Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 876 You are far behind the Fei family

Chen Xin'an, you are my ancestor!

Gongsun Feiyang’s people are numb!

The other party has two or three hostages, including comrades, women, and children. You rush out in such a arrogant way, you don't treat them as dishes!

The group of people were all startled, and turned around to look at Chen Xin'an, who was strutting over.

The leader was a dark-faced man with a scar at the corner of his eye, giving him a fierce look.

"Brother Tian!" A young man in his twenties with a mohawk called in a low voice to the black-faced man.

Brother Tian nodded, and the young man stepped forward with a knife, stood in front of Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Stop! Who the hell are you? Who asked you to come here?

Didn’t I tell you not to come here today?

Are you still here to find us?

Do you know who we are? "

Chen Xin'an looked over the young man's shoulder. Wu Yan looked a little haggard, but she was not injured. There were just some slap marks on her face and blood on the corners of her mouth.

Seeing Chen Xin'an, her originally dull eyes were immediately filled with surprise, and she shouted loudly:

"Mr. Chen! The Grasshopper is in the tree hole!"

Xiang Fang turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an, his face full of shame, but he pulled the rope hard with both hands.

The man in a suit next to him held a wooden stick with a thick wrist in his hand. He hit him hard on the back with the stick and cursed at him: "Pull it up! Who asked you to pull it up!"

Fang Fang's face was angry and he stared at him fiercely.

In front of colleagues and Chen Xinan, you must always show a strong spirit!

"I told you to be aggressive!" The man in the suit picked up the stick and hit Fang Fang's body.

After being hit with two sticks, Fang Fang finally couldn't hold on any longer. With a grimace and a frustrated expression, he obediently sent the rope down again.

The young man thrust the knife in his hand at Chen Xin'an's chest and said with a sneer:

"Hey, we still know each other?

Are you here to save them?

Just you two?

Mr. Chen? Which Mr. Chen? Name it and let me know it!

Why didn’t I know that there was a person named Chen in Kyoto who scared everyone in my Mo family...

Mr. Chen? ! "

The young man finally reacted and his laughter stopped abruptly.

Chen Xin'an still looked at him with a smile, waved and said hello: "Hi, I'm Chen Xin'an!"

"Brother Tian, ​​this guy is Chen Xin'an!" Three or four people around him cheered and surrounded Chen Xin'an.

Brother Tian stepped forward and said to Chen Xin'an: "Are you the kid who dares to attack my brother Ting?

I thought you had three heads and six arms!

I originally wanted to deal with this matter and then go see you.

I didn’t expect you to deliver it to your door yourself!

Okay, since you want to die so much, I will make it happen for you!

I'll kill you in this triangular beach and dig a hole for your body and bury it.

It’s as if you have never lived in this world!

Remember, my name is Mo Xintian. If you come to me for revenge in the next life, don’t come to the wrong person! "

These people were all thugs of the Mo family, and they surrounded Chen Xin'an.

In addition to the direction, there is another person holding a stick.

There was also a young man sitting at the root of the big tree, about thirty years old, looking at his mobile phone.

He didn't even raise his head, as if the matter here had nothing to do with him.

Gongsun Feiyang stood alone, a little unbalanced.

He didn't just come here to watch the fun, he wanted to fight with Chen Xin'an!

He coughed twice, imitated Chen Xin'an's tone, and greeted everyone:

"Hi, I'm a male...!"

No one paid attention to him. Chen Xin'an was surrounded by stars like a moon, with four or five hands pointing at him:

"I heard that it was you who chewed up our Mo family's hundreds of millions? If you are wise, spit it out right away!"

"Young Master Mo's leg was injured by him, right? He still can't get out of bed! I'll break his leg first!"

"This kid has been quite crazy in Kyoto recently, making enemies everywhere. I heard that many people in the Fei family were killed by him!

But if you think that our Mo family is the same as the Fei family, you are totally wrong! "

Chen Xin'an, who was surrounded by everyone, did not show any nervousness on his face. He picked his ears with the little finger of his left hand and said impatiently:

"It's so noisy! Are you, the Mo family, all quarrelsome?

I'm Chen Xin'an, and I'm here to beat you up!

Your Young Master Mo is still in my hands!

But whether he lives or dies depends on his own fate! "

Everyone's expressions changed, and they yelled and cursed even more fiercely!

The young man holding the knife shouted angrily, stabbed Chen Xin'an in the heart, and cursed: "You dare to touch me, the eldest son of the Mo family? Go to hell!"

Chen Xin'an refused to dodge, and grabbed his wrist with her right hand. With a twist, she turned the other person's arm in a 180-degree circle!


Everyone heard the crisp sound of an arm being broken, followed immediately by the young man's howl like a pig being slaughtered!

"Let go of Xiao Liangzi!" A short and sturdy man shouted angrily and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the ribs.

At the same time, several other people took action at the same time.

In the flash of cold light, several knives stabbed Chen Xin'an's body in all directions at almost the same time!

"That's right! If you want to fight, just fight. The whining makes me the most annoying!" Chen Xin'an grinned.

There was no fear on his face, and his body was like a loach, twisting and dodging back and forth among the crowd!

Mo Xintian was clearly aiming at Chen Xin'an's heart. With one strike, the opponent would definitely die.

But in the blink of an eye, the other party twisted his body and pressed against his arm.

Before he could stop his guard, the other party followed his arm to his back, back to back with him!

Then Chen Xin'an's butt was pushed, and Mo Xintian was involuntarily pushed forward, staggering two steps forward, and was stabbed in the chest!

Thanks to his quick reaction, he swung to the left when the tip of the knife pierced his body, and then kicked the opponent in the stomach, causing the opponent to stagger back!

Finally, I was not shocked by the other party, but I was also shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

In anger, he struck back with a knife!

The person in front of him let out a scream, but it was Xiao Liangzi who had broken his arm, and he slashed his upper arm with a knife!

"What's going on!" Mo Xintian himself was stunned.

It's obvious that the guy behind this is Chen Xin'an, why did he become a little Liangzi?

His eyes flashed, and Chen Xin'an appeared in front of him again like a ghost, and hit him in the middle of the nose with a closing fist!

He could clearly hear the sound of his nose bones breaking.

He screamed in severe pain, and was kicked across again. His body was knocked sideways and he fell to the ground!

Just as he was about to stand up, a large forty-five size shoe stepped on his face.

As soon as that person walked by, another person stepped heavily on the most vulnerable place between his legs!


Mo Xintian covered his crotch and sat up with a big shoe mark on his face.

His eyes rolled up, and his whole body was shaking with pain.


The stocky man was kicked and stumbled over.

He was tripped by Mo Xingxin's foot and bumped into him.

Their heads collided with each other, and they both fainted to the ground at the same time!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the necks of two Mo family disciples with one hand, looked at them and asked, "Are you ready?"

Before the two Mo family disciples understood what it meant, Chen Xinan clasped his hands together.

With a bang, they hit each other hard, their heads were bruised and bleeding, and they fainted on the spot!

There was no one standing next to Chen Xin'an.

He clapped his hands with disdain and said with unfinished meaning:

"Just this little strength?

You are far behind the Fei family! "

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