenge on Luo Xiaoman.

I'm not your girlfriend, why do you dominate me every day?

I have the right to choose my boyfriend!

Of course the man she chose was extremely excited.

However, I am a little wary and want to avoid Luo Xiaoman as much as possible.

Because this guy is a lunatic. Once he is jealous, he can do anything!

Even if they don't fight, they don't want to get into a fight over a woman in public.

Luo Xiaoman, a lunatic, can be shameless if others want it.

Like now, knowing that Luo Xiaoman is 100% sure to show up here, and still daring to come here to watch the game with Luo Qianxue is a naked provocation!

Luo Qianxue was shocked when she saw Luo Xiaoman running over aggressively, his eyes red, like a crazy bull!

"Luo Xiaoman, what are you doing? Stop now! Otherwise I will ignore you from now on!"

Luo Qianxue was about to collapse!

I was already wrapped like a rice dumpling, why did this bastard recognize me?

Can his eyes see through?

The man next to me is one of the few high-quality men in Kyoto.

She had been playing hard to get for half a month, and she only agreed to go on a date with him today.

As for why I came here, on the one hand, it was suggested by this high-quality man named Tony.

On the other hand, it was just to take revenge on Luo Xiaoman!

Last time, this guy who always behaved well and behaved actually kissed her without her consent. It was so lawless!

With so many men around her, who would dare to do this?

Only this guy is getting more and more presumptuous!

Do you really think that if you kiss me, you can be your girlfriend?


I want to date another man!

But Luo Qianxue struggled with wanting to take revenge but not letting him see it.

Because she knew very well what the consequences would be if she angered this guy!

That's something she can't even control!

Luo Xiaoman was really a little scared when he heard Luo Qianxue talking like this.

This guy is not afraid of anything but Luo Qianxue not talking to him.

Holding back his anger, Luo Xiaoman squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said to Luo Qianxue:

"Xue'er, if you want to watch the game, just tell me! I'll take you in and sit in the VIP seats!"

"Qianxue, who is this?" The high-quality man stood up with a smile and asked Luo Qianxue with a smile.

Luo Qianxue glared at Luo Xiaoman, turned her head and said to him with a smile: "Tony, this is my friend Luo Xiaoman.

Xiaoman, this Mr. Tony, is a recent returnee from the Eagle Flag Country.

He is the China President of Xunjie Company, one of the world's top ten automobile sales giants!

He is also a director of the Chinese Kung Fu Overseas Research Association!

At the same time, he is also a member of the international elite club..."

The high-quality man adjusted his suit with his hands, stretched out his right hand, bowed slightly, and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"It's an honor to meet you, Mystero!

If you need help in the future, please feel free to contact me.

Because you are Miss Qianxue’s friend, you are also my friend.

No matter what car you buy, I will give you the biggest prefr?n! "

Luo Xiaoman glanced at him, nodded and said, "I really need your help now!"

Tony spread his hands and said generously to Luo Xiaoman: "No problem! Just speak up, Mr. Luo!"

Luo Xiaoman pointed in the direction of the door and said, "Help, get out of that door immediately and don't let me see you again, okay?"

Tony was stunned for a moment and asked with a strange look on his face: "Why!"

Luo Qianxue angrily scolded Luo Xiaoman: "Luo Xiaoman, what are you doing! I won't allow you to treat my friends like this! Apologize to Tony!"

"Don't be like this, Qianxue!" Tony waved to her quickly, looked at Luo Xiaoman with a tolerant face and said:

"I think Mr. Luo may have some misunderstandings about me!

In fact, I really want to be Mr. Luo’s friend.

I think Mr. Luo thinks the same way, right? "

When he looked at Luo Qianxue, the expression on his face looked very generous and calm.

But when he turned his face to Luo Xiaoman, his expression changed instantly.

At this moment, his eyes were full of sarcasm, pity, disdain, and pride...

The corners of his mouth also turned up, and he stretched out his hand towards Luo Xiaoman, but he looked like a winner.

Damn, are you playing tricks with me?

You know this grandson is not a good bird!

Dare you play this trick with me? court death!

Luo Xiaoman snorted in his heart, but with a wicked smile on his face, he nodded and said:

"Brother is absolutely right!"

Then he held the other person's hand!

Tony's expression changed as soon as he was held by the other party.

The opponent's hand was so strong that it was as if he was being pinched by a pair of steel pliers!

But as the opponent continued to exert more force, he became increasingly unable to bear it!

His face was getting redder and redder, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, as if they were about to burst at any moment!

Even so, he still couldn't resist the pressure from the injury!

The opponent's strength keeps increasing, and he can no longer bear it!

What's even more annoying is that this grandson is so hateful!

He didn't apply pressure evenly, but kneaded his hand like dough and kept changing its shape!

Tony could even hear every bone in his right hand making squelching sounds due to squeezing and friction!

His expression became ferocious, not only angry, but also hurt!

"Let, let go!"

He finally screamed through gritted teeth.

Luo Qianxue finally saw that something was wrong and quickly shouted to Luo Xiaoman:

"Luo Xiaoman, let go! If you're like this, get out of here!"

Luo Xiaoman had no choice but to let go of his hand.

Tony shook his right hand vigorously and cursed at Luo Xiaoman angrily:

"You are nuts! You are an unqualified Chinese pig!"

Luo Qianxue frowned, I'm also Chinese, didn't you scold me too?

Luo Xiaoman slapped Tony on the face, causing him to stumble and fall on his seat, covering his face with a look of disbelief!

Luo Xiaoman pointed at his nose and cursed: "Young master, why are you here trying to trick me into talking like a bird that Chinese people can't understand and foreigners can't speak!

Turtles just stay in the sea. This is the interior of China. Is this a place where you can come?

After being out of the country for two years, you have even forgotten whose father you are?

Why do you think you are superior to others by giving me a foreign name and talking like a bird?

For a guy like you, even if you meet a foreign father, you can't change the rustic taste in your bones!

Even I, Luo Xiaoman, dare to date women, who gave you the courage? "

While he was talking, he raised his foot and kicked Tony hard. He screamed repeatedly, but he couldn't avoid it!

"Luo Xiaoman, that's enough!" Luo Qianxue pushed him away with all her strength and helped Tony up.

Now the image of this high-quality man is completely ruined. There are shoe prints all over his expensive suit, even on his face.

But Luo Xiaoman, that bastard, has ridiculously big feet, with one foot covering his entire face.

The sole pattern is clearly visible and looks a bit funny.

With Luo Qianxue blocking her, Luo Xiaoman couldn't do anything anymore, pointed at Tony and cursed:

"I don't care what I do in front of others from now on. You'd better keep your tongue straight when speaking in front of me!

Don't act like you're holding a shoe mat in your mouth, you can't even explain what you're saying!

Otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you! "

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