Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 794 I have a share in the Luo family

There are ropes as thick as thumbs tied around the body. It is not easy for ordinary people to break free.

With Luo Jian's usual strength, it would be even more wishful thinking to break away.

But now he can break it easily!

And his person looks a little weird.

Just looking at his head, it was a bit bigger than usual, and it was obviously red.

The blue veins were popping out, and it looked like someone was in a hurry.

"Luo Jian, what are you doing!" Luo Zhen shouted angrily and stepped forward to stop him.

He never thought that Luo Jian would blow him away with a wave of his arm!

Other Luo family members also stepped forward to stop him, but at this moment Luo Jian seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. He was much stronger. Even three or five people could not trap him!

"Don't stop me!" Luo Jian's eyes were red, and he glared at the people around him and said, "As long as the old man dies, I will give you whatever you want!

The Luo family is not just the Luo family of the old man, I am also a member of the Luo family!

I also share in what the Luo family has now!

Why should I leave it all to my uncle?

Don't you want to take away the share you deserve? "

"Bastard!" Luo Lie shouted angrily and stood in front of Luo Jian. The middle finger of his right fist protruded and struck Luo Jian's chest!

Luo Jian's body swayed, but before he could move, Luo Lie slashed his neck with a palm knife from his left hand!

These two moves are enough to make this kid lie down and become unconscious!

The people around me trembled in their hearts. The old man's sword was not old yet, and his skills were still as sharp.

But he is a member of the Luo family after all, and these moves are too cruel. Luo Jian will collapse on the ground even if he doesn't die, and won't be able to stand up for a month or two!

The old man is a master with inner strength!

But Luo Jian, who was hit by a punch and a palm, still stood in front of Luo Lie and did not fall down.

Instead, he grinned and gave him a cold smile: "Grandpa, that's it? You are old and have no strength anymore! It's time to retire!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and pushed Luo Lie's chest with his palm, pushing him to the ground.

Then he clenched his fists and smashed Luo Lie's face hard!

At this moment, two figures rushed up, one on the left and one on the right, holding Luo Jian's arms, and then the three of them fell to the ground together!

Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang held Luo Jian's arms tightly and shouted loudly to the stunned Luojia people around them:

"What are you still doing? Come here and help suppress him together!"

Only then did the people around him react and rushed over, trying to pin Luo Jian down with all their hands and feet!

Gongsun Feiyang took out an empty syringe from his body, stuck it on Luo Jian's neck, and then drew out a tube of blood.

At this moment, Luo Jian's clothes suddenly made a crackling sound. His strength seemed to have increased several times in an instant. Seven people were pressing on him, but he couldn't hold him down!

"Get away!" As Luo Jian yelled, all those people lying on him were knocked to the ground by him!

He stood up from the ground, all his clothes were torn, and he looked like a beggar!

Luo Lie was speechless.

Just let you hold him down, why are you all lying on top of him, taking off his clothes and pants?

But when he looked at Luo Jian at this time, he was even more frightened!

The originally skinny figure now seemed to have more than doubled in size as if he was blowing air.

This is how clothes burst!

Luo Lie looked at Luo Jian in disbelief and shouted, "Have you taken those medicines from Laofa Hall? Didn't I tell you not to touch those things?"

At this time, Luo Jian's eyes had turned completely red, as if he were bleeding!

His mood also seemed to be very irritable, his expression was very ferocious, he stared at Luo Lie closely, and rushed over like an angry bull!

Luo Lie roared angrily, dodged in front of him, and punched Luo Jian in the ribs!

If an ordinary person receives a heavy punch in this position, he will immediately lose his breath and be unable to recover for a long time.

But for Luo Jian, there was no reaction at all!

He immediately turned around and rushed towards Luo Lie again!

He punched Luo Jian several times, but it was like scratching an itch, with no effect.

Luo Lie was out of breath and looked a little flustered.

People around him rushed towards them, but they were pushed away by Luo Jian. He had only one target, the old man Luo Lie!

Boxing is afraid of young people.

Luo Lie is getting old after all.

His physical strength had dropped drastically, and after another night of fighting, he was at the end of his strength and exhausted.

The others just rushed up and tried to stop Luo Jian, but they were pushed away by him.

Because he was reluctant to endure hardship when he was a child, Luo Jian didn't learn much kung fu.

This is also the reason why Luo Lie doesn't like him.

But now, so many people from the Luo family can't stop him alone!

In fact, there is no structure to his attacks.

It's just that his strength has become several times greater than that of ordinary people, and his reaction ability is also much faster.

But my physical agility is not good enough to keep up with my own reactions.

So the movements are quite stiff and look very awkward.

Luo Lie also guessed that he had taken medicine!

The biggest dispute with the Wushu Association and Laofatang is here.

Laofatang has been secretly developing some illegal drugs, hoping to use them on warriors to increase their combat power.

This ancient and modern kung fu exchange competition is also an opportunity to test drugs.

It’s just that Luo Lie is firmly opposed to this!

He firmly believes that there is no shortcut to martial arts other than diligent study and practice, and he is even more opposed to treating people as drug experiments, let alone trying them on the children in the martial arts school!

This is the reason why the grievances between the Wushu Association or the Luo family and the old law hall are getting deeper and deeper, and the conflicts are becoming more and more acute!

But he didn't expect that his own grandson had taken that kind of medicine!

This was a huge blow and irony to him!

At this moment, Luo Jian suddenly grabbed his arm. Before Luo Lie could react, he was thrown to the ground by Luo Jian!

The people around wanted to rush forward, but Luo Jian grabbed Luo Lie's neck!

"Xiao Jian, are you crazy? That's your grandpa!" Several women ran over, one of them was so anxious that tears were about to flow out. She was Luo Jian's mother, Yang Cuiping.

Seeing her son actually attacking the old man, she rushed forward without saying a word, trying to pull her son away!

In the Luo family, the old man is a person who cannot be disobeyed.

I didn't expect that the good son who was usually pampered and pampered would do such a rebellious thing!

Unexpectedly, Luo Jian pushed her to the ground as if he didn't recognize her at all!

Shen Guangming rushed up from behind and locked Luo Jian's throat!

Luo Jian grabbed him with his left hand and threw him out hard!

Shen Guangming immediately got up and wanted to rush forward again, but the Luo family shouted loudly:

"Shen Guangming, don't act recklessly! If you rush in, the old man will be killed!"

"Go away! You don't need an outsider to interfere in the Luo family's affairs!"

"Are you and Luo Jian in the same group? You just came to kill the old man, right? This beast Luo Jian doesn't even know his own mother, who do you think he is?"

Shen Guangming seemed not to hear what everyone was saying, so he rushed forward again and grabbed Luo Jian's right arm with both hands!

Luo Jian clenched his left fist and hit Shen Guangming on the head!

One punch! Two punches! Three punches!

The corners of Shen Guangming's eyes were cracked and blood splattered.

But his hands still grasped Luo Jian's right hand tightly, trying his best to prevent him from tightening!

At this moment, a petite woman strode over, raised her arms, slapped her big mouth, and slapped Luo Jian hard in the face!

Everyone was shocked!

Yang Cuiping shouted loudly: "Yanni, come here quickly, it's too dangerous! Xiaojian is crazy now and doesn't recognize his relatives!"

This woman is Luo Lie's daughter and Shen Guangming's wife, Luo Yanni.

Because she had been frail and sick since she was a child, she was a translucent person in the Luo family.

If you don't get involved in the Luo family's affairs, you won't see anyone easily.

She is usually soft and weak, but no one has ever seen her with such a bold and strong side!

But what was even more surprising was that Luo Jian was slapped by her, and his face that was about to be furious suddenly turned dull when he saw her, his lips trembled, and he shouted: "Second Aunt!"

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