Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 777 Are you planning to keep it secret from me?

There was still filming in the afternoon and free time in the morning. Chen Xin'an rode on his newly bought sword and went to Zhenghe Hospital.

Xiao Zhang is almost recovering from his injuries now.

It's just that he doesn't want to be discharged from the hospital, and Chen Xin'an doesn't rush him.

After all, his ex-wife is here, and this hospital has simply become Xiao Zhang's paradise.

How could Chen Xin'an not know what this guy was thinking?

He also wants the two to get back together, after all, Xiao Zhang's old love for Wu Yan is still over.

Wu Yan probably had the same idea, but both of them had a lot of worries and hadn't broken through the window paper yet.

Chen Xin'an also wants to give them more opportunities to get along and slowly develop their relationship.

I entered the ward with a familiar face, but I couldn't find anyone!

It turned out that a stranger was already lying on Xiao Zhang's hospital bed.

Lao Xiao, is he discharged from the hospital?

But you didn't even call him. What kind of trouble are you going to make?

When he walked to the nurse's station and asked about it, Chen Xin'an thought he had heard wrongly!

Xiao Zhang was admitted to the ICU!

Is there any mistake?

I haven't been here for just a few days, and Lao Xiao is actually struggling on the verge of death!

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an went directly to the intensive care unit and met Wu Yan who had just come out of it and was wearing casual clothes.

"Sister-in-law!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Wu Yan seemed to be a different person. She looked quite haggard and almost unrecognizable!

Wu Yan was also startled when she saw Chen Xin'an in front of her.

Thinking of who this person was, he seemed a little hesitant.

With his eyes red, he pointed to the ward and said, "He's in there. Mr. Chen, go check on him!"

There was a person lying on the hospital bed, covered in thick bandages from head to toe, and he couldn't even be seen!

Grasshopper stood beside the bed, holding a cup in his left hand and a cotton swab in his right hand.

After soaking the cotton swab, gently moisten Xiao Zhang's lips.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, Grasshopper didn't say anything, he just put down the cup and cotton swab.

He ran to Chen Xin'an, hugged his arm, and cried silently.

Chen Xin'an gently stroked the grasshopper's head and said to Wu Yan with a gloomy face, "Who did it?"

Wu Yan said with a look of self-blame: "It's from the Wu family! It's the Wu Cai who opened the toy store!

Xiao Zhang went to Shen Qiao Hutong and had a conflict with the Wu family and was injured by them.

What's even more outrageous is that the Wu family poured gasoline on Xiao Zhang and set it on fire!

If it hadn't been delivered in time, he might have already..."

Wu Yan couldn't speak anymore, covered her face and started crying.

Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice: "Why is he going to Shen Qiao Hutong?"

Wu Yan sobbed and said: "He has been discussing remarrying me.

But the Ding family disagreed, saying that my current house was purchased through their relationship.

If I marry again, the Ding family will take back the house.

Xiao Zhang went to his old house in Kyoto and wanted to take the house back in order for us, my mother-in-law, to have a place to live in the future!

He said that the original procedure was illegal and it was occupied by the Wu family. There should be no problem in getting it back.

I just didn’t expect that the Wu family would be so cruel and almost kill him..."

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, just listened quietly.

Wu Yan continued: "The most annoying thing is that they found an unrelated disciple of the Wu family as a scapegoat, and he was also a lunatic!

The police had no choice but to arrest them and then release them two days later..."

Chen Xin'an turned to look at her and said, "If something like this happened, why didn't you call me?

You should know my number, right?

Is it because if I don’t come today, even if Xiao Zhang dies, you won’t tell me? "

Wu Yan lowered her head in embarrassment and muttered: "No, Mr. Chen.

Xiao Zhang also said that you are a very capable person.

I’m very busy every day, and I’m afraid I’ll disturb you…”

"So, you are not afraid of Xiao Zhang's death?" Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly and said:

"Anyway, he is just an ex-husband, and his old feelings for you are unforgettable.

The biggest effect on you is that it will finally give you something to rely on for decades to come.

But even if you die, the loss to you will not be big.

But once I get involved in this matter, it will make the matter bigger and cause big trouble for you two!

So tell me instead of hiding it from me, right? "

Wu Yan's face turned pale, but she bit her lips tightly and said nothing. She just lowered her head and cried softly.

Chen Xin'an rubbed Grasshopper's head and said to him softly: "Don't be afraid, Grasshopper, dad will be fine because uncle is here!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Wu Yan and said to her: "Sister-in-law, please inform Dean Ding that I want to conduct a comprehensive consultation with Lao Xiao!"

Wu Yan didn't say anything, just lowered her head and walked out.

Soon, Ding Baozhen came over with experts from various subjects.

After seeing Chen Xin'an, he couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Junior brother, why haven't you come to see me for so long..."

Chen Xin'an waved to him impatiently and said: "You are not a big girl, what's the point of me coming to see you when I have nothing to do!"

Now is not the time to chat, my friend is in danger, I want to conduct a comprehensive check on him..."

The director of the burn department frowned and said, "We have already diagnosed and treated you. You can directly browse the patient's file. Wouldn't it be easier?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "I don't trust your examination. I have to see it myself! Go to the operating room now!"

These words made all the doctors present frown. The director of the burn department said to Ding Baozhen with a dark face:

"Dean, I know that Mr. Chen is a capable person.

But is this attitude too crazy?

We are all professional doctors, and our hospital also has the most advanced medical equipment.

He doesn't even believe such diagnosis and treatment results. Doesn't this look down on all of us? "

Ding Baozhen snorted and said: "If anyone dares to say such things, I can slap their back molars off with just a big mouth!

But my junior brother said this, so there is nothing wrong with it at all!

Don’t be dissatisfied one by one.

The abilities of my junior brother are not something you modern medical workers who have graduated from medical schools can guess.

Keep your spirits up, and do whatever he asks you to do!

It will be good for you to see more, think more and talk less! "

Once they heard the dean speak like this, everyone stopped talking.

By the time Xiao Zhang was sent to the operating room, Chen Xin'an had already changed into a sterile suit.

He stood next to the operating table and said to everyone: "I know what I just said made everyone a little dissatisfied.

But let me make it clear that I am not looking down on you.

It’s just that traditional medical methods may not be suitable for my friend’s current injury recovery.

I need a separate treatment plan for him!

Please cooperate with me. When I need you to do something later, don’t ask why, just do it! "

Everyone looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

Chen Xin'an stayed in the operating room for the whole morning.

He checked Xiao Zhang's injuries very thoroughly.

And the doctors who were cooperating beside him changed from being repulsive and resisting to being enthusiastically worshiping!

“It turns out that a simple gauze peeling method can still be used like this!

It greatly relieved the patient’s pain, I really learned a lesson! "

“I thought ancient medicine didn’t know how to use a scalpel.

I didn’t expect that his knife skills were much better than mine, a surgical expert! "

“Is this the long-famous bimanual acupuncture?

It’s simply amazing!

One injection can treat labor pain, relieve asthma, stop bleeding, anesthetize, etc. It can be said to be omnipotent! "

Chen Xin'an washed her hands, returned to the dean's office, wrote two large sheets for the pharmacy, and said to Ding Baozhen:

"Dean Ding, help me find these herbs. If you don't have any, tell me immediately!"

Ding Baozhen said with a straight face: "Little junior brother, you don't even call me senior brother!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "I'll call you senior brother after I finish handling your Ding family's affairs!"

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