Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 785 There is no end to justice.

Chen Xinan in the interrogation room felt a little guilty at the moment.

He had handcuffed his hands and couldn't untie them, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Let the police come in and untie the handcuffs for him?

They gave you face and didn't handcuff you.

Then you were bored and handcuffed yourself.

Then you asked them to come in and help you untie them?

Isn't this a naked provocation?

So he had to find a way himself.

But his hands couldn't move, so he couldn't use his feet, right?

Chen Xinan's feet were not flexible enough to take out the cloth bag from his inner pocket, pull out the wire, and pass it to himself!

There was no other way, only violence!

Chen Xinan closed his eyes and began to close his hands together.

Handcuffs are like this, and it is wishful thinking to break free with brute force.

Even if Chen Xinan wanted to break through the third level of internal strength now, it would be impossible to do it.

But if he couldn't break free of the handcuffs, then it should be possible to pull it out from the partition, right?

The partition is not too thick, and the wood is not too hard. It should be easy to break free from the chain.

So Chen Xinan pressed his elbows on the partition and began to pull up with both hands.

If you take off his shirt, you can see that Chen Xinan's arms, which do not look very sturdy, are starting to swell up exaggeratedly!

It seems that every muscle and every tendon is contracting, and a strong force is brewing inside.

But Chen Xinan's face does not show any signs of exertion, and he is still so calm.

I don't know who designed it, but the edge of the handcuffs is not covered with anti-wear rubber, which is too damn uncomfortable!

The welding is actually more solid than Chen Xinan imagined.

Chen Xinan was unable to break free from the chain in one go!

No, he had to endure the pain and continue to work hard!

Chen Xinan began to increase his strength. This time he could no longer maintain his original calmness.

But he couldn't let others see what he was doing!

So he simply leaned his upper body on his arms, pressed down with his elbows, and lifted his hands up!

Feeling the Qi in his body begin to gather and surge, Chen Xinan felt that he had used all his strength!

In fact, if he exerted force violently, the chain might fall off more easily.

But in that case, the chain would break, and his hands would be cut off by the edge of the handcuffs!

So this kind of continuous force requires more energy, and it is more difficult to break free. It has reached Chen Xinan's limit!

I don't believe you can't pull it out!

Chen Xinan was also anxious, and he lifted his body up. He felt that he had used up his greatest strength.

But suddenly, another force burst out!

At this moment, Chen Xinan felt as if he was helped by God!

He pressed down with his elbows and lifted his hands!

With a click, the chain did not break free, but the partition broke into two pieces!

This is... embarrassing!

Chen Xinan grabbed the two partitions with both hands, aligned the broken part in the middle, tried to keep it in one piece, and smiled shyly at the camera.

If you look closely, his arms are still shaking slightly.

It's not because of fear, but a normal reaction after a breakthrough.

Chen Xinan was also a little speechless.

Others' internal strength breakthroughs are in battle.

Why did it happen in my case, after being handcuffed in the police station?

Your breakthrough is too casual, isn't it?

There is no sense of ceremony at all, and you look disgusted!

But since you have broken through, it is a good thing after all.

It seems that I have to compensate them with a chair...

The door of the interrogation room opened and someone walked in.

Didn't they see it from the surveillance and come to settle accounts with me?

Chen Xinan felt a little guilty.

Glancing at the people who came, two strong men in suits brought an old man with a big back hair, followed by a policeman.

Before the police entered the room, the old man blocked the door and turned to him and said:

"There are some things I want to ask clearly, and it also involves some secrets. Xiao Liu, you don't need to go in!"

The policeman smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll wait at the door. If you have anything, call me, Mr. Wu!"

The door of the interrogation room was closed, and then Mr. Wu looked at the two strong men.

One of them took off his coat, pulled the chair behind the interrogation table, stepped on it and wrapped the surveillance camera with his coat!

These people don't look like policemen!

And what do they want to do by blocking the camera?

Chen Xin'an still sat on the interrogation chair, looking at the three people in front of him in confusion.

Old Wu was straightforward and said to him straight to the point: "Are you Chen Xin'an?

I am Wu Dou, and Wu Jun is my cousin.

Now you know why I came here, right?"

Chen Xin'an looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and asked him: "Playing chess? Why don't you bring a chessboard?

Or... are you here to give me money?

Let me make it clear first, don't take out tens of thousands of dollars, I won't look down on you, and it will also embarrass you!

Don't be so shameless!

The only things I am most interested in are these two things.

If you are not here for these two things, then it has nothing to do with me, and I am not interested in dealing with an old man."

"How dare you! Old Wu is a cadre of the Kyoto Security Bureau!" A strong man shouted at him.

Chen Xin'an pouted and said: "Even if he is the head of the Earth, what does it have to do with me?"

The two strong men had never seen anyone who dared to be so arrogant in front of the leader, so they walked quickly to Chen Xin'an, one on each side, and pressed his shoulders!

Wu Dou said with a gloomy face: "Don't beat him to death, I still have something to ask him!"

Chen Xin'an raised her head and said to him: "You are not from the police station, how dare you start a lynching here?"

The two strong men looked at each other and both laughed ferociously.

One person looked at him with disdain and said, "Lynching? Even if I beat you to death, how much trouble do you think it would be?

It's just a matter of finding a place and burying the body like a wild dog!

Who cares? Who dares to care? "

Another person sneered and said: "Boy, you are really lawless, how dare you do this to the Wu family!

Do you think you will be released after a few years in prison?


You will die!

In Kyoto, a human life is quite valuable.

But it depends on whose life it is!

As for a nobody like you, no one will care how many times you die! "

"We'll do it later!" Wu Dou looked at Chen Xin'an and said in a low voice:

"Chen Xin'an, let me ask you a few words.

If you answer honestly, I will save you some pain!

Who asked you to do this?

Don't tell me that it's because of that trash named Xiao Zhang!

I know you are a smart person, no need to waste anyone's time!

Also, besides dealing with the Wu family, who else are you going to deal with?

I heard that Yuan Zhenhai takes good care of you. Is he your accomplice?

How many of you are there in total?

Where is everyone else? "

Chen Xin'an stared at Wu Dou and said loudly: "Don't ask, I won't tell!

You want me to betray my comrades?

You are simply dreaming!

If you can, just kill me!

Life is precious!

Love is more expensive!

For the sake of freedom!

Both can be thrown away! "

Wu Dou and two strong men: "..."

Is this the result of a lunatic?

You are in the police station, not the prison where the reactionaries are holding you!

You have too many dramas!

A strong man cursed angrily: "You are quite into the drama, right? Okay, I will let you fully act out the drama today..."

"Ah!" Chen Xin'an looked painful and let out a shrill scream!

The strong man looked at his right hand inexplicably.

I haven't started exerting force yet, why did you scream first?

Chen Xin'an straightened his upper body and shouted loudly: "Justice can never be killed, because the truth always exists!

Long live China!

Long live the people! "

Then he stood up, raised his arms, and slapped the strong man in the face with a board!

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