Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 821 Second brother, you are very weak

The mourning hall, which was supposed to be a solemn place, was now like a vegetable market and extremely noisy.

An old man who came after hearing the news pointed at Guan Qing and Guan Qi with a gloomy face and cursed: "Kick these two beasts out!"

Guan Qi was stunned, feeling that she was wronged.

I am just a photographer, why are I included?

The second brother rushed in with a group of people, surrounded Guan Qing and pulled her away from the coffin.

Guan Qing struggled and shouted: "What are you doing! The person lying inside is my father!"

"You still know it's your father?" the old man cursed angrily: "Do you think of me as a daughter?

Your father is gone and why don't you let him stop? What are you fussing over?

Unfilial son, if you dare to do this again, get out of here! "

Guan Qing gritted her teeth and said, "My father died in a strange way! My boss also feels suspicious.

It would be unfilial to let my father leave in a daze! "

"Bastard!" The old man pointed at her and cursed: "Your father was injured because his skills were inferior to others.

Coupled with the onset of old illnesses, I couldn't hold on any longer!

What's fishy?

Your boss is not doing his job, tell him to go away!

This is a family matter of my Guan family, and no outsider can comment on it!

Just listen to what others say. Is your surname Guan or your boss’s surname? "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo on the other side of the phone looked at each other a little strangely.

Although Guan Qing's approach was a bit outrageous, as the biological child of the deceased, it was understandable.

It's just that the reactions of the old man and the second brother were a little too extreme, right?

"Not as skilled as others?" Guan Qing looked frosty, turned to look at the old man and said, "Second uncle, the person competing with my father is Qiu Laosi from Hantie Mountain, right?

I went to see him the next day after I came back, and now he is still lying in the hospital!

With his three-legged cat kung fu, there is no way he could hurt my dad!

I asked, and my dad was fine before, but he only had health problems before and after the competition!

It disappeared in less than a month. Isn’t that strange?

Also, second uncle, you can scold me because you are my elder.

But never insult my boss! "

"Hey, Guan Qing, you've been out for a few years and you've already made a fortune!" The second brother looked at Guan Qing sideways and said in a strange way:

"Why, after finding a boss, you feel like you have a backer?

Do you still know that my father is your second uncle?

Just do whatever your boss asks you to do. You might as well just follow your boss!

If your boss is so capable, then let him save your father! "

Guan Qing suddenly looked at the coffin next to her and shouted with surprise: "Dad, why are you up!"

Everyone was startled and turned their heads suddenly.

The second brother was even more horrified and turned around quickly.

It was quiet inside the coffin, with no movement at all.

But at this moment, Guan Qing took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, rushed over, and opened the old man's mouth with his hands!

"Guan Qing, what are you doing!" The second brother knew that he had been fooled. He stepped forward angrily and grabbed Guan Qing's shoulder with one move!

At this time, Guan Qing had already taken out a tissue and stuffed it into the nostrils of the old man in the coffin!

As her left arm was held by her second brother, Guan Qing leaned back.

The tissue was pulled out from the old man's nostril, and it was already stained with sporadic blood!

"Brother Seven!" Guan Qing shouted: "Dad was poisoned to death! He died unjustly!"

Guan Qi's face changed drastically, and she suddenly rushed forward, pushed her second brother with one hand, and shouted: "Second brother, I'm offended!"

The second brother wanted to turn around to resist, but Guan Qing suddenly grabbed his hands, making him unable to struggle!

This palm pushed him on the back, causing him to stumble forward and almost fall to the ground!

"Sister Qing!" Chen Xin'an, who saw everything in his eyes, suddenly shouted: "Let me tell you!"

"Okay!" Guan Qing responded, grabbing the phone in Guan Qi's hand, turning the video screen to everyone, and turning the volume to the maximum!

Chen Xin'an faced the Guan family members around her and said loudly: "Dear Guan family members, I am Chen Xin'an, a direct disciple of Medical Immortal Yao Zhifeng!"

This is the first time that Chen Xin'an has used the name of Master.

There is no way, the situation is special, and only a senior figure like Master can control the situation.

Maybe this name doesn't work elsewhere.

But in the Guan family, it is very intimidating!

Because the Guan family has been practicing martial arts for generations, they have always been pure Jianghu people.

"The apprentice of the Medical Immortal Yao Zhifeng? Are you fake? The Medical Immortal is a legendary ancient medical expert. Is his apprentice so young?"

"Who is the Medical Fairy? Why haven't I heard of it? You are so shameless and dare to call yourself a Medical Fairy..."

"Shut up! You brats, how have you ever heard of the reputation of a medical fairy!

This is a nickname given to him by people in the world of martial arts, not by him!

Our Guan family has also received favors from the medical fairy.

Stop talking nonsense and blaspheming the medical fairy! "

"The key point is that Chen Xin'an is too young. Is he really the apprentice of the medical immortal? But at this age, how much skills can he learn from the medical immortal?"

"He said that my uncle was poisoned? How is this possible? Listen to what he said!"

Chen Xin'an continued: "Mr. Guan's situation is not special, because Mr. Luo Lieluo, the president of the Wushu Association, also has the same symptoms now!

Hemoptysis, vomiting, blue and black complexion, dizziness and weakness.

This is the manifestation of poisoning! "

Everyone was in an uproar.

Of course they knew Luo Lie, they had heard of him even if they had never met him.

The president and vice president of the Wushu Association have the same symptoms. Is this a coincidence?

Even a fool knows it’s impossible!

The second brother came over and cursed angrily: "Don't listen to his nonsense here!

He is here to stir up trouble!

Can you tell from a thousand miles away that your uncle was poisoned?

Your master is a medical immortal, do you think of yourself as an immortal too? "

Chen Xin'an said: "Sister Qing, stay closer to him!"

Guan Qing took her mobile phone and put the camera close to her second brother.

"What are you doing!" The second brother leaned back and waved his hands angrily.

Chen Xin'an was a little speechless. He asked you to get closer to him and didn't let you shine the camera in his face!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "You have dull eyes, dark bags under your eyes, pale tongue with white coating, swollen skin, exposed nose hairs, and withered hair.

Second brother, you are very weak!

Do you often quarrel with your wife now?

Have you slept in separate beds tonight?

I have to hold my hands to urinate, and it often drips into my pants, right?

You must wake up no less than three times a night..."

"Shut up!" Before Chen Xin'an could finish speaking, the second brother screamed in panic, as if he had been stripped naked in public!

"It's nonsense! It's just nonsense here! Don't believe what he says!"

A woman ran over, stared at Chen Xin'an in the video and said, "Doctor, you got everything right!

This loser has been sleeping with me for half a year!

Can you see if he can still be cured?

If it can’t be cured, I will divorce him!

I am not yet forty, and I am a widow all day long!

Not worth it!

Is a man still considered a man if he can't even climb onto his wife's belly? "

"Shut up!" The second brother was about to cry!

What kind of evil is this? I have completely lost my face today!

The people around him all looked strange, looking at the second brother with eyes full of sympathy and ridicule.

I didn’t expect that my second brother, who usually makes noisy comments and always points fingers at others, would be so miserable in private, and he could hardly be considered a man anymore!

However, the Guan family also has some admiration for Chen Xin'an.

"You are worthy of being the apprentice of the Medical Immortal! Although he is very young, his medical skills are very impressive!"

"That's right, you can tell whether a person is sick or not just by looking at the phone twice. This is a miracle doctor!"

"In that case, the old man was really poisoned to death?"

Everyone fell silent.

The second uncle looked at the phone with a gloomy face and said, "You said my eldest brother was poisoned? Then what kind of poison did you say he was poisoned?"

"This is easy to handle!" Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Now just take the old man to the hospital for a check-up!"

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