Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 795 Can you shed some more blood?

Luo Yanni, who is less than 1.6 meters tall, stands next to Luo Jian, who is 1.85 meters tall.

Even if the other party is riding on Luo Lie, he is almost as tall as her.

Luo Lie seemed to be in a coma, closing his eyes tightly and motionless.

Luo Jian was in a manic and delirious state, and he did not recognize his relatives, so he was extremely dangerous.

Even Shen Guangming stood beside Luo Yanni with blood on his face, trying to protect his wife behind him.

But Luo Yanni, who looked weak, shook her head at him, pointed at Luo Jian with a frosty face and shouted: "Get up! Let go of your grandpa!"

Luo Jian's body was trembling, his face was ferocious, and he wanted to strangle Luo Lie, but under Luo Yanni's scolding, a little bit of family conscience deep in his heart arose.

Under the entanglement of family affection and animal nature, Luo Jian roared like a wild beast.

He neither hit nor let go of the old man beneath him. He tore Luo Lie's clothes to shreds as if to vent his anger!

So Mr. Luo had no choice but to wear clothes with his own grandson...

The two old men were wearing very cool clothes and rolling on the ground. The scene was quite scary!

"Go away!" Luo Yanni rushed over and pushed Luo Jian away.

Shen Guangming came over, took off his coat, and put it on Luo Lie.

Seven or eight strong men failed to drag Luo Jian away. At this moment, the fragile Luo Yanni actually pushed him to the ground.

Just because the moment Luo Yanni met Luo Jian, he gave up all resistance.

Growing up, Luo Jian was neither afraid of his father nor his mother.

There are only two people, one is Grandpa Luo Lie.

The other one is the second aunt Luo Yanni.

Both of them were very strict with him, but Grandpa had an attitude of hating iron, and Luo Jian didn't dare to see him.

And the second aunt was strict with him because she really felt sorry for him.

The financial power of the Luo family is in the hands of Luo Yanni.

No matter who in the Luo family wants to use pocket money, Luo Yanni will give it to them.

Every time Luo Jian wanted to use money, as long as the reason made sense, Luo Yanni would give him enough, or even more.

So since childhood, Luo Jian has really loved and feared this second aunt!

Looking at the angry Luo Yanni, Luo Jian looked like a wronged child and sobbed: "Second aunt, grandpa is partial, he didn't leave me anything..."

Luo Yanni looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Is your grandfather partial?

Do you know that he had already put two Luoning stores in Dongcheng District under your name a few years ago?

I won’t tell you because I don’t want you to be ruined, but you can get a dividend of no less than 500,000 yuan every year!

You said your grandfather was partial, then let me ask you, how much money did you spend growing up?

Let me calculate it for you. The total expenses are 2,687,496 yuan.

You are jealous of your brother-in-law, but do you know how much money he spent on your family when he was your age?

The total is more than 2,396,800!

This also includes the money he spent to practice and buy medicine!

Is this what you call partiality? "

Luo Jian was stunned, as if he was being asked.

At this moment, the bloodshot eyes in his eyes are slowly disappearing, and his consciousness is also recovering!

At this moment, someone shouted: "Beast! I'll beat you to death!"

A man ran over quickly with a stick and hit Luo Jian hard!

Luo Daping is back!

Everyone wanted to stop him, but he knocked him away unceremoniously.

When he arrived in front of Luo Jian, he picked up the stick in his hand and smashed it on his head!

According to Luo Jian's performance just now, this stick should be easy to dodge.

In addition, Luo Daping also showed more pretense than really wanting to hit him, and gave a warning before swinging the stick.

But no one expected that Luo Jian seemed to have not seen it at all and refused to hide!

With a bang, the stick hit Luo Jian firmly on the head!

"Pfft!" Luo Jian opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood, which was like ink and exuded an unpleasant stench!

This situation is exactly the same as those warriors who were sent to the hospital by foreigners on the day of the exchange competition!

"Luo Daping, you bastard! What are you doing! That's your own son!"

Yang Cuiping yelled, ran over and hugged her son who was already lying on the ground.

Luo Daping's mind went blank, he just stared at his son blankly, at a loss.

Luo Jian was hit with a stick on the head. There was no wound or bleeding, but ink was spurting out from his mouth and nose!

The Luo family was in chaos, with cries and shouts everywhere.

Shen Guangming shouted: "Stop arguing! Send the old man and Xiao Jian to the hospital quickly!"

Luo Zhen scolded: "What are you giving random orders here! This is our Luo family..."

Luo Yanni said with a straight face: "What's wrong? My husband is not a member of our family? Or do you think it is right to leave the old man and Xiao Jian here to die?"

No one can be offended by this female goddess of wealth from the Luo family!

Luo Zhen immediately gave up, nodded and said, "Brother-in-law is right, I'm going to drive now!"

Gongsun Feiyang squeezed into the crowd, holding a small bottle in his hand, and handed it to Luo Jian's mouth.

"Can you vomit some more blood? I didn't have time to pick it up just now!"

Luo Jian was in a daze now, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't pay attention to him.

Gongsun Feiyang looked around to see if there was no one around, gave a hint in the direction, and pursed his lips towards Luo Jian.

The direction shook his head vigorously.

You want me to do such a shameless thing?

Gongsun Feiyang's face darkened and he pointed at the small bottle in his hand.

Not doing it, right? If the mission is not completed, we will be the unlucky ones!

Anyway, the leader is my grandfather, so naturally he is reluctant to punish me severely.

As for you, hum!

Xiang Xiang had a smile on his face and MMP in his heart.

When Yang Cuiping wasn't paying attention, she slapped Luo Jian on the head.

Luo Jian, who had no longer dropped out of school, started spitting out blood again. This time, his nose and ears also began to flow out, which shocked the direction!

"Enough, enough!" Gongsun Feiyang had already filled the vial, but Luo Jian couldn't stop the car.

When Gongsun Feiyang saw that something was not going well, he quickly pulled the direction and fled!

Chen Xin'an slept until twelve o'clock. When she woke up, Ning Xiruo had just come back and was busy in the kitchen.

Chen Xin'an simply took a shower and put on clean clothes.

He walked into the kitchen, hugged Ning Xiruo from behind, and asked with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, what are you having for lunch?"

"Oh, don't get in my way!" Ning Xiruo struggled a few times without resoluteness, then let him hug her and said with a smile:

"It's all hard food! You've been working so hard these past two days, so you need to replenish it!"

Chen Xin'an said with a bad smile: "Wherever I worked hard, it was you who took the initiative, okay? You worked much harder than me!"

Ning Xiruo's ears turned red, she pinched his arm and cursed: "Oh, you're annoying! I'm talking about what happened at night!"

"I didn't say it was during the day! You're too embarrassed to come during the day..." Chen Xin'an laughed loudly.

Ning Xiruo was so embarrassed that her face was almost bleeding. She turned around and hit his chest with her small fist and cursed:

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore! I'm full of dirty thoughts! Get out and don't stop me from cooking!"

It is said that there are hard dishes, and indeed they are all hard dishes.

Big lobster, hairy crab, big tortoise, big scallop...

As expected, it must be as hard as possible!

I originally thought it must taste fishy, ​​but surprisingly it turned out to be very fresh and delicious.

It seems that Xiaoxianggua’s cooking skills have greatly improved!

I had just eaten and looked at the time. It was only half past one.

Ning Xiruo didn't clear the table, but pulled Chen Xin'an into the back room.

With a blushing face, she took off Chen Xin'an's clothes, leaving Chen Xin'an stunned.

Why is this girl so proactive now?

And it also looks addictive, which is a bit abnormal!

Chen Xin'an hugged Ning Xiruo, bit her ear gently and asked:

"Xiao Xigua, what's wrong with you? You seem to be very impatient!"

Ning Xiruo gasped and kissed his mouth, and after a while she said softly:

"Husband, I want a child!"

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