Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 784 I handcuffed myself

In the interrogation room of the Kyoto City Bureau, Chen Xin'an was sitting on a chair, looking very calm.

When the police arrived, he didn't say anything and came to the police station very cooperatively.

He originally wanted to put handcuffs on him, but was stopped by Sungalo.

After being sent to the interrogation room, the police officers all went out, leaving Chen Xin'an alone here.

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost eleven o'clock noon.

Chen Xin'an looked at the chair under her in boredom.

The special interrogation chair is made of wood, and the seat cushion and backrest are made of leather. It can be considered very user-friendly.

In front of him was a partition with handcuffs welded to each end.

There is also a pair on the horizontal board between the legs of the chair at the foot, which is used to restrict the movement of the interrogated person.

It's just that Chen Xin'an didn't use this. The partition was lowered, just to let him rest his arms for more comfort.

Bored, Chen Xin'an opened the handcuffs, then locked them on his left wrist.

Then he pulled out a piece of wire from the bag on his body and easily opened the handcuffs.

Chen Xin'an's cloth bag is no ordinary cloth.

Anyway, the master has given it to him for so many years, and it has not been damaged, and it does not look dirty.

When spread out, this thing is half a foot wide and two feet long.

There are hundreds of silver needles lined up inside.

But this thing is not just for silver needles. There are various metal wires on all four sides.

There were even a few knives, the size of sewing needles, very sharp.

But Chen Xin'an has never used it.

This is what Chen Xin'an has practiced the most in the past fifteen years.

That is, without having to take out the cloth bag from your body, if you want a silver needle or any other tool, you can just pull it out, exactly!

It can be opened easily with one hand, but what if both hands are locked?

Anyway, you have nothing to do, so give it a try!

Chen Xin'an first handcuffed his left hand and then his right hand.

But this is a pair of handcuffs divided into two halves, welded to both ends of the partition.

The chain connected to each one is very short, so after the two hands are cuffed, they cannot touch each other.

This means that Chen Xin'an's left hand cannot help his right hand now.

It's not easy to cuff yourself.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for Chen Xin'an.

He opened the handcuffs with his right hand and tapped the handcuffs with his wrist. With a click, the handcuffs bounced up and were automatically cuffed on his hands.

The corners of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up in satisfaction, but then her smile quickly froze.

How should I hold the wire when my hands are cuffed?

How can I open the handcuffs if I can't get out the wire?

With your tongue?

I'm not a tongue-tied woman, and my tongue can't even lick my own chest!


The wire should be placed on the partition first.

In this way, you can roll it up with your tongue and unlock the handcuffs on your hands.

Chen Xin'an can still achieve this level of difficulty.

But without the wire, Chen Xin'an had nothing to do.

There was no way he could stick his tongue into the tiny keyhole of the handcuffs.

He is a genius, not a monster.

In the surveillance room not far away, the leader Yuan Zhenhai was two heads tall, with a scary and gloomy expression.

Several police leaders stood beside him.

A man with a Chinese-style face said to him: "Old Yuan, the prince broke the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people!

You are an old policeman. Just because you admire this person, you cannot be lenient to him!

This is something that goes against the principles, and I won’t agree to it! "

Yuan Zhenhai glanced at him and cursed: "Old Liu, when did I say that I would violate my principles? I just want to investigate the results in detail, I don't want to hear one side of the story!"

Old Liu snorted and said, "I just want to remind you that Mr. Wu from the security hall is coming over and he will personally handle this matter!"

Yuan Zhenhai said angrily: "This matter has not yet risen to the level where the Security Department needs to intervene..."

A leader next to him looked at the surveillance screen behind Yuan Zhenhai and murmured: "This guy, what is he doing?"

There are surveillance cameras in the interrogation room that can monitor the internal interrogation at any time.

Seeing Chen Xin'an, who was sitting on the interrogation chair, twisting and turning, even having his hands cuffed, the police in the room were speechless.

Is this man sick?

We didn't cuff you, but you cuffed yourself?

How? Does this mean that you also feel that you have sinned so much that you can’t do it without cuffs?

A policeman knocked on the door and came in, saying to Yuan Zhenhai: "Leader, Leader Wu of the Security Department is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man with a slicked back hair came in from outside.

He was probably in his fifties, of medium height, but with a majestic air.

"Mr. Wu, why are you here?" Yuan Zhenhai greeted him with a smile.

Mr. Wu shook hands with him and said with a straight face: "Aside from things like this in our Wu family, I can't help but come!

Xiao Yuan, I heard someone caught him, right? Should I plead guilty?

How does the city bureau plan to deal with this? "

Before Yuan Zhenhai could speak, Old Liu next to him said to Mr. Wu with a smile on his face:

“Don’t worry, Leader Wu, the Municipal Bureau will handle this case impartially!

That's the guy, and we've got him in cuffs!

Immediately arrange for someone to go over and have him sign a confession! "

"Liu Yi!" Yuan Zhenhai shouted angrily at Old Liu.

The case has not yet been determined, and Chen Xin'an has not been convicted.

At this time, the victim's family cannot be allowed to see him.

This is common sense. I didn't expect Liu Yi to directly identify him in order to please Mr. Wu!

Liu Yi glanced at him and said indifferently: "Leader Yuan, don't worry about anything.

This case itself is not complicated, and there are so many eyewitnesses. That guy named Chen Xin'an has to plead guilty!

Besides, Mr. Wu is not an outsider. He is both our leader and the victim's family member.

We don't hide anything from Mr. Wu!"

Mr. Wu nodded to Liu Yi approvingly and said: "Xiao Liu is right! I came here today to supervise the trial of this case throughout the process!"

He raised his head and looked at Chen Xin'an in the surveillance. Seeing that his whole body was lying on the chair, he frowned and said: "What is he doing?"

Everyone was also puzzled.

Yuan Zhenhai thought he was in trouble, and immediately shouted to a policeman: "Go over and have a look..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an, who was lying on his back, had straightened up and stood up. There was nothing unusual on his body, and his hands were still handcuffed.

But he raised his head, grinned at the surveillance camera, and showed a smile.

"He can still laugh!" Old Wu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode!

He shouted angrily: "I have never seen such an arrogant criminal! There is absolutely no remorse, lawless!"

Yuan Zhenhai explained to him: "Old Wu, our police are only responsible for arrests, and conviction is the court's business.

So he is not a criminal yet, Old Wu should understand this!"

Old Wu looked at him with a sullen face and said: "The facts are conclusive, can he still overturn the case?

Xiao Yuan, open the door of the interrogation room, I want to go in and talk to him face to face!"

"Old Wu, this is against the rules!" Yuan Zhenhai looked embarrassed.

Old Wu said with a gloomy face: "Xiao Yuan, don't forget that I voted in favor of you taking this position!

People should not forget their roots!"

Liu Yi gently pulled Yuan Zhenhai's arm and said to Old Wu with a smile:

"Don't be angry, Old Wu, Leader Yuan didn't say he disagreed.

Rules are always based on human feelings!

I'll take you there, Old Wu, please come this way!"

Yuan Zhenhai frowned and said, "Then I'll go with Old Wu!"

When Old Wu frowned, Liu Yi quickly said, "Leader Yuan, you stay here and command, I'll just accompany Old Wu!"

Yuan Zhenhai glanced at him, squinted his eyes, and said nothing more.

Old Wu raised his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an in the surveillance.

Very happy, right? I'll see if you can still be happy later!

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