Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 779 He is just my dog

After coming out of the hospital, Chen Xin'an was always in a depressed mood.

When he thought of Lao Xiao's miserable state, which was almost like charcoal, his heart was filled with anger.

Riding on the sword, Chen Xin'an followed Hedi Road to Wenchang Bridge.

Fifty meters east of the bridge is Shen Qiao Hutong, which was once the residence of dignitaries from the previous dynasty.

So there are no buildings in this area, just sets of old Kyoto houses.

Like courtyard houses, they are houses with three or even five entrances.

Xiao Zhang once said that his ancestors were high officials in the former dynasty.

This courtyard with three entrances was once the residence of Yuci.

It's just that since Xiao Zhang's grandfather's generation, this house has been rented to others.

Because it was too old, everyone in the Xiao family lived in their hometown in Haiyang.

Until Xiao Zhang came to Kyoto, he even rented a house outside.

No one wants to live in such an old house, it's too embarrassing.

But the year Grasshopper was born, housing prices in Kyoto inflated like a balloon.

Especially this kind of old house preserved from the previous dynasty, any one of them can cost one million, or even tens of millions!

A well-preserved house like the Xiao family's old house is even worth hundreds of millions!

The Xiao family evicted the tenants and took back the old house.

I don't want to live in it myself, I just send someone to clean it every day, and I don't even want to sell it.

No one expected that it would be handed over to someone else for free in the end!

Because of this incident, Xiao Zhang also became a sinner of the Xiao family.

He abandoned his wife and son and returned to his hometown to open a rental business to atone for his family's sins.

Therefore, he dreams of taking back this old house.

He didn't have the courage originally, but Chen Xin'an's behavior gave him confidence invisibly.

That's why he came to the Wu family to discuss the matter and suffered this disaster!

Stopping at the bridgehead, Chen Xin'an looked at Shen Qiao's alley and snorted coldly.

Lao Xiao, don’t worry!

I, Chen Xin'an, will help you get back what you lost!

I will make those people pay back tenfold for the pain you endured!

The sword stopped at the entrance of the alley, and Chen Xin'an walked into the alley.

But after taking two steps, he came back dejected!

Forgot to ask Wu Yan’s house number!

There are seven or eight families in this alley. Which family is the Wu family?

You can't just knock on the door one by one and ask, right?

A car happened to drive out of a grand gate, and Chen Xin'an walked over quickly.

He stopped a woman who wanted to close the door and said, "Auntie, is this the Wu family? I'm looking for Wu Cai!"

The woman became angry on the spot!

"Who are you calling aunt? Who is your aunt?

Can you speak?

Why are you looking for Wu Cai? There is no Wu Cai here!

Are you his brother with no virtue?

It doesn’t look like a good thing! "

No, have you just eaten gunpowder?

Why are you speaking so hastily!

Chen Xin'an looked at the woman's dress, then her age, and tentatively called her, "Grandma?"

"Get out!" The woman's rouged face turned black. She glared at Chen Xin'an and reached out to close the door.

At this moment, someone behind Chen Xin'an shouted: "Hey, sister Fan, don't close the door yet!

Look what I brought you? Baekjedang’s slimming pills!

I queued up to buy it early in the morning! "

A young man with oily hair and pink face stood at the door wearing a suit, holding a small bag in his hand, and handed it to the woman at the door.

Sister Fan?

You can treat her as her son, but you still call her sister?

Chen Xin'an felt a little dizzy.

The woman grinned, showing her yellow teeth, and said with a smile to the greasy-headed and pink-faced man:

"Master Huo is here!

Thank you so much!

I'm so sorry that you spend so much money every time you come here!

Come in quickly, the boss has just left, and the lady is at home! "

"Okay!" Mr. Huo touched his shiny hair. Just as he was about to step in, he glanced at Chen Xin'an standing next to him, and immediately stopped, with a look of caution on his face!

"Sister Fan, this is..." Mr. Huo looked Chen Xin'an up and down.

The woman snorted coldly and said with disdain: "If you are passing by and asking about the Wu family, Wu Cai, etc., don't ignore him!"

Then he waved to Chen Xin'an impatiently and cursed: "Go quickly, go quickly, there is no one you are looking for here!"

After hearing the woman's words, Mr. Huo's expression softened a little.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Are you looking for Wu Cai? Who are you? Why are you looking for him?"

Chen Xin'an turned to look at him and asked, "Do you know Wu Cai? I have something to do with him. Can you tell me where he lives?"

"Are you Wu Cai's friend?" Mr. Huo looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt, nodded and said:

"That's right, that kid also has a poor friend like you!

Come on, take three steps back.

Do you know where this is?

This is the Mo family.

Are you qualified to stand at the door of the Mo family?

Wu Cai doesn't even dare to stand here, who do you think he is? "

Chen Xin'an looked at her feet and said with a puzzled face: "No, isn't this gate just for people to stand at?

Why is it still linked to qualifications?

Besides, you know Wu Cai, right?

We are all friends. If you belittle him behind his back, aren't you afraid of letting him hear you? "

"Hahaha!" Mr. Huo suddenly laughed, looking at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of contempt.

"Wu and I are friends? I'm still afraid that he will hear me belittle him?

You asked him if he dared to say that about me?

Listen to me, Wu Cai is just my dog, Huo Haobo!

If I scold my dog, isn’t that just casual? "

The woman sneered coldly and scolded Chen Xin'an disdainfully: "Watch your dog eyes and see clearly, this is the second young master of the Huo family in Qianfeng, Kyoto!

His status is noble, and it’s not something that just a cat or a dog can achieve!

Which of his friends is not a powerful person in Kyoto?

That piece of shit like you has no talent and no morals, you are mean just by the name, but you are worthy of being Mr. Huo’s friend? "

Chen Xin'an became anxious, glared at Huo Haobo and shouted, "You only dare to say such things behind Wu Cai's back!

If Wu Cai were here, would you dare to call him a dog? "

Huo Haobo and the woman looked at each other and burst into laughter!

"At first glance, he looks like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. When he meets a dog, he feels like he has met some big shot!"

"It's just that when a real big shot stands in front of him, he can't even tell that this kind of country bumpkin is so stupid and ridiculous!"

Huo Haobo took out a golden mobile phone and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Look, I called the dog over.

Let you see if I dare to scold him in front of him.

See if he dares to get angry! "

He took his cell phone and dialed a number and said loudly: "Wu Cai, give me three minutes to get to the door of Mo's house!

If you dare to be even one second late, I will break your legs! "

After hanging up the phone, Huo Haobo sneered and said to Chen Xin'an: "Watch your dog eyes for me to see clearly, and look carefully!"

In less than three minutes, the first door at the alley opened, and a figure ran out, buttoning his shirt as he ran.

Sure enough, it was Wu Cai who came over.

He seemed to recognize Huo Haobo from a distance, ran all the way to him, and said with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Huo, when did you come here?

Why don't you tell me?

I'll pick you up at the alley!

Are you here to see Miss Mo San?

I would say that Mr. Huo and Miss Mo San are a match made in heaven and on earth..."

Huo Haobo said impatiently: "Wu Cai, don't give me any nonsense!

Let me ask you, are you my dog? "

Wu Cai's face froze. Calling someone a dog in front of their face would make anyone uncomfortable.

Huo Haobo got angry, slapped Wu Cai on the face and cursed: "You damn thing, you've rebelled against heaven, haven't you?

Have you forgotten who gave you what you have now, right..."

Wu Cai received a slap but did not dare to dodge. He quickly nodded and said, "Yes, I am Mr. Huo's dog!"

Chen Xin'an couldn't stand it anymore and shouted to Wu Cai: "Wu Cai, get up!

Didn't you say that Huo Haobo is just a pig?

Are you just playing tricks on him and using him? "

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