Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 778 Dignity lies only in the edge of the sword

Regarding Xiao Zhang's matter, the one person who can't get around is Ding Baocheng!

So since Chen Xin'an decided to seek justice for Xiao Zhang, he would not let this person go.

And he is Ding Baozhen's biological brother.

So Chen Xin'an doesn't want to get too involved with Ding Baozhen yet.

Xiao Zhang was sent back to the ward. All the gauze on his body had been removed, turning him into a piece of black coal.

Seeing him like this, Wu Yan and Grasshopper hugged each other and cried.

Chen Xin'an said to her expressionlessly: "Don't worry, Lao Xiao's life can be saved. I have already opened his keel, and his vitality is several times stronger than ordinary people.

Although the injury is serious now, it is not that easy to kill him.

When the herbs are ready, I will prepare it specially for Lao Xiao.

The hospital arranges for people to cook medicine every day. All you have to do is wipe Lao Xiao's body with the medicine every night!

Be sure to rub every part.

How Lao Xiao's skin recovers depends on whether you wipe it thoroughly! "

Wu Yan took a deep breath, nodded, and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an thought she was blaming herself and feeling guilty, so she said in an indifferent tone: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry.

As long as Lao Xiao doesn't change his mind towards you, you are my sister-in-law and I won't do anything to you!

I'll help you solve the Ding family's troubles.

I will let the other party pay for the harm suffered by Lao Xiao with his life!

I just hope you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wu Yan suddenly turned around and said to him: "Mr. Chen, can I ask you something?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Just tell me, if you can do it, I won't refuse!"

Wu Yan looked at him and said word by word: "Mr. Chen, can I ask you to leave?

This matter has nothing to do with you, please just leave it alone, okay? "

"What did you say? Say it again?!" Chen Xin'an squinted and looked at Wu Yan without blinking and said:

"My friend was tortured like this and almost lost his life!

Are you telling me now to leave it alone?

Wu Yan, tell me what's going on in your mind?

Do you really think that my friend is dispensable to you? "

Grasshopper heard the anger in Chen Xin'an's tone, and quickly took his hand, raised her face and shook her head at him.

Wu Yan did not back down this time, and faced Chen Xin'an face to face, saying word by word:

"Mr. Chen, you said I was afraid of causing trouble for myself, I admit it!

I am really afraid, because Grasshopper and I are orphans and widowed, and we have no one to rely on.

What seems like a small trouble to you is a huge disaster to me!

Moreover, Mr. Chen, where do you think the troubles Xiao Zhang encountered came from?

Wasn't it you who caused it? "

"How could it be me!" Chen Xin'an was angry and wanted to refute Wu Yan, but she opened her mouth and was speechless!

Because he suddenly realized that he was a little guilty!

Wu Yan looked at him and said: "Calm down and think about it, if it weren't for you, would Xiao Zhang be in the disaster he is today?

He should still be driving a rental car in Haiyang. He wouldn't be able to earn hundreds of thousands a year, and he wouldn't even meet us again.

But at least, he is safe and happy.

Now you brought him to Kyoto, and you let him see the life of rich people.

You also gave him ambition and gave him the pleasure of revenge.

It also makes him trust and rely on you.

He thought that if he had any big trouble, you would help him solve it.

But he can't be with you every day. He needs to deal with many things by himself.

That's why he became like this, isn't it? "

Chen Xin'an was dumbfounded and speechless for a moment.

Wu Yan wiped her tears, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, I know you really regard Xiao Zhang as a friend.

If he has any trouble, you will help him solve it wholeheartedly.

You are rich, talented, powerful, and kind-hearted.

You are affectionate and righteous to your lover and friends, and you are a god-like figure.

But Xiao Zhang is an ordinary person!

He is not as rich and powerful as you, nor is he as powerful as you.

When in danger, how does he get out?

Do I have to wait for you to handle it every time?

I didn't call you because I didn't want to watch you lead him deeper and deeper into trouble.

Let him forget that he is not a god, but a mortal.

This time it was just a lesson, at least he still saved his life.

But can you guarantee that he will be so lucky next time? "

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

For the first time, he felt that he was at a loss for words.

Wu Yan's words were like a knife thrust into his heart.

He has always felt that he is dedicated to the people around him and has a clear conscience.

But now I feel that he still ignored a lot.

It is like a beam of light that can indeed illuminate the way forward for those around you.

But at the same time, it also attracted a lot of jackals, tigers and leopards, watching eagerly, waiting for opportunities.

He is not a god, and there will always be times when he has no time to take care of both.

For the relatives and friends around them, those jackals, tigers and leopards are a huge disaster.

Now it was Chen Xin'an's turn to lower her head, speechless.

After a while, Chen Xin'an raised his head and said sadly:

"Sister-in-law, you are right, this matter is indeed my fault!

After Lao Xiao recovers, I will let him stay with you two wholeheartedly and live your own lives! "

Chen Xinan stood up, lowered his head and walked out.

But his arm was pulled.

He turned his head, looked at Grasshopper's innocent little face, and smiled slightly.

Grasshopper grabbed his arm, raised his face and said to him: "Uncle, take revenge!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked Grasshopper: "Grasshopper, do you want your uncle to avenge your father?"

Grasshopper pursed his lips and nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an, who was still a little confused at first, thought for a while, nodded and said to him: "Okay, uncle promises you!"

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an said to Wu Yan: "Sister-in-law, I can't let go of this matter like this!

With Lao Xiao now like this, the murderer should not be able to walk freely.

I won't let my friend suffer such a big loss, but I still have to swallow my anger! "

"Mr. Chen, this is Kyoto! You..." Wu Yan seemed to want to persuade him.

Chen Xin'an snorted and said: "To me, Kyoto is just a bigger city!

My friend Chen Xin'an, no matter where he suffers a loss, he can't just swallow his anger and pretend that nothing happened!

I said I would make them pay with their lives, and I will definitely keep my word!

Don't worry, I will take care of this matter and won't cause any trouble to you! "

Wu Yan said with a painful expression: "Mr. Chen, you will teach the Grasshopper bad things like this!"

"Wrong!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at her and said, "I just want to tell Grasshopper that some grievances can be tolerated and some grievances cannot be tolerated!

As a man, it doesn't matter if you feel a little wronged.

But if a family member is harmed, they must do everything possible to seek revenge.

You must make yourself stronger and protect your relatives and friends from being bullied.

If you are not strong enough, ask someone who can help you.

If you just swallow your anger and make peace with others, you will never get true dignity! "

Wu Yan frowned and said: "Grasshopper, uncle lied to you, this is not the truth!

As long as you are kind to others, no one will bully you!

Don’t imitate your father from now on! "

Chen Xin'an stood up, looked at Grasshopper and said, "Grasshopper, remember!

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is within the range of the cannon!

Only if you are strong enough, others will not dare to bully you!

Otherwise, the bullying inflicted on you will only exist forever, leaving you with no peace! "

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