Mentioning the name Xuecheng Guan Ao, it is almost a household name in the entire Guanbei.

Not just because he is the vice president of the Chinese Wushu Association.

More importantly, he is a philanthropic and chivalrous person, and is a highly respected hero in Guanbei.

The Guan family has been working as bodyguards for generations.

Our ancestors had guards with swords in front of the emperor.

A hundred years ago, when China was in war, some of the Guan family members served as personal guards for the great leaders.

Nowadays, the children of the Guan family mainly work as bodyguards for wealthy businessmen, and they are generally loyal and conscientious.

And every year, three or five people from the Guan family die on the job.

These people also made the Guan family famous.

It is still the first choice for rich people to choose bodyguards.

Some time ago, Guan Qing learned that something happened at home, so she did not come to Kyoto with Ning Xiruo and returned to Guanbei with Guan Qi.

I never expected that in just one month, the old man of the Guan family would pass away!

Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "Let's go back to the room!"

"But here at the banquet..." Ning Xiruo asked worriedly.

Chen Xin'an waved to Li Lingyin, and after she came over, she said:

"We have something to do. Let's go back first. I'll leave this place to you and Ling Yu!"

"Don't worry, boss!" Li Lingyin nodded.

Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo's hand and said, "Let's go!"

The two returned to the room, and Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "Send a video to Sister Qing!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded and started the video call.

After five rings, the call was answered, and Guan Qing appeared in front of the camera with red and swollen eyes.

"Miss, uncle!" Guan Qing forced a smile.

Chen Xin'an said straight to the point: "Sister Qing, can you tell me about your father's situation?"

Guan Qing wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "When I came back, my dad was already very serious.

He was injured in a martial arts competition before. Although he went to the hospital and took medicine, he never recovered.

I wanted to take him to the Kyoto Hospital, but he didn't go either.

Unexpectedly, I vomited a lot of blood in the past two days and my body looked like it was not working anymore.

In the early morning of the day before yesterday, he..."

A woman's voice came from the video: "Ah Qing, when are you still thinking of chatting with me?

You’re so busy inside and out, can’t you see?

I know how to be lazy all day long! "

Guan Qing turned around and explained: "Sister-in-law, this is my boss..."

A woman’s loud voice came: “What a bullshit boss!

If your boss hadn't delayed things, he wouldn't have let you come back.

Maybe you can help your father compete in martial arts, and your father won't have to die!

After working for your boss for so many years, your father is dead. What does your boss say?

When your father's funeral is held tomorrow, don't go back, just help at home!

You are already an old girl in your thirties, don’t wander around the world all day long!

I will find a good husband for you. Get married as soon as possible! "

Guan Qing looked ashamed and embarrassed, turned around and shouted: "Sister-in-law, what are you talking nonsense about? You don't need to worry about my affairs! Brother, take care of sister-in-law!"

A man's deep voice came: "Your sister-in-law is also doing this for your own good!"

Guan Qingqi's face turned blue and she shouted angrily: "I don't need you to worry about me!"

She walked out quickly with her mobile phone in hand. After a while she stopped and said to the mobile phone:

"I'm sorry, miss, uncle, I made you laugh!"

"Don't worry about these little things!" Chen Xin'an looked at the surrounding environment and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, have you come to the mourning hall?"

Guan Qing nodded and said: "Yes, it is clean here. Seventh Brother is here to guard..."

Guan Qi's haggard face appeared in the video, and he looked like he didn't have enough sleep.

"Brother An, Mr. Ning!" Guan Qi greeted Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "You can't do it in this state! You have to get some sleep as soon as possible, otherwise your body will collapse!"

Guan Qing said angrily: "My second father was afraid that my seventh brother would do something stupid, so he arranged for him to guard my father for five days and nights.

The night vigil and the busy schedule during the day are so overwhelming that even an iron man can't stand it..."

"I can bear it!" Guan Qi said with a sullen face: "I just feel that our father left strangely..."

Chen Xin'an asked: "Sister Qing, you just said that the old man coughed up blood before he left? What other symptoms are there?"

Guan Qing said without thinking: "Hemoptysis, chest tightness, vomiting after eating, dizziness and unable to stand..."

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo's expressions changed at the same time.

This symptom is the same as Luo Lie's current situation!

Is this a coincidence? still……

Chen Xin'an looked solemn and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, my request may be a bit abrupt, but I hope you can understand!

I want to see what the old man looks like now. Can you take a photo for me? "

"Ah?" Guan Qing was stunned.

According to the custom in Guanbei, after the elderly person leaves the family, they must be kept in the coffin for three days before the funeral.

So there is a coffin next to it, and Mr. Guan Ao is inside.

Just taking pictures with your mobile phone is a bit disrespectful to the deceased.

Guan Qing only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and walked to the coffin.

Guan Qi wanted to stop him and opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

An old man's dark-gray face appeared in the camera, and he could feel the coldness of this man through the screen.

He squinted his eyes slightly and opened his mouth half-open, as if he was still dead.

"Guan Qing, what the hell are you doing!"

Suddenly there was an angry roar from a man outside. It seemed like someone ran over quickly and wanted to take away her mobile phone!

Guan Qi quickly stood up and rushed over. She hugged him and explained to him: "Second brother, don't be angry. Ninth sister is taking photos to show to the boss..."

The second brother yelled angrily: "What are you talking about, Feite! I'm blind, I can't see that she is taking photos?"

What's going on here and you're still taking pictures here?

Are you two just kids and ignorant? "

Guan Qing quickly said to him: "Second brother, don't get me wrong. My boss is a descendant of ancient medicine. He wants to see my father..."

"What are you looking at?

What kind of bullshit is the descendant of ancient medicine?

Why are you watching when your father is dead?

This is disrespectful to your father!

What kind of bad boss are you? You don’t understand anything!

Xiaoqi, you are also fooling around, right?

Get out of here, both of you! "

Guan Qing once said that the ranking within their clan does not matter whether they are brothers or sisters, cousins ​​are also considered.

Therefore, Guan Qi ranks seventh and Guan Qing ranks ninth.

It's not that their parents have nine children, but that there are nine brothers and sisters in their generation within three servers.

Guan Ao is the eldest, and he has three brothers and two sisters.

The previous eldest brother was the eldest son of the second uncle Guan Qing, and this second brother was the second son.

Seeing that Guan Qing was about to get angry, Chen Xin'an stopped her and said, "Sister Qing, do you believe me?"

Guan Qing nodded vigorously and said, "Uncle, I believe it!"

Chen Xin'an responded: "Okay! Now go and open the old man's mouth.

Look at the roots of her gums. Are they black? Are there any blood stasis?

Look at the corners of his eyes again. Are they dark blue?

Find a cotton ball or white paper and stuff it into the old man's nostrils.

See if there are any blood stains stuck to it! "

Guan Qing took a deep breath, pulled Guan Qi over, handed him the phone and said:

"Brother Qi, help me take the photo!"

Guan Qi looked at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo in the video. She said nothing and just nodded vigorously.

Watching Guan Qing walk to the coffin and put her hands into the coffin.

The second brother was furious and pointed at her and yelled:

"Bitch girl, are you crazy?

This is simply treason!

Do you understand that the dead are the most important?

What's more, he is your biological father!

I'm talking to you, stop it! "

He rushed over, trying to push Guan Qing away.

Guan Qing made a defensive posture and shouted to him: "Second brother, don't stop me!

There is something strange about my father's death, I want to find out!

The boss is helping me, no one of you can stop me! "

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