Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 774 Chinese Kung Fu NO.1

I guess these foreigners have never seen two such arrogant people in their lives!

Regardless of whether they agreed to play or not, they just barged into the foreign boxers' rest area, pointed at their noses, cursed, and provoked them.

A group of foreigners who originally looked down on Chinese people, how could they stand such arrogance!

You want to fight, right?

Do you want us all to go up and beat you two?




A group of foreign boxers all rushed forward and surrounded Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

From now on, there are no rules at all.

Anyone can use any move as long as they don't use firearms!

A foreign boxer stood behind Chen Xin'an and hit him hard on the back of the head!

They all know that these Chinese warriors will take a drug that can increase their potential in a short period of time, and head trauma is the best way to unlock the effect of this drug.

The two guys in front of me who dare to be so arrogant must also be people who have taken this kind of medicine!

So most of their attacks were hitting these two people on the head.

But these two guys don't seem to be as easy to deal with as other Chinese warriors.

They are so slippery, like loaches, that you can't hit them in the head!

Even a sneak attack is the same!

Just when the boxer thought he was about to succeed, the person in front of him suddenly disappeared!

As if there were eyes on the back of his head, the opponent suddenly tilted his body and avoided his punch.

In the blink of an eye, the other party suddenly stood in front of him and whispered to him: "Joseph! Flanders!"

The boxer's eyes narrowed, as if he had seen something incredible.

He stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and forgot about the attack.

But it only took a moment for the boxer to react, with a ferocious look in his eyes. Just as he was about to strike hard, the opponent's punch had already landed on his ribs!

The boxer seemed to hear the sound of his ribs breaking, and the severe pain caused his body to twitch uncontrollably.

Before he could resist the opponent's pursuit, he was punched in the back of the head.

His vision went dark, blood gushed out from his nose and mouth, his body fell forward and he fainted!


A contemptuous smile appeared on Chen Xin'an's lips. If there were killers sent by Josés among these people, they would definitely know the brothers Joseph and Flanders!

So when he mentioned the names of these two people, the other party would have different reactions.

Ignorance is not the goal.

The one who was shocked and angry was the killer sent by Pyroses!

Of course, it's not without its mistakes.

But does Chen Xinan care?

of course not!

It is better to kill the wrong one than let it go.

If you dare to come to China to provoke, you people are all in trouble!

If I don’t teach you a lesson and let you have an unforgettable trip to China, I will be sorry for the thousands of dollars in air tickets you spent!

"Hey! What's going on over there?" Luo Xiaoman noticed the fighting on Chen Xin'an's side.

Others may not see anything unusual, but his strength is similar to Chen Xin'an, so he can see every move Chen Xin'an makes.

He felt very incredible when he saw that many people seemed to give up their resistance the moment they faced Chen Xin'an!

What kind of trick is this?

The legendary hypnotism?

Can the opponent lose resistance in an instant?

If you use this trick, you won’t be afraid of how many people you face! It’s so effortless!

Chen Xin'an ignored him.

Luo Xiaoman quit, thinking he was hiding something, so he kicked a boxer down, ran to Chen Xin'an, stood back to back with him, and asked him:

"Teach me! Don't try to fool me. I just saw you say something to those guys and they stopped fighting you! What did you say?"

Chen Xin'an was annoyed by him and snorted: "Just say I love you! They won't fight!"

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoman was a little confused. He said I love you to a group of rough, hairy men?

Isn't this a bit disgusting?

But if it saves time and effort, you can still give it a try!

Seeing a boxer rushing over, Luo Xiaoman suddenly shouted to him: "I love you!"

The boxer punched him in the face, as if he had been greatly insulted!

"You liar!" Luo Xiaoman yelled at Chen Xin'an behind him.

Chen Xin'an almost laughed out loud, but she still forced herself to keep a straight face and cursed at him:

“Is your head used as a chamber pot?

He is not Chinese, can he understand you? "

That makes sense!

This has to be in a foreign language!

When Luo Xiaoman saw the boxer rushing over again, he raised his voice and shouted to the guy again: "I love you!"

The guy was stunned and didn't understand why this guy said such a thing to him at this time!

Luo Xiaoman was happy, it really worked, Chen Xin'an is really a god!

Before the unlucky boxer could react, Luo Xiaoman punched him on the bridge of the nose, knocking him unconscious!

"This trick works so well!" Luo Xiaoman was overjoyed after succeeding several times in succession, and said to Chen Xin'an: "You are such a talent!"

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

I am not a talent, you are!

While fighting, you confess to your opponent that you are the only one I have seen in my more than twenty years of life.

You are not only a talent, you are a genius!

A bearded man rushed in front of Luo Xiaoman, and just as he was about to take action, Luo Xiaoman quickly said: "I love you!"

"I love you, too!" The bearded man looked at him lovingly.

This time it was Luo Xiaoman's turn to be dumbfounded.

The bearded man's originally clenched fists also opened up, stretched out his palms, and touched his chest, looking like he couldn't put it down!

Luo Xiaoman had goosebumps all over his upper body. He couldn't help but shuddered and cursed angrily: "You are shameless! You pervert!"

Suddenly a kick flew up and kicked the bearded man in the crotch!

The bearded man screamed and covered his crotch with both hands. His face instantly turned into a purple eggplant, and his body trembled and he fell to the ground!

Looking at the bearded man lying on the ground with his butt raised high and his body twitching constantly, Luo Xiaoman still felt nauseated.

With lingering fear, he slapped his chest with his hands, as if slapping away all the dirt.

"It's so disgusting! How could there be such a perversion? It's simply intolerable!"

Chen Xin'an really wanted to kick him!

Wasn't this pervert seduced by you?

Where do you have the nerve to talk to others?

But there is one thing to say, although it is the first time for the two people to join forces, they have an indescribable tacit understanding.

Chen Xin'an also had to admit that as long as there was a fight, he didn't have to worry about what was behind him, because Luo Xiaoman would help him deal with it.

I believe Luo Xiaoman feels the same way, so the two of them are getting more and more comfortable, but there are fewer and fewer people around them!

Finally, when there were no other opponents around the two of them, the fight finally ended!

But the entire arena was completely silent.

Including the foreign audience, everyone's eyes widened at this moment, looking at this scene in disbelief!

The two people on the field almost turned into bloody men, and their bodies were stained red with blood.

But it was all the opponent's blood, and they were also injured, with bruises and swollen faces.

But compared to their opponents, their flesh wounds are simply negligible!

Around their bodies, more than thirty foreign boxers were lying in a mess.

Some were motionless, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Others were screaming and writhing in pain, but they couldn't stand up despite all their strength!

Those who can participate in this competition must be the strongest foreign boxers.

But thirty people surrounded two people, and they were beaten like this. It was really scary for such a Kung Fu master!

Finally, the audience burst into cheers and applause like a landslide and tsunami!

Even the foreign audience stood up one by one.

They extended their thumbs to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, shouting loudly:

"Chinese Kung Fu! NO.1!"

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