Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 773 I want to fight ten!

The referees on the side were frightened. If the fight continued like this, someone would be killed!

Just as he was about to rush forward and stop the game, he heard someone in the stands shout: "Referee!"

He turned his head and glanced, his body trembled violently, he was startled!

It seemed that all the Chinese spectators were so excited and relieved when they saw this brutal scene on the field.

But the eyes looking at him were like looking at an enemy, full of anger and disgust.

It made him shudder, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them!

"Damn, what are you doing! Stop the game immediately!" A foreigner on the sidelines pointed at the referee and yelled, then picked up an unopened can of Coke and threw it at him.

The referee wanted to hide, but unexpectedly he faced him instead!

With a bang, the Coke hit the referee on the forehead.

The referee rolled his eyes and fell to the ground and passed out!

On the field, Luo Xiaoman was riding on Diaz, pumping his fists at him and delivering crazy output!

In fact, Dias had lost consciousness at this moment and had no reaction at all.

But Luo Xiaoman didn't stop and continued to hit him on the head.

The scene was so bloody that Chen Xin'an covered Ning Xiruo's eyes.

He could see that Luo Xiaoman had already killed him!

Dias is dead!

A master with a second level of inner strength, once he hits hard, even an iron man can smash him into a walnut!

Several foreign boxers standing outside the field rushed over and desperately pulled Luo Xiaoman away.

Luo Xiaoman had a sinister smile on his face, spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed: "What? You want to bully the minority? Come on? I'll challenge a group of you alone!"

A foreigner rushed to Diaz, shouted his name loudly, then sniffed his nose, and shouted with an ugly face: "Damn it, he killed Diaz!"

He stood up, faced Luo Xiaoman, and shouted to the people at the judges' table:

"This is naked murder!

Our boxer has lost his resistance, but he still hits the opponent's head hard. This is murder!

We demand severe punishment for the murderer! "

"Severely punish the murderer! He has violated the spirit of sportsmanship!"

"Such a cruel person is not qualified to participate in the competition! You Chinese officials should bear this responsibility together with him!"

"A murderer must be punished with a life. This is what you Chinese say! You should arrest this murderer and let us deal with it!"

Luo Lie looked at the foreigners with a gloomy face and said, "The murderer?

Didn't you yourselves say that the game will not be stopped without the referee's order?

Why, you can do this, but if it were us, it would be against the spirit of sportsmanship? "

The group of foreign boxers and the audience were stunned. These words were indeed spoken by Diaz himself just now!

Luo Lie snorted heavily and said to the foreigners:

“Didn’t you say that all our Chinese masters are vulnerable?

Don’t you think that we Chinese people are all frogs in the well?

Doesn’t it mean that one hand can crush us to death?

Didn’t you say that this is not a game played by children?

When talking about us, everyone is so understated and takes it for granted.

But when it comes to yourselves, it turns into murder?

Well, don't you think that our Chinese warriors are all in vain?

From now on, there are no rules, you can pick your boxer and fight whoever is in the ring.

Don't you want to avenge your companions?

Now this is your chance! "

"Really?" A foreigner stood up from the audience and shouted to Luo Lie:

“There are no rules, just fight as you like!

You can also choose weapons at will, right? "

Luo Lie nodded and compared weapons with the Chinese warriors. I'm afraid you think you can't die fast enough!

The foreigner actually took out a pistol from his pocket!

"Andre, you idiot!"

The man sitting next to him yelled and cursed.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, a group of police and security guards rushed out from all directions, with black muzzles and batons pointed at his head!

If you dare to hold firearms in China, you will definitely be eating barbecue in a tiger's cave. You will be impatient!

China's gun control is the strictest in the world. Once a gun-related case is discovered, it will be a major case.

One of the most popular examples is that a Chinese firearms enthusiast bought several toy guns through overseas shopping, but was sentenced to death!

It’s not that China really doesn’t have private guns.

But no matter who he is, he will use this thing secretly.

To show off unscrupulously in public like this is purely a case of being kicked in the head by a donkey, and more than one donkey kicked it.

A group of police and security guards couldn't help but push Andre to the ground, unload his gun, and then pushed and shoved him away!

During the whole process, those foreigners, who were always arrogant and arrogant, didn't even dare to fart.

No matter how crazy they are, they don't dare to go against the Chinese police.

And Andre is purely stupid on his own, no one else is to blame!

When everyone focused on the competition again, they found that there was an extra person beside Luo Xiaoman!

Luo Xiaoman was a little dissatisfied and scolded Chen Xin'an beside him: "What are you doing here? I can deal with these little miscellaneous fish alone!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "You hit yours, and I'll hit mine! There is the person I'm looking for here, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Do you really think that Chen Xinan has nothing to do and comes to participate in this so-called international kung fu exchange competition?

The assassins that Paros sent to deal with him and his master were hiding among these people.

I was too lazy to select them one by one. Instead of waiting for them to sneak up on me, I might as well take the initiative and take care of as many as I can!

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said to Chen Xinan: "Then let's compete to see who can defeat more people!"

Turning his head, Luo Xiaoman spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted to the foreign boxers: "I want to fight ten!"

The audience in the stands were all excited!

Look at this guy, this is a real man!

He was beaten to spit blood, but he could still say such arrogant words!

This is the spirit of martial arts that would rather die in the ring than bow to the enemy!

Chen Xinan glanced at the foreign boxers on the lounge chairs at the edge of the arena, shook his head and said:

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to count a few!

It's just you guys, come on together!"

A group of foreigners were dumbfounded. There were a total of 30 people in their group, and you asked us to come together?

Thirty people against two people, is there any suspense in this match?

"Chen Xinan, you..." Luo Xiaoman swallowed his saliva.

He was crazy enough, how could this guy be even crazier than him?

Two people against thirty people, and the opponent was the kind of strong man who could easily beat a martial artist like Hong Tai into the hospital!

Chen Xinan glanced at him and said, "Why, are you scared? Don't worry, you still have ten people on your side, and I'll take care of the rest!"

"Damn, who are you looking down on!" Luo Xiaoman also risked his life, took off his shirt, revealing the strong muscles on his upper body, waved to a group of foreigners and shouted, "Come on!"

The women in the stands screamed and cheered.

I have to say, his figure is very pleasing to the eye.

Although his face is like a shoe horn, his body shape is more standard than Chen Xinan.

It is indeed very attractive to women.

Chen Xinan glanced at him with disdain and said with disgust:

"Why don't you take off your pants too?

If you want to fight, just fight. Why take off your clothes?

I despise people like you the most. You're acting like a gay party!"

Luo Xiaoman: "..."

You know nothing!

Wouldn't it be more passionate this way?

Unwilling to pay attention to this ignorant country bumpkin, Luo Xiaoman turned his head and looked at the foreign boxers on the rest seat.

He grabbed a chair nearby and threw it at them, yelling:

"What are you still standing there for!

Avenge your friends!

Hurry up and fight! They're just sitting there hatching eggs!"

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